
Defines functions selectBest selectHastie selectMin

# --------------------------------------
# Author: Andreas Alfons
#         Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam
# --------------------------------------

## Model selection criteria based on prediction loss
## Determine the best model based on prediction loss.
## \code{selectMin} selects the model with the smallest prediction loss.
## \code{selectHastie} is useful for nested models or for models where a
## tuning parameter controls the complexity of the model (e.g., penalized
## regression).  It selects the most parsimonious model whose prediction error
## is no larger than \code{seFactor} standard errors above the prediction error
## of the best model.  In particular a one-standard-error rule is frequently
## applied.
## @rdname selectBest
## @name selectBest
## @param x  a numeric vector containing the estimated prediction errors for
## the models.
## @param se  a numeric vector containing the estimated standard errors of the
## prediction loss for the models.
## @param seFactor  a numeric value giving the multiplication factor of the
## standard error.
## @return An integer giving the index of the best model.
## @note These functions are designed to be supplied to
## \code{\link{perrySelect}} or \code{\link{perryTuning}}.
## @author Andreas Alfons
## @references
## Hastie, T., Tibshirani, R. and Friedman, J. (2009) \emph{The Elements of
## Statistical Learning: Data Mining, Inference, and Prediction}.  Springer,
## 2nd edition.
## @seealso \code{\link{perrySelect}}, \code{\link{perryTuning}}
## @keywords utilities
## @rdname selectBest
## @export
selectMin <- function(x) which.min(x)

## @rdname selectBest
## @export
selectHastie <- function(x, se, seFactor = 1) {
  i <- which.min(x)
  within <- which(x[seq_len(i)] < (x[i] + seFactor * se[i]))
  if(length(within) == 0) i else within[1]  # ensure it works if se[i] is NA

# selectDiff <- function(x, se, seFactor = 1) {
#   i <- which.min(x)
#   seqI <- seq_len(i)
#   out <- which(c(TRUE, (diff(x[seqI]) + seFactor * se[seqI[-1]]) < 0))
#   tail(out, 1)
# }
# selectRelChange <- function(x, se, seFactor = 1, threshold = 0.001) {
#   # find models with large enough relative change
#   i <- which.min(x)
#   xSeqI <- x[seq_len(i)]
#   keep <- which((xSeqI - x[i]) / max(xSeqI) > threshold)
#   # call selectHastie() for the remaining models
#   selectHastie(xSeqI[keep], se[keep], seFactor=seFactor)
# }

## select the best model
selectBest <- function(pe, se, method = c("min", "hastie"), seFactor = NA) {
  ## FIXME: if 'seFactor' is NA or 'se' contains only NA's,
  # the output of "selectBest" should be "min"
  # initializations
  method <- match.arg(method)
  # find best model
  if(method == "min") {
    seFactor <- NA
    best <- sapply(pe[, -1, drop=FALSE], selectMin)
  } else {
    seFactor <- rep(seFactor, length.out=1)
    best <- sapply(names(pe)[-1], {
      function(j) selectHastie(pe[, j], se[, j], seFactor=seFactor)
  # return list
  list(best=best, selectBest=method, seFactor=seFactor)
aalfons/perry documentation built on Nov. 27, 2021, 7:48 a.m.