
Defines functions setupCritPlot.perrySparseLTS setupCritPlot.perrySeqModel setupCritPlot.bicSelect setupCritPlot.sparseLTS setupCritPlot.tslars setupCritPlot.seqModel setupCritPlot

Documented in setupCritPlot setupCritPlot.perrySeqModel setupCritPlot.perrySparseLTS setupCritPlot.seqModel setupCritPlot.sparseLTS setupCritPlot.tslars

# --------------------------------------
# Author: Andreas Alfons
#         Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam
# --------------------------------------

#' Set up an optimality criterion plot of a sequence of regression models
#' Extract the relevent information for a plot of the values of the optimality
#' criterion for a sequence of regression models, such as submodels along a
#' robust or groupwise least angle regression sequence, or sparse least trimmed
#' squares regression models for a grid of values for the penalty parameter.
#' @aliases setupCritPlot.rlars setupCritPlot.grplars setupCritPlot.tslarsP
#' @param object  the model fit from which to extract information.
#' @param which  a character string specifying the type of plot.  Possible
#' values are \code{"line"} (the default) to plot the (average) results for
#' each model as a connected line, \code{"dot"} to create a dot plot,
#' \code{"box"} to create a box plot, or \code{"density"} to create a smooth
#' density plot.  Note that the last two plots are only available in case of
#' prediction error estimation via repeated resampling.
#' @param p  an integer giving the lag length for which to extract information
#' (the default is to use the optimal lag length).
#' @param fit  a character string specifying for which estimator to extract
#' information.  Possible values are \code{"reweighted"} (the default) for
#' the reweighted fits, \code{"raw"} for the raw fits, or \code{"both"} for
#' both estimators.
#' @param \dots  additional arguments to be passed down.
#' @return  An object inheriting from class \code{"setupCritPlot"} with the
#' following components:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{\code{data}}{a data frame containing the following columns:
#'   \describe{
#'     \item{\code{Fit}}{a vector or factor containing the identifiers of the
#'     models along the sequence.}
#'     \item{\code{Name}}{a factor specifying the estimator for which the
#'     optimality criterion was estimated (\code{"reweighted"} or \code{"raw"};
#'     only returned if both are requested in the \code{"sparseLTS"} or
#'     \code{"perrySparseLTS"} methods).}
#'     \item{\code{PE}}{the estimated prediction errors (only returned if
#'     applicable).}
#'     \item{\code{BIC}}{the estimated values of the Bayesian information
#'     criterion (only returned if applicable).}
#'     \item{\code{Lower}}{the lower end points of the error bars (only
#'     returned if possible to compute).}
#'     \item{\code{Upper}}{the upper end points of the error bars (only
#'     returned if possible to compute).}
#'   }
#'   }
#'   \item{\code{which}}{a character string specifying the type of plot.}
#'   \item{\code{grouped}}{a logical indicating whether density plots should
#'   be grouped due to multiple model fits along the sequence (only returned
#'   in case of density plots for the \code{"perrySeqModel"} and
#'   \code{"perrySparseLTS"} methods).}
#'   \item{\code{includeSE}}{a logical indicating whether error bars based on
#'   standard errors are available (only returned in case of line plots or dot
#'   plots).}
#'   \item{\code{mapping}}{default aesthetic mapping for the plots.}
#'   \item{\code{facets}}{default faceting formula for the plots (only
#'   returned if both estimators are requested in the \code{"sparseLTS"}
#'   or \code{"perrySparseLTS"} methods).}
#'   \item{\code{tuning}}{a data frame containing the grid of tuning parameter
#'   values for which the optimality criterion was estimated (only returned for
#'   the \code{"sparseLTS"} and \code{"perrySparseLTS"} methods).}
#' }
#' @author Andreas Alfons
#' @seealso \code{\link{critPlot}}, \code{\link{rlars}},
#' \code{\link{grplars}}, \code{\link{rgrplars}}, \code{\link{tslarsP}},
#' \code{\link{rtslarsP}}, \code{\link{tslars}}, \code{\link{rtslars}},
#' \code{\link{sparseLTS}}
#' @example inst/doc/examples/example-setupCritPlot.R
#' @keywords utilities
#' @export

setupCritPlot <- function(object, ...) UseMethod("setupCritPlot")

#' @rdname setupCritPlot
#' @export

setupCritPlot.seqModel <- function(object, which = c("line", "dot"), ...) {
  ## extract optimality criterion
  crit <- object$crit
  if (is.null(crit)) stop("optimality criterion data not available")
  which <- match.arg(which)
  ## construct object containing relevant information for plotting
  setupCritPlot(crit, which = which, s = object$s, ...)

#' @rdname setupCritPlot
#' @export

setupCritPlot.tslars <- function(object, p, ...) {
  ## check lag length
  if (missing(p) || !is.numeric(p) || length(p) == 0) p <- object$pOpt
  if (length(p) > 1) {
    p <- p[1]
    warning(sprintf("multiple lag lengths not yet supported; using p = %d", p))
  pMax <- object$pMax
  if (p < 1) {
    p <- 1
    warning("lag length too small, using lag length 1")
  } else if (p > pMax) {
    p <- pMax
    warning(sprintf("lag length too large, using maximum lag length %d", p))
  ## call method for specified lag length
  setupCritPlot(object$pFit[[p]], ...)

#' @rdname setupCritPlot
#' @export

setupCritPlot.sparseLTS <- function(object, which = c("line", "dot"),
                                    fit = c("reweighted", "raw", "both"),
                                    ...) {
  ## initializations
  crit <- object$crit
  if (is.null(crit)) stop("optimality criterion data not available")
  which <- match.arg(which)
  fit <- match.arg(fit)
  select <- if (fit == "both") NULL else fit
  ## construct object containing relevant information for plotting
  setupCritPlot(crit, which = which,
                tuning = data.frame(lambda = object$lambda),
                select = select)

## workhorse function to prepare BIC values for plotting
## This function is called internally by other methods, it is not expected that
## the user calls this method directly.  Hence, this method is not included in
## the documentation of setupCritPlot().
# object ... object of class "bicSelect"
# s ........ integer vector of step numbers for the sequence of models
# tuning ... data frame containing additional information such as values of a
#            tuning parameter
# select ... indicates columns of a BIC matrix to keep
#' @export

setupCritPlot.bicSelect <- function(object, which = "line", s = NULL,
                                    tuning = NULL, select = NULL, ...) {
  # extract BIC values and make sure they are in matrix form
  bic <- object$values
  if (!is.null(dim(bic)) && !is.null(select)) bic <- bic[, select, drop = FALSE]
  bic <- as.data.frame(bic)
  # define index of the submodels
  d <- dim(bic)
  # check data frames for BIC and additional information
  if (any(d == 0)) stop("BIC data has no rows or columns")
  if (is.null(s)) s <- seq_len(d[1])
  else if (!is.numeric(s) || length(s) != d[1]) {
    stop(sprintf("'s' must be a vector of length %d", d[1]))
  if (!is.null(tuning) && (!is.data.frame(tuning) || nrow(tuning) != d[1])) {
    stop(sprintf("'tuning' must be a data frame with %d rows", d[1]))
  # construct data frame with information on optimality criterion
  if (!is.null(tuning) && ncol(tuning) == 1) fits <- tuning[, , drop = TRUE]
  else fits <- s
  if (d[2] == 1) {
    # combine information on the sequence with BIC values
    bic <- cbind(fits, bic)
    names(bic) <- c("Fit", "BIC")
    facets <- NULL
  } else {
    # reshape BIC matrix and add information on the sequence
    bic <- mapply(function(val, nam) {
      data.frame(Fit = fits, Name = rep.int(nam, d[1]), BIC = val)
    }, val = bic, nam = names(bic), SIMPLIFY = FALSE, USE.NAMES = FALSE)
    bic <- do.call(rbind, bic)
    facets <- . ~ Name
  # construct return object
  out <- list(data = bic, which = which, includeSE = FALSE,
              mapping = aes_string(x = "Fit", y = "BIC",
                                   ymin = "BIC", ymax = "BIC"))
  if (!is.null(facets)) out$facets <- facets
  if (!is.null(tuning)) out$tuning <- tuning
  class(out) <- c("setupBICPlot", "setupCritPlot")

#' @rdname setupCritPlot
#' @export

setupCritPlot.perrySeqModel <- function(object,
                                        which = c("line", "dot",
                                                  "box", "density"),
                                        ...) {
  # initializations
  if (object$splits$R > 1) which <- match.arg(which)
  else {
    choices <- eval(formals()[["which"]])
    if (identical(which, choices)) which <- "line"
    else which <- match.arg(which, c("line", "dot"))
  ## call setupPerryPlot() and add superclass
  out <- setupPerryPlot(object, which = which)
  class(out) <- c(class(out), "setupCritPlot")

#' @rdname setupCritPlot
#' @export

setupCritPlot.perrySparseLTS <- function(object,
                                         which = c("line", "dot",
                                                   "box", "density"),
                                         fit = c("reweighted", "raw", "both"),
                                         ...) {
  ## initializations
  if (object$splits$R > 1) which <- match.arg(which)
  else {
    choices <- eval(formals()[["which"]])
    if (identical(which, choices)) which <- "line"
    else which <- match.arg(which, c("line", "dot"))
  fit <- match.arg(fit)
  if (fit == "both") fit <- NULL
  ## call setupPerryPlot() and add superclass
  out <- setupPerryPlot(object, which = which, select = fit)
  ## if only one fit is to be plotted, the plot is facetted by default
  if (!is.null(fit)) out$facets <- NULL
  class(out) <- c(class(out), "setupCritPlot")
aalfons/robustHD documentation built on Sept. 30, 2023, 10:39 p.m.