
swingTwistDecomp <- function(q, v){

	## http://www.euclideanspace.com/maths/geometry/rotations/for/decomposition/
	## This isn't yet written to return two orthogonal axes and the rotations about each
	## It seems the twist and swing axes are axes about which the new direction is 
	## rotated. It should be possible to calculate the orthogonal vector pair from this.

	# Make sure v is unit vector
	v <- uvector(v)

	# Rotation axis
	ra <- q[2:4]
	# Projection of ra onto v
	p <- vproj(ra, v)

	# Normalized twist quaternion - twist axis determined by input quaternion
	twist <- uvector(c(q[1], p[1:3]))

	# Swing quaternion
	swing <- qprod(q, c(twist[1], -twist[2:4]))

	# Get axes and angle
	t_q2aa <- quat2AxisAngle(twist)
	s_q2aa <- quat2AxisAngle(swing)

#		'twist.axis'=v, 
aaronolsen/linkR documentation built on June 13, 2019, 5:39 p.m.