
Defines functions read_gwas read_gwas_file

Documented in read_gwas

#' Read a GWAS results file into a data frame.
#' @inheritParams data.table::fread
#' @param input Path to a file containing GWAS summary statistics. If multiple
#'   paths are specified all files will be read in and combined into a single
#'   \code{data.frame}.
#' @param missing Vector of characters that represent missing value codes. By
#'   default the following strings are interpreted as \code{NA}: \code{""},
#'   \code{"."}, \code{"NA"}, \code{"N/A"}, and \code{"null"}.
#' @param chromosome_style Convert chromosomes to ordered factors with labels
#'   based on the specified style (default is \code{"ucsc"}; see below for a
#'   comparison of the different styles). Set to \code{NULL} to leave
#'   chromosomes unchanged.
#  manually document sep because inheritParams doesn't escape the tab character
#' @param sep The separator between columns. Defaults to the first character in
#'   the set [\code{,\\t |;:}] that exists on line \code{autostart} outside
#'   quoted (\code{""}) regions, and separates the rows above \code{autostart}
#'   into a consistent number of fields, too.
#' @param preprocess a shell command that preprocesses the file; see below for
#'   more details
#' @param verbose Provide description of processing steps
#' @section Chromosome Styles:
#' We use the \emph{Homo sapiens} chromosome styles defined in Bioconductor's
#' \href{https://bioconductor.org/packages/GenomeInfoDb}{\code{GenomeInfoDb}}.
#' Valid options include \code{"ncbi"}, \code{"ensembl"}, \code{"ucsc"} and
#' \code{"dbsnp"}. The following table provides a preview of each style (note
#' \code{ncbi} and \code{ensembl} are identical):
#' \tabular{rrr}{
#'   ncbi/ensembl  \tab ucsc  \tab dbsnp\cr
#'   1             \tab chr1  \tab ch1 \cr
#'   2             \tab chr2  \tab ch2\cr
#'   3             \tab chr3  \tab ch3\cr
#'   \dots         \tab \dots \tab \dots\cr
#'   X             \tab chrX  \tab chX\cr
#'   Y             \tab chrY  \tab chY\cr
#'   MT            \tab chrM  \tab chMT
#' }
#' @section Preprocessing:
#' The \code{preprocessor} argument allows you to specify shell commands that
#' preprocess the file before it's read into \R. For example, we could use
#' \code{grep} to filter our results to include only markers with an RS number:
#' \preformatted{ read_gwas("my-results.txt", preprocess = "grep -e '^rs'") }
#' Note that \code{read_gwas()} handles the header row separately so column
#' labels wouldn't be filtered out by \code{grep} in this example.
#' By default, the input filename is appended to \code{preprocess} argument
#' prior to execution. However, you can control where the filename should be
#' inserted in the command by using \code{\%s} as a placeholder. In the following
#' example, \code{tr} is being used to remove null terminators:
#' \preformatted{
#'   read_gwas("my-results.txt", preprocess = "tr -d '\\000' < \%s")
#' }
#' @importFrom data.table fread
#' @importFrom tibble tibble as_tibble
#' @importFrom purrr map map_int map_chr map_lgl map2_chr walk2 set_names discard keep
#' @importFrom rlang is_named
#' @importFrom stringi stri_count_regex
#' @importFrom utils type.convert
#' @export

read_gwas <-
           sep = "auto",
           missing = c("NA", "N/A", "null", "."),
           chromosome_style = "ucsc",
           preprocess = NULL,
           nrows = -1L,
           header = TRUE,
           col.names = NULL,
           verbose = TRUE) {

  chromosome_style <- check_style(chromosome_style)

  # name each input file
  if (!rlang::is_named(input)) {
    nms <- map2_chr(basename(input), is_compressed(input), file_path_sans_ext)
    names(input) <- make.unique(nms)

  out <- lapply(input, read_gwas_file,
                missing = missing,
                preprocess = preprocess,
                sep = sep,
                nrows = nrows,
                header = header,
                col.names = col.names,
                verbose = verbose)

  if (length(out) > 1) {
    out <- data.table::rbindlist(out, idcol = ".gwas", fill = TRUE)
  } else {
    out <- out[[1]]

  if (!is.null(out$chromosome) & !is.null(chromosome_style)) {
    out[, "chromosome" := set_chromosomes(get("chromosome"), chromosome_style)]


read_gwas_file <- function(input, missing, preprocess, sep, nrows, header, col.names, verbose) {

  if (is_compressed(input)) {
    input <- switch(tools::file_ext(input),
      zip = decompress_zip(input),
      gz = decompress_gz(input)

  input.names <- read_colnames(input)
  name.types <- map(input.names, utils::type.convert)

  if (header & is.null(col.names) & any(map_lgl(name.types, is.numeric))) {
    warning("Detected numbers in first row, setting header=FALSE.", call. = FALSE)
    header <- FALSE

  if (header) {
    skip <- 1L
  } else {
    skip <- 0L
    if (is.null(col.names)) {
      input.names <- paste0("V", seq_along(input.names))
    } else {
      input.names <- col.names

  if (!is.null(preprocess)) {
    if (grepl("%s", preprocess)) {
      input <- sprintf(preprocess, input)
    } else {
      input <- paste(preprocess, input)

  data <- fread(
    input = input,
    sep = sep,
    col.names = input.names,
    skip = skip,
    nrows = nrows,
    header = FALSE,
    na.strings = missing,
    verbose = FALSE

  col.names <- detect_patterns(input.names)

  if (verbose) {
                 ~ message("Column ", .x, " renamed to ", .y))

  data.table::setnames(data, names(col.names), col.names)
aaronwolen/gwasio documentation built on Dec. 16, 2019, 4:49 p.m.