
#!/usr/bin/env Rscript --no-save

#	to.R
#	/Users/abl/local.projects/HeebDOG/data/earthquakes
#	Created by 
#		/Users/abl/bin/ropen ( v. 2.6.6 )
#	on 
#		2018:073 (14-March)
#	[ Loads the SCSN catalog, prepares it, and saves it to R-binary ]

## local functions

## libs

	# loads core tidy packages:  ggplot2, tibble, tidyr, readr, purrr, and dplyr


shake <- FALSE
redo <- FALSE
inter <- interactive()

fi <- 'catalog_current.fwf.gz'
#       1981 = year
#          1 = month
#          1 = day
#          4 = hour
#         13 = minute
#     55.710 = second
#    3301565 = SCSN cuspid (up to 9 digits)
#   33.25524 = latitude
# -115.96763 = longitude
#      5.664 = depth (km)
#       2.26 = SCSN calculated preferred magnitude (0.0 if unassigned)
#         45 = number of P and S picks used for 1D SSST or 3D location (different from old format)
#         17 =  to nearest statino in km (different from old format)
#       0.21 = rms residual (s) for 1D location; value of 99.0 indicates information not available
#          1 = local day/night flag (=0 for day, =1 for night in Calif.)
#          4 = location method flag (=1 for SCSN catalog or 1d hypoinverse relocation,
#                   =2 for 1D SSST,  =3 for 3D, =4 for waveform cross-correlation)
#        260 = similar event cluster identification number (0 if the event is not relocated with waveform cross-correlation data)
#        460 = number of events in similar event cluster (0 if the event is not in similar event clusters)
#       76 = number of differential times used to locate this event
#      0.300 = est. std. error (km) in absolute horz. position
#      0.800 = est. std. error (km) in absolute depth
#      0.003 = est. std. error (km) in horz. position relative to other events in cluster
#      0.003 = est. std. error (km) in depth relative to other events in cluster
#         le = SCSN flag for event type (le=local, qb=quarry, re=regional)
#         ct = for location method (ct=cross-correlation; 3d=3d velocity model; xx= not relocated, SCSN location used)
#       Poly5= the polygon where the earthquake is located.  We used 5 polygons to
# nms <- c('Year','Month','Day','Hour','Minute','Second',
# 	'CID','Lat.deg','Lon.deg', '', 'Mag', 
# 	'n.picks', '', 'rms',
# 	'nighttime', 'locmeth1', 
# 	'clustid', 'n.clust', 'n.difft', 
# 	'', '', 'rel.h.err', 'rel.z.err',
# 	'type', 'locmeth2', 'polyg')

# new for 2019 catalog, with change in method (to GrowClust)
# via
# 	• yr, mon, day, hr, min, sec: relocated origin time (columns 1–6)
# 	• evid: event ID (column 7)
# 	• latR, lonR, depR: relocated latitude, longitude and depth (decimal degrees and km; columns 8–10)
# 	• mag event magnitude (column 11)
# 	• qID, cID, nbranch: event serial ID number, cluster serial ID number, total number of events in this cluster (columns 12–14)
# 	• qnpair, qndiffP, qndiffS: number of event pairs, P-phase differential times, and S-phase differential times used to relocate this event (columns 15–17)
# 	• rmsP, rmsS: RMS residual differential times for this event for P- and S-phases (s; columns 18–19)
# 	• eh, ez, et: estimated location errors in horizontal (km), vertical (km), and origin time (s; columns 20–22)
# 	• latC, lonC, depC: initial (catalog) latitude, longitude and depth (decimal degrees and km; columns 23–25)
# i4, 4i3, f7.3, i10, f10.5, f11.5, f8.3, f6.2, 3i8, 3i6, 2f6.2,  3f8.3, 2x, f10.5, f11.5, f8.3
# [2x ??]
Cols <- readr::fwf_cols(Year=4, Month=3, Day=3, Hour=3, Minute=3, Second=7,
	CID=10, Lat.deg=10, Lon.deg=11,, Mag=6, 
	qID=8, cID=8, nbranch=8, qnpair=6, qndiffP=6, qndiffS=6, rmsP=6, rmsS=6, eh=8, ez=8, et=8, SKIP=2, latC=10, lonC=11, depC=8)
Typs <- stringr::str_replace_all('i iiii d i d d d d iii iii dd ddd - d d d', "\\s+", "")
#xx <- readr::read_fwf(fi, Cols, Typs, n_max=10)

if (!exists('scsn.o') | !inter) scsn.o <- readr::read_fwf(fi, Cols, Typs)

redo.proc <- FALSE
if (!exists('scsn_') | !exists('scsn_arr') | redo.proc){
  scsn.o %>% dplyr::filter(Hour >= 0) %>%
#     Month = as.numeric(Month),
#     Day = as.numeric(Day),
#     Hour = as.numeric(Hour),
#     Minute = abs(as.numeric(Minute)),
#     Minute = ifelse(Minute==60, 59, Minute),
#     Second = as.numeric(Second),
     CID = as.character(CID),
#     nighttime = as.logical(trimws(nighttime)),
#     n.difft = as.integer(n.difft),
#     rms = ifelse(rms==99, NA, rms),
#     locmeth1 = factor(locmeth1),
#     type = factor(type),
#     locmeth2 = factor(locmeth2),
#     polyg = factor(polyg),
    DateTime = ISOdatetime(Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Second, tz='UTC')
  ) %>% dplyr::arrange(CID) -> scsn_
  scsn_ %>% unique %>% dplyr::arrange(DateTime, CID) -> scsn_arr
  attr(scsn_arr, 'scsn_assembly') <- list(Date=Sys.time(), SI=sessionInfo())


nonunique <- scsn_arr %>% dplyr::group_by(CID) %>% dplyr::summarize(N=n()) %>% dplyr::filter(N>1)

scsn <- if (nrow(nonunique)>0){
  warning("  --> Does NOT check OK! -- stripping out duplicates:", immediate. = TRUE)
  dupes. <- nonunique$CID
  scsn_arr2 <- scsn_arr %>% dplyr::filter(!(CID %in% dupes.))
  #scsn_arr2 %>% dplyr::group_by(CID) %>% dplyr::summarize(N=n()) %>% dplyr::filter(N>1) -> nonunique2
} else {
  message('  --> checks OK')

if (!all.equal(nrow(nonunique) + nrow(scsn) - nrow(scsn_arr), 0)){
  stop('Something went awry trying to remove duplicates... Check manually')
} else {
  message("(stripping duplicates succeeded...)")

#+++++++++++ <- TRUE
if (!inter |{
  rdafi <- 'scsn.rda'
  message('Saving ', rdafi, '...')
  save(scsn, file=rdafi, compress='xz')
} else {
  warning("Interactive mode -- no saving for speed purposes")
abarbour/yhs.catalog documentation built on April 6, 2022, 5:56 p.m.