
#' Feature Ranking Resampling Summary
#' Wrapper that aggregates results obtained from a feature ranking resampling
#' strategy.  If p values have been calculated by the feature ranking technique
#' on the overall dataset, adjusted p-values by one of the methods available in
#' \code{\link{p.adjust}} are also returned.
#' @usage fs.summary(res1,res2,padjust="fdr",sorting=TRUE)
#' @param res1 A list returned from \code{\link{feat.rank.re}}.
#' @param res2 A list returned from \code{\link{fs.mrpval}}.
#' @param padjust One of the methods in \code{\link{p.adjust}}.
#' @param sorting Should the results be sorted according to the feature
#' ordering calculated on the overall data?
#' @return A matrix of statistics. For details, see \code{Note} below.
#' @note The output matrix with number of rows corresponding to the number of
#' variables and number of columns to: \itemize{ \item Feature ranking quantity
#' computed on the whole dataset \item Feature rank in decreasing order of
#' saliency \item p-value if available with feature ranking technique
#' (optional) \item adjusted p-value if p-value available (optional) \item
#' average feature rank across every resampling steps \item standard deviation
#' of the feature rank across every resampling steps \item pseudo p-value
#' calculated from the resampling strategy }
#' @author David Enot and Wanchang Lin \email{dle, wll@@aber.ac.uk}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{feat.rank.re}}, \code{\link{fs.mrpval}},
#' \code{\link{p.adjust}}
#' @keywords manip
#' @examples
#' ## load abr1
#' data(abr1)
#' y   <- factor(abr1$fact$class)
#' x <- preproc(abr1$pos , y=y, method=c("log10","TICnorm"),add=1)[,110:500]  
#' ## Select classes 1 and 2
#' dat <- dat.sel(x, y, choices=c("1","2"))
#' x <- dat$dat[[1]]
#' y <- dat$cl[[1]]
#' ## partitioning
#' pars   <- valipars(sampling="boot",niter=2,nreps=5)
#' tr.idx <- trainind(y,pars=pars)
#' ## multiple rankings using AUC
#' z      <- feat.rank.re(x,y,method="fs.auc",pars = pars,tr.idx=tr.idx)
#' ## Compute stability mr-p value using the 75% worst features as irrelevant
#' res <- fs.mrpval(z,qtl=0.25)
#' ## print content of res
#' names(res)
#' res.1 <- fs.summary(z, res, sorting=TRUE)
#' ## Print the 10 best features
#' print(res.1[1:10,])
#' ##### Example of output with a feature ranking technique that returns p-value
#' z      <- feat.rank.re(x,y,method="fs.welch",pars = pars,tr.idx=tr.idx)
#' res <- fs.mrpval(z,qtl=0.25)
#' names(res)
#' ## p-value correction with fdr
#' res.1 <- fs.summary(z, res, padjust = "fdr", sorting=TRUE)
#' ## Print the 10 best features
#' res.1[1:10,]
fs.summary<-function (res1, res2, padjust = "fdr", sorting=TRUE) 
  if (!is.null(res1$all$pval)) {
     summ = cbind(res1$all$stats, res1$fs.rank, res1$all$pval, p.adjust(res1$all$pval,
         padjust), res2$stats, res2$sdrank, res2$mrpval)
     dimnames(summ)[[1]] = names(res1$all$stats)
     dimnames(summ)[[2]] = c(res1$method, "OriRk", "pval", "pval.ad",
         "AvgRk", "SdevRk", pvalnam)
  } else{
    summ = cbind(res1$all$stats, res1$fs.rank, res2$stats, res2 $sdrank, res2$mrpval)
    dimnames(summ)[[1]] = names(res1$all$stats)
    dimnames(summ)[[2]] = c(res1$method, "OriRk", "AvgRk", "SdevRk",
aberHRML/FIEmspro documentation built on May 16, 2019, 6:56 p.m.