
Defines functions consensusCluster

Documented in consensusCluster

#' Consensus clustering
#' This function allows to perform consensus clustering using the k-means
#' clustering algorithm, for a fixed number of clusters. We consider the number
#' of clusters K to be fixed.
#' @param data N X P data matrix
#' @param K Number of clusters.
#' @param B Number of iterations.
#' @param pItem Proportion of items sampled at each iteration.
#' @param clMethod Clustering algorithm. Can be "hclust" for hierarchical
#' clustering, "kmeans" for k-means clustering, "pam" for partitioning around
#' medoids, "sparse-kmeans" for sparse k-means clustering or "sparse-hclust"
#' for sparse hierarchical clustering. Default is "hclust". However, if the data
#' contain at least one covariate that is a factor, the default clustering
#' algorithm is "pam".
#' @param hclustMethod Hierarchical clustering method. Default is "average". For
#' more details see \code{?hclust}.
#' @param sparseKmeansPenalty If the selected clustering method is
#' "sparse-kmeans", this is the value of the parameter "wbounds" of the
#' "KMeansSparseCluster" function. The default value is the square root of the
#' number of variables.
#' @param maxIterKM Number of iterations for the k-means clustering algorithm.
#' @param dist Distance used for hierarchical clustering. Can be "pearson" (for
#' 1 - Pearson correlation), "spearman" (for 1- Spearman correlation), any of
#' the distances provided in stats::dist() (i.e. "euclidean", "maximum",
#' "manhattan", "canberra", "binary" or "minkowski"), or a matrix containing the
#' distances between the observations.
#' @return The output is a consensus matrix, that is a symmetric matrix where
#' the element in position (i,j) corresponds to the proportion of times that
#' items i and j have been clustered together.
#' @author Alessandra Cabassi \email{alessandra.cabassi@mrc-bsu.cam.ac.uk}
#' @references Monti, S., Tamayo, P., Mesirov, J. and Golub, T., 2003. Consensus
#' clustering: a resampling-based method for class discovery and visualization
#' of gene expression microarray data. Machine learning, 52(1-2), pp.91-118.
#' @references Witten, D.M. and Tibshirani, R., 2010. A framework for feature
#' selection in clustering. Journal of the American Statistical Association,
#' 105(490), pp.713-726.
#' @examples
#' # Load one dataset with 300 observations, 2 variables, 6 clusters
#' data <- as.matrix(read.csv(system.file("extdata", "dataset1.csv",
#' package = "coca"), row.names = 1))
#' # Compute consensus clustering with K=5 clusters
#' cm <- consensusCluster(data, K = 5)
#' @export

consensusCluster <-
  function(data = NULL,
           K = 2,
           B = 100,
           pItem = 0.8,
           clMethod = "hclust",
           dist = "euclidean",
           hclustMethod = "average",
           sparseKmeansPenalty = NULL,
           maxIterKM = 1000) {

    containsFactors <- 0
    if (!is.null(data)) {
        # Save number of observations
        N <- dim(data)[1]
        # Save number of covariates
        P <- dim(data)[2]
        # Check wheter there are factors among the covariates
        for (i in seq_len(P)) {
            containsFactors <-
              as.numeric(is.factor(data[, i])) + containsFactors
    } else if (is.double(dist)) {
        N <- dim(dist)[1]
    } else {
        stop("If the data matrix is not provided, `dist` must be a symmetric
        matrix of type double providing the distances between each pair of

    # Create vector of data indices that will be used to update the
    # co-clustering matrix
    dataIndices <- seq_len(N)
    # Initialise empty co-clustering matrix and an auxiliar
    coClusteringMatrix <- indicatorMatrix <- matrix(0, N, N)

    # For each step of the algorithm
    for (b in seq_len(B)) {
        # Sample a proportion pItem of the observations without replacement
        items <- sample(N, ceiling(N * pItem), replace = FALSE)

        nUniqueDataPoints <- 0
        if (!is.null(data)) {
            # If there are more unique data points than clusters
            uniqueData <- unique(data[items, ])
            nUniqueDataPoints <- nrow(uniqueData)

        if (nUniqueDataPoints > K | is.null(data)) {
            # If the chosen clustering method is PAM or there is at least one
            # covariate that is a factor
            if (clMethod == "pam" | containsFactors) {
              if (is.double(dist) & isSymmetric(dist)) {
                distances <- stats::as.dist(dist[items, items])
              } else if (dist == "cor") {
                distances <- stats::as.dist(1 - stats::cor(t(data[items, ])))
              } else if (dist == "binary") {
                distances <- stats::dist(data[items, ], method = dist)
              } else if (dist == "gower") {
                distances <- cluster::daisy(data[items, ], metric = "gower")
              } else {
                stop("Distance not recognized. If method is `pam`, distance
                must be one of `cor`, `binary`, `gower` or the symmetric
                matrix of distances.")
              # Apply pam to the subsample and extract cluster labels
                cl <- cluster::pam(distances, K)$clustering
            } else if (clMethod == "kmeans" & !is.null(data)) {
              # Apply k-means to the subsample and extract cluster labels
                cl <- stats::kmeans(
                  data[items, ], K, iter.max = maxIterKM, nstart = 20)$cluster
            } else if (clMethod == "sparse-kmeans" & !is.null(data)) {
                sparseKmeansPenalty = sqrt(P)
              cat("sparseKmeansPenalty", sparseKmeansPenalty, "\n")
              # Apply sparse k-means to the subsample and extract cluster labels
              cl <- sparcl::KMeansSparseCluster(
                data[items,], K, wbounds = sparseKmeansPenalty)[[1]]$Cs
            } else if (clMethod == "hclust" | clMethod == "sparse-hclust") {
                if (dist == "pearson" | dist == "spearman") {
                  pearsonCor <- stats::cor(t(data[items, ]), method = dist)
                  distances <- stats::as.dist(1 - pearsonCor)
                } else if (is.double(dist)) {
                  distances <- stats::as.dist(dist[items, items])
                } else {
                  # Calculate pairwise distances between observations
                  distances <- stats::dist(data[items, ], method = dist)
                # Apply hierarchical clustering to the subsample
                if(clMethod == "hclust"){
                  hClustering <- stats::hclust(distances, method = hclustMethod)
                } else {
                  hClustering <- sparcl::HierarchicalSparseCluster(
                    dists = as.matrix(distances), method = "average",
                    wbound = 10)$hc
                cl <- stats::cutree(hClustering, K)
            } else {
                stop("Clustering algorithm name not recognised. Please choose
                     one of `kmeans`, `hclust`, `pam`, `sparse-kmeans`,

            # Update matrix containing counts of number of times each pair has
            # been sampled together
            indicatorMatrix <- indicatorMatrix + crossprod(
              t(as.numeric(dataIndices %in% items)))

            # For each cluster
            for (k in seq_len(K)) {
                # Update counts of number of times each pair has been put in the
                # same cluster
                coClusteringMatrix[items, items] <-
                  coClusteringMatrix[items, items] +
                  crossprod(t(as.numeric(cl == k)))

    if (!sum(indicatorMatrix) == 0) {
        # Normalise co-clustering matrix
        consensusMatrix <- coClusteringMatrix/indicatorMatrix
    } else {
        consensusMatrix <- indicatorMatrix
        warning(paste("Consensus matrix is empty for K =", K, "because there are
                      less than", K, "distinct data points", sep = ""))

acabassi/coca documentation built on July 14, 2020, 8:31 p.m.