#' Gene functional descriptions
#' @note As of WS269 release, some non-N2 gene IDs are included in the flat
#' files available on the WormBase FTP server. These annotations are removed
#' from the return here, using grep matching to return only `WBGene` entries.
#' @note This file is malformed on the WormBase FTP server for WS270 and WS271
#' releases.
#' @note Updated 2023-09-25.
#' @export
#' @inheritParams params
#' @inheritParams AcidRoxygen::params
#' @return `DFrame`.
#' @examples
#' x <- description()
#' print(x)
description <- function(release = NULL) {
file <- .annotationFile(
stem = "functional_descriptions.txt.gz",
release = release
## Process file by reading lines in directly.
x <- import(file, format = "lines", comment = "#")
## Genes are separated by a line containing `=`.
x <- sub(pattern = "^=$", replacement = "||", x = x)
## Add a tab delimiter before our keys of interest.
x <- sub(
pattern = paste0(
"(Concise|Provisional|Detailed|Automated|Gene class)",
" description\\:"
replacement = "\t\\1 description:",
x = x
## Now collapse to a single line and split by the gene separator (`||`).
x <- paste(x, collapse = " ")
x <- strsplit(x, split = "||", fixed = TRUE)[[1L]]
## Clean up spaces and tabs.
x <- sub(pattern = "^ ", replacement = "", x = x)
x <- sub(pattern = " $", replacement = "", x = x)
x <- gsub(pattern = " ", replacement = " ", x = x)
x <- gsub(pattern = " \t", replacement = "\t", x = x)
x <- gsub(pattern = "\t ", replacement = "\t", x = x)
## Now split by the tab delimiters.
x <- strsplit(x, split = "\t")
assert(all(lengths(x) == 6L))
x <- CharacterList(x)
## Before we process the list, remove non-N2 annotations. Added in WS269.
## For example, drop these: "PRJEB28388_chrIII_pilon.g6684".
keep <- bapply(
X = x,
FUN = function(x) {
grepl(pattern = .genePattern, x = x[[1L]])
if (!any(keep)) {
x <- x[keep]
x <- mclapply(
X = x,
FUN = function(x) {
x[[1L]] <- paste0("geneId: ", x[[1L]])
x[[2L]] <- paste0("geneName: ", x[[2L]])
x[[3L]] <- paste0("sequence: ", x[[3L]])
## e.g. WBGene00000160 gene class description is empty.
x <- sub(pattern = ":$", replacement = ": not known", x = x)
x <- strSplit(x = x, split = ": ", fixed = TRUE, n = 2L)
out <- x[, 2L]
names(out) <- x[, 1L]
## Ensure the user uses the values from `geneIds()` return instead.
keep <- setdiff(names(out), c("geneName", "sequence"))
out <- out[keep]
assert(all(lengths(x) == 4L))
x <- rbindToDataFrame(x)
colnames(x) <- camelCase(colnames(x), strict = TRUE)
is(x, "DFrame"),
isSubset("geneId", colnames(x))
x <- sanitizeNa(x)
x <- removeNa(x)
x <- x[order(x[["geneId"]]), , drop = FALSE]
rownames(x) <- x[["geneId"]]
formals(description)[["release"]] <- .releaseArg
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