
Defines functions P.hv.par

Documented in P.hv.par

#' Parallel Hemispherical-Voronoi Gap Fraction
#' This function is a wrapper that allows you to run \code{P.hv} on multiple plots in parallel using multi-core CPUs with \code{snow}
#' @param las String vector or list of LAS files. Defaults to NA.
#' @param models String vector or list of hemispherical lens models to use. Options include equi-distant (\code{"equidist"}), equi-angular (\code{"equiangle"}), stereographic (\code{"stereo"}), orthographic (\code{"ortho"}), or \code{"all"}. Defaults to \code{"all"}.
#' @param thresh.vals String vector or list of height thresholds to use. Defaults to 2.
#' @param thresh.var Specifies the LiDAR metric to use for thresholding canopy points. Options include height, intensity, nreturn, and class. Defaults to height.
#' @param reprojection Proj4 projection string to use for reprojection. Defaults to NA.
#' @param pol.deg Specifies the polar resolution for the radial plot lines. Defaults to 5.
#' @param azi.deg Specifies the azimuthal resolution for the radial plot lines. Defaults to 45.
#' @param col Specifies the LiDAR metric to use to color points of first plot in display. Options include height, intensity, nreturn, and class. Defaults to height.
#' @param plots Boolean switch for the interactive display of plots. Defaults to FALSE.
#' @param plots.each Boolean switch for displaying individual of plots. Defaults to FALSE.
#' @param plots.save Boolean switch for the saving of plot files to the las.path folder. Defaults to FALSE.
#' @author Adam Erickson, \email{adam.erickson@@ubc.ca}
#' @keywords gap fraction, parallel, hemispherical Voronoi, tesselation
#' @references Forthcoming
#' @export
#' @return The results of \code{P.hv.par}
#' @examples
#' P.hv.par(las='C:/plot.las', models=c('equidist','stereo'), threshs=seq(1,4,0.5))
#' P.hv.par(las=las.list, models='all', thresh.vals=1.25, thresh.var='height', reprojection=NA, pol.deg=5, azi.deg=45, col='height', plots=TRUE, plots.each=FALSE, plots.save=FALSE)

P.hv.par <- function(las=NA, models='all', thresh.vals=seq(1,4,0.5), thresh.var='height', reprojection=NA, pol.deg=5, azi.deg=45, col='height', plots=TRUE, plots.each=FALSE, plots.save=FALSE) {


  if(length(las)==1 & any(is.na(eval(las)))) stop('Please input a full file path to a LAS file or list of LAS files')
  if(any(models=='all')) models <- c('equidist','equiangle','ortho','stereo')

  ncores   <- parallel::detectCores()-1
  clust    <- snow::makeCluster(ncores, type='SOCK')

  ntasks   <- (length(las)*length(models)*length(thresh.vals))
  pb       <- utils::txtProgressBar(max=ntasks, style=3)
  progress <- function(n) utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, n)
  opts     <- list(progress=progress)

  results  <-
    foreach::foreach(i = models,     .combine='cbind') %:%
    foreach::foreach(j = thresh.vals,.combine='cbind') %:%
    foreach::foreach(k = las,        .combine='rbind', .packages=c('gapfraction'), .errorhandling='pass', .options.snow=opts) %dopar% {
      return(P.hv(las=k, model=i, thresh.val=j, thresh.var=thresh.var, reprojection=reprojection, pol.deg=pol.deg, azi.deg=azi.deg, col=col, plots=plots, plots.each=plots.each, plots.save=plots.save))
adam-erickson/gapfraction documentation built on May 5, 2019, 6:57 p.m.