
Defines functions add_oth_pvals

Documented in add_oth_pvals

#' Add Other p-values
#' Add pvalues for the Liu and Xie and Bonferroni based
#' tests using the estiamted parameter estimates and
#' corresponding standard errors.
#' @param test_result The test result from mv_pn_test
#' when more_info is set to TRUE.
#' @return The same test result object with additional p-values for
#' the Liu and Xie (2021) test (liu_xie_pvalue) and the Bonferroni based
#' test (bonf_pvalue)
#' @export

add_oth_pvals <- function(test_result) {
  new_results <- test_result
  zscores <- abs(test_result$param_ests / test_result$param_ses)
  # Liu and Xie p-value
  cauchy_pvalue <-  1 - stats::pcauchy(mean(tan((
    2 * stats::pnorm(zscores) - 3/2) * pi
  new_results$liu_xie_pvalue <- cauchy_pvalue
  # Bonferroni based p-value
  bonf <- min(2 * stats::pnorm(-zscores)) * length(zscores)
  new_results$bonf_pvalue <- bonf
adam-s-elder/amar documentation built on Feb. 5, 2022, 7:10 a.m.