#' Estimate both the parameter, and the influence
#' curves used for estimating the projected risk ratio. The first column
#' of your data should correspond to the variable of interest.
#' @param obs_data the observed data. The first column should be the outcome.
#' @param what the desired return value. Should be one of `"ic"`
#' (infludence curve), `"est"` (estimate), or `"both"`.
#' @param control any other control parameters to be passed to the estimator.
#' @export
ic.proj.rr <- function(obs_data, what = "both", control = NULL) {
if (!(what %in% c("ic", "est", "both"))) {
stop("what must be one of ic (influence curve), est (estimate), or both")
ret <- list()
fit_delt <- control$ic_fit_delt
fit_jnt <- control$ic_fit_jnt
fit_marg <- control$ic_marg
fit_delt <- control$ic_fit_delt
hav_mis_prob <- control$ic_hav_mis_prop
prob_mis_known <- control$ic_prob_mis_known
if (is.null(fit_marg)) fit_marg <- FALSE
if (is.null(fit_jnt)) fit_jnt <- FALSE
if (is.null(fit_delt)) fit_delt <- FALSE
if (is.null(prob_mis_known)) prob_mis_known <- FALSE
if (prob_mis_known) {obs_data$pr_d_mis <- NULL}
if (!is.null(hav_mis_prob)){
true_mis_prob <- obs_data$pr_d_mis
obs_data$pr_d_mis <- NULL
true_mis_prob <- NULL
num_obs <- nrow(obs_data)
num_cov <- ncol(obs_data) - 2
w_cols <- which(!colnames(obs_data) %in% c("delta", "y"))
las_y <- las_ydw(obs_data$y, obs_data$delta,
obs_data[, w_cols], simp = fit_jnt)
las_del <- las_dw(obs_data$delta, obs_data[, w_cols], simp = fit_delt)
las_y <- las_ydw(obs_data$y, obs_data$delta,
obs_data[, w_cols], simp = fit_jnt)
est <- rep(NA, num_cov)
Dmat <- array(NA, dim = c(num_obs, 4, num_cov))
psi_mat <- matrix(NA, nrow = num_cov, ncol = 4)
for (cov_idx in 1:num_cov) {
cov_col <- obs_data[, w_cols[cov_idx]]
marg_exp_wj <- suppressWarnings(sl_me(las_y(obs_data[, w_cols]),
cov_col, simp = fit_marg))
mar_exp_vec <- log(smth_func(marg_exp_wj(cov_col)))
mme_wj <- mean(mar_exp_vec * cov_col)
mme_one <- mean(mar_exp_vec)
psi_1 <- mme_wj
psi_2 <- mme_one
psi_3 <- mean(cov_col)
psi_4 <- mean(cov_col ** 2)
psi_mat[cov_idx, ] <- c(psi_1, psi_2, psi_3, psi_4)
est[cov_idx] <- (psi_1 - psi_2 * psi_3)/(psi_4 - psi_3 ** 2)
dmat12 <- psi_12(y = obs_data$y, d = obs_data$delta,
w = obs_data[, w_cols],
wj = obs_data[, w_cols[cov_idx]],
pr_dw = las_del, epr_ywj = marg_exp_wj,
pr_yw = las_y, exp_wj = mme_wj,
exp_one = mme_one,
true_mis_prob = true_mis_prob)
dmat3 <- cov_col - mean(cov_col)
cov_col_sq <- cov_col ** 2
dmat4 <- cov_col_sq - mean(cov_col_sq)
Dmat[, ,cov_idx] <- cbind(dmat12[, 1], dmat12[, 2],
dmat3, dmat4)
grad_mat <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(psi_mat), ncol = 4)
for (c_idx in seq_len(nrow(psi_mat))) {
grad_mat[c_idx, ] <- ic_delt_methd(psi_mat[c_idx, ])
IC <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(obs_data), ncol = nrow(grad_mat))
for (p_idx in seq_len(nrow(grad_mat))) {
IC[, p_idx] <- Dmat[, , p_idx] %*% t(grad_mat[c_idx, , drop = FALSE])
if (what %in% c("est", "both")) {
os_cor <- as.vector(apply(IC, 2, mean))
ret$est <- os_cor + as.vector(est)
ret$onestep.correction <- os_cor
if (what %in% c("ic", "both")) {
ret$ic <- IC
psi_12 <- function(y, d, w, wj, pr_dw, epr_ywj, pr_yw,
exp_wj, exp_one, true_mis_prob = NULL){
if (!is.null(true_mis_prob)){
prob_dw <- true_mis_prob
prob_dw <- pmax(0.25, pr_dw(w))
piece_one <- (y * d / prob_dw + pr_yw(w)) /
epr_ywj(wj) +
log(smth_func(epr_ywj(wj))) - 1 -
d * pr_yw(w) / (prob_dw * epr_ywj(wj))
piece_one_w <- wj * piece_one - exp_wj
piece_one <- piece_one - exp_one
return(cbind(piece_one_w, piece_one))
ic_delt_methd <- function(xes){
x_1 <- xes[1] ; x_2 <- xes[2]
x_3 <- xes[3] ; x_4 <- xes[4]
grad <- c(
1/(x_4 - x_3 ** 2),
-x_3/(x_4 - x_3 ** 2),
(2 * x_1 * x_3 - x_2 * x_4 - x_2 * x_3 ** 2)/((x_4 - x_3 ** 2) ** 2),
-(x_1 - x_2 * x_3)/((x_4 - x_3 ** 2) ** 2)
las_dw <- function(delt_vec, obs_ws, simp = FALSE){
if (simp) {
new_funct <- function(ws){
return(rep(0.5, nrow(ws)))
lasso_fit <- glmnet::cv.glmnet(
x = as.matrix(obs_ws), y = delt_vec, family = "binomial"
new_funct <- function(ws){
stats::predict(lasso_fit, newx = as.matrix(ws),
type = "response", s = "lambda.1se")[, ,drop = TRUE]
smth_func <- function(x){
ifelse(x > 0.9928119 | x < 0.007188064,
exp(10 * (x - 0.5))/(1 + exp(10 * (x - 0.5))),
las_ydw <- function(y_vec, delt_vec, obs_ws, simp = FALSE){
if (simp) {
l_mod_ydw <- function(ws){
return(rep(0.5, nrow(ws)))
ys <- y_vec[delt_vec == 1]
ws <- obs_ws[delt_vec == 1, ]
lasso_fit <- glmnet::cv.glmnet(x = as.matrix(ws), y = ys,
family = "binomial")
l_mod_ydw <- function(ws){
stats::predict(lasso_fit, newx = as.matrix(ws),
type = "response",
s = "lambda.1se")[, , drop = TRUE]
sl_me <- function(m_e_v, w_j, simp = FALSE){
if (simp) {
sl_exp_wj <- function(w_j){
return(rep(0.5, length(w_j)))
sl_mod <- stats::loess(m_e_v ~ w_j)
sl_exp_wj <- function(w_j){
new_data <- data.frame("wj" = w_j)
stats::predict(sl_mod, newdata = new_data)
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