
Defines functions ZL_use_infl bonf_test est_pows get_test_stat ZL laber_test

Documented in bonf_test est_pows get_test_stat laber_test ZL ZL_use_infl

#### Author : Adam Elder
#### Date   : November 29th 2018
#### This script is the implementation of the
#### parametric resampling based test that would
#### optimize the l_p norm within the procedure

#' Carry out the test described by Zhang and Laber
#' @param obs_data The observed data
#' @param pos_lp_norms Potential norms to be considered
#' @param n_mc_samples the number of bootstrap samples to take when estimating the
#' limiting distribution
#' @param nrm_type the class of norms to be selected over.
#' @export

laber_test <- function(obs_data, pos_lp_norms, n_mc_samples, nrm_type = "lp") {
  ## The cross validation procedure for our observed data
  num_obs   <- nrow(obs_data)
  num_norms <- length(pos_lp_norms)
  est_and_ic <- ic.pearson(obs_data, what = "both")
  est_cov   <- est_and_ic$ic
  param_est <-  est_and_ic$est
  norm_mat  <- matrix(stats::rnorm(n_mc_samples * nrow(est_cov)), nrow = n_mc_samples)
  e_lm_dstr <- gen_boot_sample(norm_mat, est_cov, center = TRUE, rate = "rootn")
  cutoff_vals <- rep(NA, num_norms)
  for(nrm_idx in 1:num_norms){
    normalized_obs <- apply(e_lm_dstr, 1, l_p_norm,
                            p = pos_lp_norms[nrm_idx], type = nrm_type)
    cutoff_vals[nrm_idx] <- stats::quantile(normalized_obs, 0.95)
  lp_perf <- rep(NA, num_norms)
  #cat("Magn =", round(magn, 2), " ")
  for (lp_idx in 1:num_norms) {
    function(mc_limit_dstr, dir,
                        null_quants, norms_idx = 2,
                        nrm_type = "lp")
    lp_perf[lp_idx] <- accept_rate(
      mc_limit_dstr = e_lm_dstr,
      dir = param_est, norms_idx = pos_lp_norms[lp_idx],
      null_quants = cutoff_vals[lp_idx], norm_type = nrm_type

  test_stat <- max(lp_perf)
  ## Simulating the above proceedure for new data.
  sim_ts_mat  <- matrix(stats::rnorm(n_mc_samples * nrow(est_cov)),
                        nrow = n_mc_samples)
  f_e_lm_dstr <- gen_boot_sample(sim_ts_mat, est_cov, center = TRUE, rate = "rootn")
  boot_sims <- rep(NA, n_mc_samples)
  for (bs in 1:n_mc_samples) {
    boot_p_est <-  f_e_lm_dstr[bs, ]
    lp_perf <- rep(NA, num_norms)
    #if (bs %% 10 == 0){cat("Magn =", round(magn, 2), " ")}
    for (lp_idx in 1:num_norms) {
      lp_perf[lp_idx] <- accept_rate(
      mc_limit_dstr = e_lm_dstr,
      dir = boot_p_est, norms_idx = pos_lp_norms[lp_idx],
      null_quants = cutoff_vals[lp_idx], norm_type = nrm_type
    boot_sims[bs] <-  max(lp_perf)

  ## Comparing the simulated null distribution to our observed value
  p_val <- mean(test_stat < boot_sims)

#' Carry out a simplified version of the Zhang and Laber test.
#' @param observed_data The observed data.
#' @param ts_sims The number of draws from the test statistic distribution
#' @param ld_sims The number of draws from the limiting distribution to estiamte each test statistic.
#' @export

ZL <- function(observed_data, ts_sims, ld_sims){
  cov_mat <- stats::cov(observed_data)
  margin_vars <- apply(observed_data[, -1], 2, stats::var)
  x_cor_mat <- diag(1/sqrt(margin_vars)) %*%
    cov_mat[-1, -1] %*%
  psi_hats <- get_test_stat(observed_data)
  null_lm_distr <- MASS::mvrnorm(n = ts_sims, mu = rep(0, length(psi_hats)),
                                 Sigma = x_cor_mat)
  null_trs_dstr <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(null_lm_distr), ncol = ncol(null_lm_distr))
  for(row_idx in 1:nrow(null_lm_distr)){
    sim_row <- null_lm_distr[row_idx, ] ** 2
    null_trs_dstr[row_idx, ] <- cumsum(sort(sim_row, decreasing = TRUE))
  test_stat <- est_pows(null_trs_dstr, psi_hats)
  draws <- MASS::mvrnorm(n = ld_sims, mu = rep(0, length(psi_hats)),
                         Sigma = x_cor_mat)
  ts_est_dstr <- rep(NA, ld_sims)
  for(d_idx in 1:ld_sims){
    draw <- draws[d_idx, ]
    d_ts <- draw ** 2
    ts_est_dstr[d_idx] <- est_pows(null_trs_dstr, d_ts)[1]
  p_val <- mean(test_stat[1] >= ts_est_dstr)
  chsn_nrms <- rep(0, ncol(observed_data))
  chsn_nrms[test_stat[2]] <- 1
      "pvalue" = p_val,
      "test_stat" = test_stat[1],
      "test_st_eld" = ts_est_dstr,
      "chosen_norm" = chsn_nrms,
      "param_ests" = psi_hats,
      "param_ses" = sqrt(diag(x_cor_mat))

#' Helper function for the Zhang and Laber tests (ZL and ZL_use_infl)
#' @param obs_data The observed data
#' @export

get_test_stat <- function(obs_data){
  marg_vars <- apply(obs_data, 2, stats::var)
  cov_xy    <- apply(obs_data[, -1], 2, function(x) stats::cov(obs_data[, 1], x))
  var_y <- marg_vars[1]
  var_x <- marg_vars[-1]
  betas <- cov_xy/var_x
  var_ratio <- var_y/var_x
  t_stats <- sqrt(nrow(obs_data)) * betas / sqrt(var_ratio - betas ** 2)
  return(t_stats ** 2)

#' Estiamte the power using the generated test statistic, and
#' estimated distribution of the test statistic. Helper
#' function for ZL and ZL_use_infl
#' @param tr_lm_dstr limiting distribution of the test statistic
#' @param ts_vec Vector containing the test statsitic
#' @export

est_pows <- function(tr_lm_dstr, ts_vec){
  num_opts <- length(ts_vec)
  ord_ts <- cumsum(sort(ts_vec, decreasing = TRUE))
  est_p_vals <- rep(NA, num_opts)
  for(k_idx in 1:num_opts){
    est_p_vals[k_idx] <- mean(tr_lm_dstr[, k_idx] >= ord_ts[k_idx])
  return(c(min(est_p_vals), which.min(est_p_vals)))

#' Run a bonferoni based test
#' @param obs_data The observed data
#' @param test_type Choose between using pearson correlation
#' or the mean as the parameter or intrest
#' @export

bonf_test <- function(obs_data, test_type = "pearson"){
  if(test_type == "pearson"){
    num_cov <- ncol(obs_data)
    pvals <- param_ses <- param_ests <- rep(NA, num_cov - 1)
    for(cov_idx in 2:num_cov){
      cov_lm <- stats::lm(obs_data[, 1] ~ obs_data[, cov_idx])
      pvals[cov_idx - 1] <- summary(cov_lm)$coefficients[2, 4]
      param_ests[cov_idx - 1] <- summary(cov_lm)$coefficients[2, 1]
      param_ses[cov_idx - 1] <- summary(cov_lm)$coefficients[2, 2]
    if(test_type == "mean"){
      param_ests <- param_ses <- NULL
      num_cov <- ncol(obs_data)
      pvals <- rep(NA, num_cov)
      for(cov_idx in 1:num_cov){
        pvals[cov_idx] <- stats::t.test(obs_data[, cov_idx])$p.value
      "pvalue" = min(pvals) * length(pvals),
      "test_stat" = min(pvals) * length(pvals),
      "test_st_eld" = NULL,
      "chosen_norm" = NULL,
      "param_ests" = param_ests,
      "param_ses" = param_ses

#' Run a Zhang and Laber test, but use influence functions to obtain estiamtes of variance
#' Rather than using the parametric model based variance estimates.
#' @param observed_data The observed data.
#' @param ts_sims The number of draws from the test statistic distribution
#' @param ld_sims The number of draws from the limiting distribution to estiamte each test statistic.
#' @export

ZL_use_infl <- function(observed_data, ts_sims, ld_sims){
  x_cor_mat_p <- ic.pearson(observed_data, what = "ic")$ic
  x_cor_mat <- t(x_cor_mat_p) %*% x_cor_mat_p / nrow(observed_data)
  psi_hats <- get_test_stat(observed_data)
  null_lm_distr <- MASS::mvrnorm(n = ts_sims, mu = rep(0, length(psi_hats)),
                                 Sigma = x_cor_mat)
  null_trs_dstr <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(null_lm_distr),
                          ncol = ncol(null_lm_distr))
  for(row_idx in 1:nrow(null_lm_distr)){
    sim_row <- null_lm_distr[row_idx, ] ** 2
    null_trs_dstr[row_idx, ] <- cumsum(sort(sim_row, decreasing = TRUE))
  test_stat <- est_pows(null_trs_dstr, psi_hats)
  draws <- MASS::mvrnorm(n = ld_sims, mu = rep(0, length(psi_hats)),
                         Sigma = x_cor_mat)
  ts_est_dstr <- rep(NA, ld_sims)
  for(d_idx in 1:ld_sims){
    draw <- draws[d_idx, ]
    d_ts <- draw ** 2
    ts_est_dstr[d_idx] <- est_pows(null_trs_dstr, d_ts)[1]
  p_val <- mean(test_stat[1] >= ts_est_dstr)
adam-s-elder/amar documentation built on Feb. 5, 2022, 7:10 a.m.