mcpFromPolys: Minimum convex polygon from a set of spatial polygons and...

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mcpFromPolysR Documentation

Minimum convex polygon from a set of spatial polygons and points


This function returns a minimum convex polygon constructed from a set of spatial polygons (and possibly points).


mcpFromPolys(polys, pts = NULL)



Object representing spatial polygons of (for example) counties in which a species is known to reside. This must be in an equal-area projection! This object can be either a SpatialPolygons or SpatialPolygonsDataFrame (sp package), SpatVector (terra package)), or sf POLYGON or MULTIPOLYGON (sf package) object.


Either NULL (default) or a set of spatial points. If provided, this must be a "points" object of a class from the same package used for polys. For example, if you supply polys a SpatialPolygons object from the sp package, pts must be a SpatialPoints or SpatialPointsDataFrame, also from the sp package. These must also be in an equal-area projection!


This function constructs a minimum convex polygon (MCP) from a set of spatial polygons. If points are provided in pts, then the MCP is constructed from the set of pts plus the set of points that are lie on the border of each polygon where it is closest to the centroid of pts. If pts is not supplied, then the MCP is constructed from the point on each polygon that lies on the border of the polygon that is closest to the centroid of the centroids of the polygons. The centroid of the centroid is used so as to weigh each polygon equally.


SpatialPolygons, SpatVector, or sf POLYGON representing a minimum convex polygon.


Smith, A.B., Murphy, S., Henderson, D., and Erickson, K.D. Including imprecisely georeferenced specimens improves accuracy of species distribution models and estimates of niche breadth. doi: 10.1101/2021.06.10.447988


# This is a contrived example based on red-bellied lemurs in Madagascar
# represented by points data and (pretend) Faritras-level occurrences.

### example using Spatial* inputs (sp package)

# Tananarive (Paris) / Laborde Grid - EPSG:29701
madProj <- '+init=epsg:29701'
madProj <- sp::CRS(madProj)

mad1 <- sp::spTransform(mad1, madProj)

redBelly <- lemurs[lemurs$species == 'Eulemur rubriventer', ]
ll <- c('longitude', 'latitude')
wgs84 <- enmSdm::getCRS('wgs84', TRUE)
redBelly <- sp::SpatialPoints(redBelly[ , ll], proj4string=wgs84)
redBelly <- sp::spTransform(redBelly, madProj)

faritras <- c('Vakinankaratra', 'Haute matsiatra', 'Ihorombe',
'Vatovavy Fitovinany', 'Alaotra-Mangoro', 'Analanjirofo', 'Atsinanana',
'Analamanga', 'Itasy')
polys <- mad1[mad1$NAME_2 %in% faritras, ]

mcpPolys <- mcpFromPolys(polys)
mcpPolysPoints <- mcpFromPolys(polys, redBelly)

# extent of occurrence in m2

plot(polys, col='gray80', add=TRUE)
plot(mcpPolysPoints, col=scales::alpha('green', 0.4), add=TRUE)
plot(mcpPolys, col=scales::alpha('purple', 0.4), add=TRUE)
plot(redBelly, pch=16, add=TRUE)
legend=c('Presences', '"Occupied" Faritras',
'MCP w/ polygons', 'MCP w/ polygons & points'),
fill=c(NA, 'gray', scales::alpha('purple', 0.4),
scales::alpha('green', 0.4)),
pch=c(16, NA, NA, NA),
border=c(NA, 'black', 'black', 'black'))

### example using sf* inputs (sf package)

# Tananarive (Paris) / Laborde Grid - EPSG:29701
madProj <- sf::st_crs(29701)

mad1 <- sf::st_as_sf(mad1)
mad1 <- sf::st_transform(mad1, madProj)

redBelly <- lemurs[lemurs$species == 'Eulemur rubriventer', ]
ll <- c('longitude', 'latitude')
redBelly <- sf::st_as_sf(redBelly[ , ll], crs=4326, coords=ll)
redBelly <- sf::st_transform(redBelly, madProj)

faritras <- c('Vakinankaratra', 'Haute matsiatra', 'Ihorombe',
'Vatovavy Fitovinany', 'Alaotra-Mangoro', 'Analanjirofo', 'Atsinanana',
'Analamanga', 'Itasy')
polys <- mad1[mad1$NAME_2 %in% faritras, ]

mcpPolys <- mcpFromPolys(polys)
mcpPolysPoints <- mcpFromPolys(polys, redBelly)

# extent of occurrence in m2... Areas are slightly different from using "Spatial"
# because of different projection.

plot(sf::st_geometry(polys), col='gray80', add=TRUE)
plot(mcpPolysPoints, col=scales::alpha('green', 0.4), add=TRUE)
plot(mcpPolys, col=scales::alpha('purple', 0.4), add=TRUE)
plot(redBelly, pch=16, add=TRUE)
legend=c('Presences', '"Occupied" Faritras',
'MCP w/ polygons', 'MCP w/ polygons & points'),
fill=c(NA, 'gray', scales::alpha('purple', 0.4),
scales::alpha('green', 0.4)),
pch=c(16, NA, NA, NA),
border=c(NA, 'black', 'black', 'black'))

### example using SpatVect inputs (terra package)

# Tananarive (Paris) / Laborde Grid - EPSG:29701
wgs84 <- '+init=epsg:4326'
madProj <- '+init=epsg:29701'

mad1 <- terra::vect(mad1)
mad1 <- terra::project(mad1, madProj)

redBelly <- lemurs[lemurs$species == 'Eulemur rubriventer', ]
ll <- c('longitude', 'latitude')
redBelly <- terra::vect(redBelly[ , ll], geom=ll, crs=wgs84)
redBelly <- terra::project(redBelly, madProj)

faritras <- c('Vakinankaratra', 'Haute matsiatra', 'Ihorombe',
'Vatovavy Fitovinany', 'Alaotra-Mangoro', 'Analanjirofo', 'Atsinanana',
'Analamanga', 'Itasy')
polys <- mad1[mad1$NAME_2 %in% faritras, ]

mcpPolys <- mcpFromPolys(polys)
mcpPolysPoints <- mcpFromPolys(polys, pts=redBelly)

# extent of occurrence in m2

plot(polys, col='gray80', add=TRUE)
plot(mcpPolysPoints, col=scales::alpha('green', 0.4), add=TRUE)
plot(mcpPolys, col=scales::alpha('purple', 0.4), add=TRUE)
plot(redBelly, pch=16, add=TRUE)
legend=c('Presences', '"Occupied" Faritras',
'MCP w/ polygons', 'MCP w/ polygons & points'),
fill=c(NA, 'gray', scales::alpha('purple', 0.4),
scales::alpha('green', 0.4)),
pch=c(16, NA, NA, NA),
border=c(NA, 'black', 'black', 'black'))

### NOTE
# Using SpatVector input (terra package) yields EOOs that are slightly
# larger than using Spatial* (sp) or sf (sf) objects (by about 0.03-0.07%
# in this example). The difference arises because terra::expanse yields a
# different value from rgeos::gArea and sf::st_area.

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