activeCat | Get or set the column with category labels in a categorical... |
add | "Stack" a GRaster |
addCats | Add rows or columns to the "levels" table of a categorical... |
addons | Test if addons directory exists and if an addon is installed |
addTable | Attach or detach GVector's data table |
aggregate | Aggregate raster cells into larger cells or combine... |
app | Apply a function to a set of rasters |
appFunsTable | Functions that can be used in app() |
Arithmetic | Arithmetic operations on GRasters |
as.contour | Contour lines from a "GRaster" | | Convert GVector to a data frame | | Coerce raster to integer, float, or double precision |
as.lines | Convert a raster to a lines vector |
as.points | Convert a GRaster, or lines or polygons GVector to a points... |
as.polygons | Convert a raster to a polygons vector |
bioclims | BIOCLIM rasters |
breakPolys | Fix issues with geometries of a vector |
buffer | Increase/decrease the size of a vector or around non-NA cells... |
c | "Stack" GRasters |
catNames | Names of columns of the levels table of a categorical raster |
cellSize | Area of GRaster cells |
centroids | Centroid(s) of a vector |
classify | Classify GRaster cell values |
clump | Group adjacent cells with similar values |
clusterPoints | Identify clusters of points |
colbind | Add columns to the data table of a GVector |
combineLevels | Combine levels table from multiple categorical GRasters |
compareGeom | Determine if GRasters and/or GVectors are geographically... |
Compare-methods | Compare-methods operations on GRasters and GRegions |
complete.cases | Rows of a GRaster or GVector's table that have no NAs or that... |
compositeRGB | Combine red, green, and blue color bands to make a composite... |
concats | Combine values/categories of multiple GRasters into a single... |
connectors | Create lines connecting nearest features of two GVectors |
convHull | Minimum convex hull around a spatial vector |
copyGSpatial | Make a copy of an object in GRASS |
crds | Coordinates of a vector"s features or a raster"s cell centers |
crop | Remove parts of a GRaster or GVector |
crs | Coordinate reference system of a GRaster or GVector |
datatype | Get the datatype of a GRaster or of GVector columns |
delaunay | Delaunay triangulation for points |
denoise | Remove or retain "noise" in a raster using PCA |
dim | Number of rows, columns, depths, cells, and layers |
disagg | Coerce as multipart GVector to a singlepart GVector |
distance | Geographic distance |
dot-backdoor | Setup fasterRaster for ABS |
dot-ext | Function to get extent from a "sources" name of a raster or... |
dot-geomtype | Get geometry type from the sources() name of a vector |
dot-g.proj | Call GRASS 'g.proj' module |
dot-g.region | Call GRASS 'g.region' module |
dot-layerIndex | Get index of raster layers |
dot-makeGRaster | Create a GRaster |
dot-makeGVector | Create a GVector |
dot-makeSourceName | Make unique GRASS name for rasters, vectors, etc. |
dot-maxVal | Get maximum value from GRaster metadata |
dot-minVal | Get minimum value from GRaster metadata |
dot-nlevels | Count number of levels from a data.frame/table, list, or... |
dot-plot | Plot using a G-object's 'sources()' name |
dot-projection | Get "GRASS" projection of raster or vector |
dot-rastInfo | Metadata on rasters and vectors in GRASS |
dot-rename | Rename a raster or vector in an existing GRASS session |
dot-vectInfo | Metadata on a vector in GRASS |
dot-vValidCats | Are the category values of a vector valid? |
dot-zonal | Internal function for zonal() |
dot-zonalByVector | Internal function for zonal() when y is a GVector |
droplevels | Remove rows from the "levels" table of a categorical raster |
dropRows | Remove rows in a data.table, data.frame, or matrix. |
erase | Select parts of a polygon GVector erase shared by another... |
exists | Does the "GRASS" representation of a GRaster or GVector... |
expanse | Area of polygons or length of lines |
ext | Spatial bounds of a GRaster or GVector |
extend | Add rows and columns around a writeRaster |
extract | Extract values from a GRaster at locations in a points... |
fast | Create a GRaster or GVector |
fastData | Get one of the example rasters or spatial vectors |
faster | Set or get options shared across fasterRaster functions |
fasterRaster | "fasterRaster": Faster raster and spatial vector processing... |
fillHoles | Fill holes in a GVector |
fillNAs | Fill NA cells in a raster using interpolation |
flow | Identify watershed basins and direction and accumulation of... |
flowPath | Path of water flow across a landscape |
focal | Calculate cell values based on values of nearby cells |
fractalRast | Create fractal raster |
fragmentation | Landscape fragmentation class following Riitters et al.... |
freq | Frequencies of cell values in a raster |
functions | Mathematical operations on two or more GRasters |
geomorphons | Identify terrain feature types |
geomtype | Geometry of a GVector (points, lines, or polygons) |
global | Summary statistics for GRasters |
GLocation | Classes for fasterRaster sessions, regions, rasters, and... |
grassGUI | Start the GRASS GUI (potentially dangerous!) |
grassHelp | Open the help page for a GRASS module |
grassInfo | GRASS citation, version, and copyright information |
grassStarted | Has "GRASS" been started or not? |
grid | Create a grid GVector |
head | Return first or last part of the data frame of a GVector |
hexagons | Create a hexagonal grid |
hillshade | Hillshading |
hist | Plot a histogram of raster values |
horizonHeight | Horizon height |
init | GRaster with values equal to row, column, coordinate,... |
interpIDW | Interpolate values at points to a GRaster using... |
interpSplines | Interpolate values at points to a GRaster using splines |
intersect | Intersection of two GVectors |
is.2d | Test if a GRaster or GVector is 2- or 3-dimensional | | Data type of a raster |
is.lonlat | Test if a coordinate reference system is unprojected |
kernel | Kernel density estimator of points |
layerCor | Correlation between GRasters |
levels | Set and get categories for categorical rasters |
location | GRASS "location" of an object or the active session |
locationCreate | Connect to "GRASS" |
locationFind | Match CRS of a GSpatial object and an existing "GRASS"... |
locationRestore | Revert to a previously-created "GRASS" "location" |
locations | Meta-data on active GRASS locations |
Logic-methods | Logic-methods operations on GRasters |
longlat | Create longitude/latitude rasters |
ls | List objects in the active GRASS session |
madChelsa | Rasters of bioclimatic variables for an eastern portion of... |
madCoast | Shapefile of a portion of the coastline of Madagascar |
madCoast0 | Spatial vector of a portion of the coastline of Madagascar |
madCoast4 | Spatial vector of a portion of the coastline of Madagascar |
madCover | Raster of land cover for an eastern portion of Madagascar |
madCoverCats | Table of land cover classes for an eastern portion of... |
madDypsis | Spatial points vector of records of Dypsis in eastern... |
madElev | Elevation raster for an eastern portion of Madagascar |
madForest2000 | Forest cover in year 2000 for a portion of Madagascar |
madForest2014 | Forest cover in year 2014 for a portion of Madagascar |
madLANDSAT | Rasters of surface reflectance for an eastern portion of... |
madPpt | Rasters of average monthly precipitation for an eastern... |
madRivers | Major rivers in a selected portion of Madagascar |
madTmax | Rasters of average monthly maximum temperature for an eastern... |
madTmin | Rasters of average monthly minimum temperature for an eastern... |
mapset | GRASS "mapset" of an object or the active session |
mask | Mask values in a raster |
maskNA | Mask all non-NA cells or all NA cells |
match | Find which cells of a GRaster match certain values |
math | Mathematical operations on each layer of a GRasters |
merge | Combine two or more rasters with different extents and fill... |
message | Display warning or message |
minmax | Minimum and maximum values or categories of a GRaster |
missingCats | Values in a categorical raster with no assigned category |
mow | Remove rasters and vectors from the GRASS cache |
nacell | Number of NA or non-NA cells in a raster |
names | Name(s) of a GRaster or columns of a GVector's data table |
ngeom | Number of geometries and subgeometries in a vector |
nlevels | Number of categories in a categorical raster |
pairs | Scatterplot of values in each GRaster layer against the... |
pcs | Retrieve a principal components model from a PCA GRaster |
plot | Display a raster or vector |
plotRGB | Create red-green-blue plot from a raster with RGB layers |
predict | Make predictions from a linear or generalized linear model to... |
princomp | Apply a principal component analysis (PCA) to layers of a... |
project | Change the coordinate reference system of a GRaster or... |
quiet | Returns .quiet() or NULL for "flags" argument to GRASS... |
rast | Convert a GRaster to a SpatRaster |
rasterize | Convert a GVector to a GRaster |
rbind | Combine one or more GVectors |
region | Report or change the extent, dimensions, and/or resolution of... |
regress | Regression intercept, slope, r2, and t-value across each set... |
reorient | Convert degrees between 'north-orientation' and 'east... |
replace_dollar | Replace a raster layer or a column from a vector's data table |
replace_double_square_brackets | Replace layers of a GRaster |
replaceNAs | Replace NAs in a data.table or data.frame column, or in a... |
replace_single_square_bracket | Replace values of a GRaster |
res | Spatial resolution |
resample | Change the cell size of a GRaster |
rm | Delete objects in the active GRASS session |
rnormRast | Create a raster with random values drawn from a normal... |
rSpatialDepRast | Create a random raster with or without spatial dependence |
ruggedness | Terrain ruggedness index |
runifRast | Create a raster with random values drawn from a uniform... |
rvoronoi | Create a randomly-positioned tesselation |
sampleRast | Randomly sample cells from a GRaster |
scale | Center and scale a GRaster, or the opposite |
segregate | Create one GRaster layer per unique value in a GRaster |
selectRange | Select values from rasters in a stack based on values in... |
seqToSQL | Format a numeric series into an SQL value call |
show | Display a fasterRaster object |
simplifyGeom | Simplify the geometry of a vector |
sineRast | Sine wave rasters |
smoothGeom | Smooth the geometry of a vector |
sources | Name of a raster or vector in a GRASS session |
spatSample | Sample random points from a GRaster or GVector |
streams | Create stream network |
stretch | Rescale values in a GRaster |
subset | Subset layers from a GRaster, or specific rows from a GVector |
subset_dollar | Subset a GRaster layer, or return values from a column of a... |
subset_double_square_brackets | Subset layers from a GRaster, or specific columns from a... |
subset_single_bracket | Subset geometries of a GVector |
subst | Replace a specific value(s) in a GRaster |
sun | Solar radiance and irradiance |
terrain | Slope, aspect, curvature, and partial slopes |
thinLines | Reduce linear features on a raster so linear features are 1... |
thinPoints | Reduce number of points in same raster cell |
tiles | Divide a GRaster into spatially exclusive subsets |
topology-GSpatial-method | Topology (2- or 3-dimensions) of a GRaster or GVector |
trim | Remove rows and columns from a raster that are all NA |
union | Combine two GVectors |
update | Refresh metadata in a GRaster or GVector |
vAsDataTable | Convert a GRASS vector's attribute table to a data.table |
vAttachDatabase | Add a database table to a GRASS attribute table |
vCats | Category column values of a GRASS vector |
vDetachDatabase | Add a database table to a GRASS attribute table |
vect | Convert a GVector to a SpatVector or sf vector |
vegIndex | Vegetation indices from surface reflectance |
vegIndices | Table of vegetation indices that can be calculated from... |
vHasDatabase | Tests if a GRASS vector is linked to an attribute table |
vIncrementCats | Increment category values of a "GRASS" vector |
vNames | Names of columns of a GRASS vector's attribute table |
voronoi | Voronoi tessellation |
vRecat | Re-make vector "category" (cat) values |
wetness | Topographic wetness index |
workDir | Get a GLocation's working directory |
writeRaster | Save a GRaster to disk |
writeVector | Save a GVector to disk |
xor | Select parts of polygons not shared between two GVectors |
zonal | Statistics on cells of a GRaster stratified by cells of... |
zonalGeog | Geographic statistics for sets of cells with the same values |
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