Man pages for adamlilith/fasterRaster
Faster Raster and Spatial Vector Processing Using 'GRASS GIS'

activeCatGet or set the column with category labels in a categorical...
add"Stack" a GRaster
addCatsAdd rows or columns to the "levels" table of a categorical...
addonsTest if addons directory exists and if an addon is installed
addTableAttach or detach GVector's data table
aggregateAggregate raster cells into larger cells or combine...
appApply a function to a set of rasters
appFunsTableFunctions that can be used in app()
ArithmeticArithmetic operations on GRasters
as.contourContour lines from a "GRaster" GVector to a data frame
as.intCoerce raster to integer, float, or double precision
as.linesConvert a raster to a lines vector
as.pointsConvert a GRaster, or lines or polygons GVector to a points...
as.polygonsConvert a raster to a polygons vector
bioclimsBIOCLIM rasters
breakPolysFix issues with geometries of a vector
bufferIncrease/decrease the size of a vector or around non-NA cells...
c"Stack" GRasters
catNamesNames of columns of the levels table of a categorical raster
cellSizeArea of GRaster cells
centroidsCentroid(s) of a vector
classifyClassify GRaster cell values
clumpGroup adjacent cells with similar values
clusterPointsIdentify clusters of points
colbindAdd columns to the data table of a GVector
combineLevelsCombine levels table from multiple categorical GRasters
compareGeomDetermine if GRasters and/or GVectors are geographically...
Compare-methodsCompare-methods operations on GRasters and GRegions
complete.casesRows of a GRaster or GVector's table that have no NAs or that...
compositeRGBCombine red, green, and blue color bands to make a composite...
concatsCombine values/categories of multiple GRasters into a single...
connectorsCreate lines connecting nearest features of two GVectors
convHullMinimum convex hull around a spatial vector
copyGSpatialMake a copy of an object in GRASS
crdsCoordinates of a vector"s features or a raster"s cell centers
cropRemove parts of a GRaster or GVector
crsCoordinate reference system of a GRaster or GVector
datatypeGet the datatype of a GRaster or of GVector columns
delaunayDelaunay triangulation for points
denoiseRemove or retain "noise" in a raster using PCA
dimNumber of rows, columns, depths, cells, and layers
disaggCoerce as multipart GVector to a singlepart GVector
distanceGeographic distance
dot-backdoorSetup fasterRaster for ABS
dot-extFunction to get extent from a "sources" name of a raster or...
dot-geomtypeGet geometry type from the sources() name of a vector
dot-g.projCall GRASS 'g.proj' module
dot-g.regionCall GRASS 'g.region' module
dot-layerIndexGet index of raster layers
dot-makeGRasterCreate a GRaster
dot-makeGVectorCreate a GVector
dot-makeSourceNameMake unique GRASS name for rasters, vectors, etc.
dot-maxValGet maximum value from GRaster metadata
dot-minValGet minimum value from GRaster metadata
dot-nlevelsCount number of levels from a data.frame/table, list, or...
dot-plotPlot using a G-object's 'sources()' name
dot-projectionGet "GRASS" projection of raster or vector
dot-rastInfoMetadata on rasters and vectors in GRASS
dot-renameRename a raster or vector in an existing GRASS session
dot-vectInfoMetadata on a vector in GRASS
dot-vValidCatsAre the category values of a vector valid?
dot-zonalInternal function for zonal()
dot-zonalByVectorInternal function for zonal() when y is a GVector
droplevelsRemove rows from the "levels" table of a categorical raster
dropRowsRemove rows in a data.table, data.frame, or matrix.
eraseSelect parts of a polygon GVector erase shared by another...
existsDoes the "GRASS" representation of a GRaster or GVector...
expanseArea of polygons or length of lines
extSpatial bounds of a GRaster or GVector
extendAdd rows and columns around a writeRaster
extractExtract values from a GRaster at locations in a points...
fastCreate a GRaster or GVector
fastDataGet one of the example rasters or spatial vectors
fasterSet or get options shared across fasterRaster functions
fasterRaster"fasterRaster": Faster raster and spatial vector processing...
fillHolesFill holes in a GVector
fillNAsFill NA cells in a raster using interpolation
flowIdentify watershed basins and direction and accumulation of...
flowPathPath of water flow across a landscape
focalCalculate cell values based on values of nearby cells
fractalRastCreate fractal raster
fragmentationLandscape fragmentation class following Riitters et al....
freqFrequencies of cell values in a raster
functionsMathematical operations on two or more GRasters
geomorphonsIdentify terrain feature types
geomtypeGeometry of a GVector (points, lines, or polygons)
globalSummary statistics for GRasters
GLocationClasses for fasterRaster sessions, regions, rasters, and...
grassGUIStart the GRASS GUI (potentially dangerous!)
grassHelpOpen the help page for a GRASS module
grassInfoGRASS citation, version, and copyright information
grassStartedHas "GRASS" been started or not?
gridCreate a grid GVector
headReturn first or last part of the data frame of a GVector
hexagonsCreate a hexagonal grid
histPlot a histogram of raster values
horizonHeightHorizon height
initGRaster with values equal to row, column, coordinate,...
interpIDWInterpolate values at points to a GRaster using...
interpSplinesInterpolate values at points to a GRaster using splines
intersectIntersection of two GVectors
is.2dTest if a GRaster or GVector is 2- or 3-dimensional
is.intData type of a raster
is.lonlatTest if a coordinate reference system is unprojected
kernelKernel density estimator of points
layerCorCorrelation between GRasters
levelsSet and get categories for categorical rasters
locationGRASS "location" of an object or the active session
locationCreateConnect to "GRASS"
locationFindMatch CRS of a GSpatial object and an existing "GRASS"...
locationRestoreRevert to a previously-created "GRASS" "location"
locationsMeta-data on active GRASS locations
Logic-methodsLogic-methods operations on GRasters
longlatCreate longitude/latitude rasters
lsList objects in the active GRASS session
madChelsaRasters of bioclimatic variables for an eastern portion of...
madCoastShapefile of a portion of the coastline of Madagascar
madCoast0Spatial vector of a portion of the coastline of Madagascar
madCoast4Spatial vector of a portion of the coastline of Madagascar
madCoverRaster of land cover for an eastern portion of Madagascar
madCoverCatsTable of land cover classes for an eastern portion of...
madDypsisSpatial points vector of records of Dypsis in eastern...
madElevElevation raster for an eastern portion of Madagascar
madForest2000Forest cover in year 2000 for a portion of Madagascar
madForest2014Forest cover in year 2014 for a portion of Madagascar
madLANDSATRasters of surface reflectance for an eastern portion of...
madPptRasters of average monthly precipitation for an eastern...
madRiversMajor rivers in a selected portion of Madagascar
madTmaxRasters of average monthly maximum temperature for an eastern...
madTminRasters of average monthly minimum temperature for an eastern...
mapsetGRASS "mapset" of an object or the active session
maskMask values in a raster
maskNAMask all non-NA cells or all NA cells
matchFind which cells of a GRaster match certain values
mathMathematical operations on each layer of a GRasters
mergeCombine two or more rasters with different extents and fill...
messageDisplay warning or message
minmaxMinimum and maximum values or categories of a GRaster
missingCatsValues in a categorical raster with no assigned category
mowRemove rasters and vectors from the GRASS cache
nacellNumber of NA or non-NA cells in a raster
namesName(s) of a GRaster or columns of a GVector's data table
ngeomNumber of geometries and subgeometries in a vector
nlevelsNumber of categories in a categorical raster
pairsScatterplot of values in each GRaster layer against the...
pcsRetrieve a principal components model from a PCA GRaster
plotDisplay a raster or vector
plotRGBCreate red-green-blue plot from a raster with RGB layers
predictMake predictions from a linear or generalized linear model to...
princompApply a principal component analysis (PCA) to layers of a...
projectChange the coordinate reference system of a GRaster or...
quietReturns .quiet() or NULL for "flags" argument to GRASS...
rastConvert a GRaster to a SpatRaster
rasterizeConvert a GVector to a GRaster
rbindCombine one or more GVectors
regionReport or change the extent, dimensions, and/or resolution of...
regressRegression intercept, slope, r2, and t-value across each set...
reorientConvert degrees between 'north-orientation' and 'east...
replace_dollarReplace a raster layer or a column from a vector's data table
replace_double_square_bracketsReplace layers of a GRaster
replaceNAsReplace NAs in a data.table or data.frame column, or in a...
replace_single_square_bracketReplace values of a GRaster
resSpatial resolution
resampleChange the cell size of a GRaster
rmDelete objects in the active GRASS session
rnormRastCreate a raster with random values drawn from a normal...
rSpatialDepRastCreate a random raster with or without spatial dependence
ruggednessTerrain ruggedness index
runifRastCreate a raster with random values drawn from a uniform...
rvoronoiCreate a randomly-positioned tesselation
sampleRastRandomly sample cells from a GRaster
scaleCenter and scale a GRaster, or the opposite
segregateCreate one GRaster layer per unique value in a GRaster
selectRangeSelect values from rasters in a stack based on values in...
seqToSQLFormat a numeric series into an SQL value call
showDisplay a fasterRaster object
simplifyGeomSimplify the geometry of a vector
sineRastSine wave rasters
smoothGeomSmooth the geometry of a vector
sourcesName of a raster or vector in a GRASS session
spatSampleSample random points from a GRaster or GVector
streamsCreate stream network
stretchRescale values in a GRaster
subsetSubset layers from a GRaster, or specific rows from a GVector
subset_dollarSubset a GRaster layer, or return values from a column of a...
subset_double_square_bracketsSubset layers from a GRaster, or specific columns from a...
subset_single_bracketSubset geometries of a GVector
substReplace a specific value(s) in a GRaster
sunSolar radiance and irradiance
terrainSlope, aspect, curvature, and partial slopes
thinLinesReduce linear features on a raster so linear features are 1...
thinPointsReduce number of points in same raster cell
tilesDivide a GRaster into spatially exclusive subsets
topology-GSpatial-methodTopology (2- or 3-dimensions) of a GRaster or GVector
trimRemove rows and columns from a raster that are all NA
unionCombine two GVectors
updateRefresh metadata in a GRaster or GVector
vAsDataTableConvert a GRASS vector's attribute table to a data.table
vAttachDatabaseAdd a database table to a GRASS attribute table
vCatsCategory column values of a GRASS vector
vDetachDatabaseAdd a database table to a GRASS attribute table
vectConvert a GVector to a SpatVector or sf vector
vegIndexVegetation indices from surface reflectance
vegIndicesTable of vegetation indices that can be calculated from...
vHasDatabaseTests if a GRASS vector is linked to an attribute table
vIncrementCatsIncrement category values of a "GRASS" vector
vNamesNames of columns of a GRASS vector's attribute table
voronoiVoronoi tessellation
vRecatRe-make vector "category" (cat) values
wetnessTopographic wetness index
workDirGet a GLocation's working directory
writeRasterSave a GRaster to disk
writeVectorSave a GVector to disk
xorSelect parts of polygons not shared between two GVectors
zonalStatistics on cells of a GRaster stratified by cells of...
zonalGeogGeographic statistics for sets of cells with the same values
adamlilith/fasterRaster documentation built on Dec. 21, 2024, 2:04 a.m.