#' Assign data labels to specified variables
#' `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`
#' @param tbl [data.frame]: Data.frame with the data
#' @param vars [character]: If specified, only labels are assigned to those variables
#' @param dict [data.frame]: Dictionary with all the data labels to use
#' @param ignore_case [logical]: Indicate if case sensitive should be ignored.
#' @param warn [logical]: Indicate if warnings should be shown.
#' @return The data entered in the \code{tbl} argument but with data labels
#' @seealso
#' Data labels \code{vignette("labeler", package = "labeler")}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' dict <- list(
#' SEX = list(
#' lab = "Sex of the person",
#' labs = c(
#' "Man" = 1,
#' "Woman" = 2
#' )
#' )
#' )
#' df <- data.frame(SEX = c(1, 2))
#' str(df)
#' str(set_labels(df, dict = dict))
#' }
set_labels <- function(tbl, dict, vars = NULL, ignore_case = FALSE, warn = TRUE) {
enc <- dict[["encoding"]]
if (is.null(enc)) {
enc <- ""
dict <- dict[names(dict) != "encoding"]
if (!is.null(vars)) {
names <- vars
} else if (!is.null(tbl)) {
if (!("data.frame" %in% class(tbl))) { # Validar las clases de tbl admitidas
cli::cli_alert_info("Operation not guaranteed for this class of objects.
Pass an object of type data.frame to ensure operation.")
names <- names(tbl)
} else {
names <- NULL
if (all(!is.null(tbl), !is.null(names))) {
for (name in names) {
if (ignore_case) {
name <- names(dict)[tolower(names(dict)) == tolower(name)]
lab <- dict[[name]]$lab
error = function(e) {
lab <- NULL
if (!is.null(lab)) {
lab <- decode_lab(lab, enc)
lab <- validateLab(lab, dict)
labs <- dict[[name]]$labs
error = function(e) {
labs <- NULL
if (!is.null(labs)) {
labs <- validateLabs(labs, dict)
labs <- decode_labs(labs, enc)
name <- names(tbl)[tolower(names(tbl)) == tolower(name)]
tbl <- labellize(tbl, name, lab, labs)
if (warn) {
if (!is.null(dict[[name]][["warn"]])) {
cli::cli_alert_warning(paste0(name, ": ", decode_warn(dict[[name]][["warn"]])))
}, error = function(e){
setLabels <- function(tbl, dict, vars = NULL, ignore_case = FALSE) {
deprecate_warn("0.1.1", "endomer::setLabels()", "set_labels()")
set_labels(tbl, dict, vars, ignore_case)
validateLab <- function(lab, dict) {
if (all(!is.null(lab), is.character(lab))) {
if (startsWith(lab, "link::")) {
link <- strsplit(lab, "::")[[1]][[2]]
if (!is.null(dict[[link]])) {
lab <- dict[[link]]$lab
} else {
lab <- paste0("The link '", link, "' is not defined in the dictionary")
lab <- validateLab(lab, dict)
} else {
lab <- NULL
validateLabs <- function(labs, dict) {
if (!is.null(labs)) {
if (all(length(labs) == 1, is.character(labs))) {
if (startsWith(labs, "link::")) {
link <- strsplit(labs, "::")[[1]][[2]]
if (!is.null(dict[[link]])) {
labs <- dict[[link]]$labs
} else {
labs <- c(999)
names(labs) <- paste0("The link '", link, "' is not defined in the dictionary")
labs <- validateLabs(labs, dict)
if (is.null(names(labs))) {
labs <- NULL
if (!is.null(names(labs))) {
names(labs) <- names(labs)
decode_lab <- function(lab, enc = "") {
if (!is.null(lab)) {
lab <- iconv(lab, to = "utf8")
decode_labs <- function(labs, enc = "") {
if (!is.null(labs)) {
for (lab in seq_along(names(labs))) {
names(labs)[lab] <- iconv(names(labs)[lab], to = "utf8")
decode_warn <- function(warn, enc = "") {
if (!is.null(warn)) {
warn <- iconv(warn, to = "utf8")
labellize <- function(tbl, var_name, lab, labs) {
if (!is.null(lab)) {
tbl[[var_name]] <- sjlabelled::set_label(tbl[[var_name]], label = lab)
error = function(e) {
if (!is.null(labs)) {
tbl[[var_name]] <- sjlabelled::set_labels(tbl[[var_name]], labels = labs)
error = function(e) {
#' Use the data labels of a variable instead of its values
#' `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`
#' @param tbl [data.frame]: Data.frame with the data
#' @param vars [character]: If specified, only labels are assigned to those variables
#' @param dict [data.frame]: Dictionary with all the data labels to use if they
#' have not yet been assigned. See \code{Details}
#' @param ignore_case [logical]: Indicate if case sensitive should be ignored
#' @param check [logical]: If TRUE (default), the function will check if values
#' present in variable are valid data labels in dictionary.
#' @param warn [logical]: Indicate if warnings should be shown.
#' @return The data supplied in the \code{tbl} argument, but instead of values
#' using the corresponding data labels
#' @details This function assumes that the data labels have been assigned to the
#' data before, unless a \code{dict} is supplied, in which case the latter
#' will be used to assign and use the data labels.
#' @seealso
#' Data labels \code{vignette("labeler", package = "labeler")}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' dict <- list(
#' SEX = list(
#' lab = "Sex of the person",
#' labs = c(
#' "Man" = 1,
#' "Woman" = 2
#' )
#' )
#' )
#' enft <- data.frame(SEX = c(1, 2))
#' enft
#' use_labels(enft, dict = dict)
#' }
use_labels <- function(tbl,
dict = NULL,
vars = NULL,
ignore_case = F,
check = TRUE,
warn = TRUE) {
if (!is.null(dict)) {
tbl <- set_labels(tbl, dict, vars, ignore_case, warn)
} else {
dict <- get_dict(tbl)
if (!is.null(vars)) {
names <- vars
} else if (!is.null(tbl)) { # Validar luego las clases de tbl admitidas
names <- names(tbl)
} else {
names <- NULL
if (all(!is.null(tbl), !is.na(vars))) {
nulas <- character()
for (name in names) {
variable <- tbl[[name]] # tbl[, name]
var2 <- sjlabelled::as_label(variable)
if (check) {
unicos <- unique(variable)
unicos <- unicos[!is.na(unicos)]
if (sum(is.na(variable)) != sum(is.na(var2))) {
nulas <- c(nulas, name)
var2 <- variable
variable <- var2
error = function(e) {
tbl[[name]] <- variable # tbl[, name] <- variable
if (warn) {
if (length(nulas) > 0) {
lnulas <- length(nulas)
names(nulas) <- rep("*", length(nulas))
cli::cli_text("The following ({lnulas}) variable{?s} w{?as/ere} not labeled since {?it/they} contain values not present in the dictionary:")
cli::cli_text("Please visit {.url {'https://adatar-do.github.io/labeler/articles/labeler.html#checking-labels'}} for more details.")
useLabels <- function(tbl, dict = NULL, vars = NULL) {
deprecate_warn("0.1.1", "endomer::useLabels()", "use_labels()")
use_labels(tbl, dict, vars)
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