
Defines functions captioner

Documented in captioner

#' Captioner function
#' Creates a function to create numbered captions for figures, tables or other objects
#' @param prefix Character string containing text to go before object number.
#' The default is \emph{Figure}.
#' @param suffix Character string containing text to go after object number and
#' before caption. The default is ": ".
#' @param auto_space Logical indicating whether a single space should automatically
#' be added after the prefix and suffx. Default is \emph{TRUE}.
#' @param style  Optional character string indicating md style to use. Possible
#' options: bold \emph{b}, italic \emph{i}, or bold+italic \emph{bi}.
#' @param style_prefix Logical specifying whether the style should be applied to
#' the prefix only (\emph{TRUE}) or the entire caption.  The default is \emph{FALSE}.
#' @param levels Logical or number indicating whether or not you want hierarchical
#' numbering, and if so, how many levels.  Hierarchical numbering is turned off by
#' default.
#' @param type Vector with same length as \code{levels} indicating whether figure
#' numbering should be numeric (\emph{n}), lowercase character (\emph{c}), or
#' uppercase character (\emph{C}). If unspecified, \code{captioner} will revert to
#' all numeric values.
#' @param infix Character string containing text to go between figure numbers if
#' hierarchical numbering is on.  Default is \emph{.}
#' @param before Logical indicating whether to display the caption before or after the
#' figure.  Applies only to automatic caption display (e.g. with a hook).
#' @param knitr_op A named list containing any other chunk options desired.
#' @param css_class Assign a css class to the caption. Places the caption into 
#' a span html element with a class.
#' @return A captioner function.
#' @details Captioner generates a function with the following parameters
#' \code{name}: Character string containing a unique object name
#' \code{caption}: The object caption
#' \code{display}: Character string (or logical) indicating what display mode you would like:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \emph{full} or \emph{f} is the default and shows the entire caption with prefix and number
#' \item \emph{cite} or \emph{c} displays just the prefix and number, without the caption
#' \item \emph{num} or \emph{n} displays just the number
#' }
#' \code{level}: Optional numeric used to bump up the numbering if you have hierarchical numbering.  See also \code{\link{bump}}.
#' \code{cite}: Deprecated.  Please use \code{display}.
#' \code{num}: Deprecated. Please use \code{display}.
#' And returns a character string containing the prefix and object number with or without a caption.
#' The initial numbering is determined based on the order of caption creation.  However, this order
#' is modified based on the citations you use.  The first figure to be cited will be moved to the
#' beginning of the list, becoming \emph{Figure 1}.
#' @examples
#' fig_nums <- captioner()
#' fig_nums("flower_plot", "This plot shows the distribution of flower colors")
#' fig_nums("flower_plot", display = "cite")
#' fig_nums("flower_plot")
#' tables <- captioner(prefix = "Table", levels = 2)
#' tables("a", "Table of world populations sorted from greatest to least.")
#' @export

captioner <- function(prefix = "Figure", suffix = ":", auto_space = TRUE,
                      style = NULL, style_prefix = FALSE,
                      levels = 1, type = NULL, infix = ".", 
                      before = FALSE, knitr_op = NULL,
                      css_class = NULL)
  ## Make sure all of the parameters are setup correctly ---
  # Check the parameter classes
  check_class(prefix,       "character")
  check_class(suffix,       "character")
  check_class(style_prefix, "logical")
  check_class(levels,       "numeric")
  check_class(infix,        "character")
  check_class(before,       "logical")
  # Set missing/NULL "type" values to numeric
  # Cut off extra values
    type <- c(rep("n", times = levels))
  } else if(length(type) < levels){
    type[(length(type) + 1):levels] <- "n"
  } else if(length(type) > levels){
    type <- type[1:levels]
  # Give error if wrong types were used
  if(!all(type %in% c("n", "c", "C"))){
    stop("Invalid 'type' value used.  Expecting 'n', 'c', or 'C'.")
  # Check style value
    if (!style %in% c("b","i","bi")) 
      stop("Invalid 'style' value used.  Expecting 'b', 'i', or 'bi'.")
  # Force the parameter values for use in the return function
  ## Create the OBJECT list ---
  # Create a list to store object names, captions, and numbers
  OBJECTS <- list("name"    = NULL,
                  "caption" = NULL,
                  "number"  = list(list()))
  # Assign the first caption number
  # Note that extra values of "type" are ignored by looping over "levels"
  OBJECTS$number[[1]][which(type == "n")] <- 1
  OBJECTS$number[[1]][which(type == "c")] <- "a"
  OBJECTS$number[[1]][which(type == "C")] <- "A"
  ## Formatting --
  # Add space if auto_space is TRUE
    prefix <- paste0(prefix, " ")
    suffix <- paste0(suffix, " ")
  # Display before or after the figure
    cap_knitr(where = "before")
  } else {
    cap_knitr(where = "after")
  # Set knitr options
  KNITR <- knitr_op
  ## Create and return the specialized captioning function ---
  function(name, caption = "", display = "full", level = FALSE, cite = FALSE, 
           num = FALSE)
    ## Error check parameters --
    if(level > levels){
      stop("Level too large.")
    ## Get the object list from the enclosing environment ---
    objects <- OBJECTS
    ## Assign the new name and caption to the list ---
    # Is the name already stored?
    if(any(objects$name == name)) {
      # find the index associated with the stored name
      obj_ind <- match(name, objects$name)
      # find the caption associated with the stored name
      # if the caption is missing, and you supplied one with the current
      # function call, the missing one will be filled in with the new one
      if(objects$caption[obj_ind] == ""){
        # replace empty caption
        objects$caption[obj_ind] <- caption
      } else {
        # access existing caption
        caption <- objects$caption[obj_ind]
    else {
      # get the earliest available index
      obj_ind <- length(objects$name) + 1
      # If there is already a nameless number, none will be added
      # Otherwise the number is incremented
      if(length(objects$number) == length(objects$name)){
          # bump the numbering at an earlier level
          objects$number[[obj_ind]] <- increment(objects$number[[obj_ind - 1]], 
        } else{
          # increment the previous number and add as the new number
          objects$number[[obj_ind]] <- increment(objects$number[[obj_ind - 1]], 
      # Generate a warning if the caption is empty (only occurs on the initial
      # creation of the object)
      if(caption == ""){
        warning("No caption supplied.")
      # store the object name and caption at the current index
      objects$name[obj_ind]    <- name
      objects$caption[obj_ind] <- caption
    ## Copy "objects" back to the parent environment ---
    assign("OBJECTS", objects, envir = parent.env(environment()))
    ## Format the display ready output ---
    # Check the deprecated options, cite and num
      .Deprecated(new = "display", old = "cite")
      return(paste0(prefix, obj_num))
      .Deprecated(new = "display", old = "num")
    # Create display version of object number
    obj_num <- paste(objects$number[[obj_ind]], collapse = infix)
    # Generate final display version
    if(display == FALSE)
    else if(display == "full" || display == "f")
      # Add style settings if specified
        if(style == "i"){
          tag <- "*"
        } else if(style == "b"){
          tag <- "**"
        } else if(style == "bi"){
          tag <- "***"
          # Apply style to prefix only
          cap_text <- paste0(tag, prefix, obj_num, suffix, tag, caption)
        } else{
          # Apply style to entire caption
          cap_text <- paste0(tag, prefix, obj_num, suffix, caption, tag)
      } else {
        cap_text <- paste0(prefix, obj_num, suffix, caption)
        cap_text <- paste0("<span class=\"", 
                           css_class, "\">", cap_text, 
    else if(display == "cite" || display == "c")
      return(paste0(prefix, obj_num))
    else if(display == "num"  || display == "n")
      warning("Invalid display mode used.  Caption was still saved.")
adletaw/captioner documentation built on Feb. 21, 2020, 10:14 p.m.