

# UTM zones based on the most frequent zone among survey samples.
crs_by_region <- data.frame(region = c("AI", "GOA", "EBS"),
                            utmcrs = c("EPSG:32660", "EPSG:32605", "EPSG:32602"),
                            aeacrs = "EPSG:3338")

region = "AI"

profile_dat <- readRDS(here::here("data", region, paste0("profile_data_", region, ".rds")))

if(region == "EBS") {
  slope_dat <- readRDS(here::here("data", "slope", paste0("profile_data_slope.rds")))
  nbs_dat <- readRDS(here::here("data", "nbs", paste0("profile_data_nbs.rds")))
  profile_dat$profile <- dplyr::bind_rows(profile_dat$profile, slope_dat$profile, nbs_dat$profile)
  profile_dat$haul <- dplyr::bind_rows(profile_dat$haul, slope_dat$haul, nbs_dat$haul)

profile_dat$haul$YEAR <- lubridate::year(profile_dat$haul$START_TIME)

unique_years <- sort(unique(profile_dat$haul$YEAR))

loocv_fits <- data.frame()

ii <- 1

sel_haul <- dplyr::filter(profile_dat$haul, 
                          YEAR == unique_years[ii], 

sel_profile <- dplyr::filter(profile_dat$profile, 
                             HAUL_ID %in% unique(sel_haul$HAUL_ID),
                             ! |>
  dplyr::inner_join(dplyr::select(sel_haul, HAUL_ID, BOTTOM_DEPTH, GEAR_DEPTH, YEAR)) |>
  dplyr::mutate(LOG_GEAR_DEPTH = log(GEAR_DEPTH)) |>
  # dplyr::filter(CAST == "bottom") |>
  # dplyr::mutate(index = dplyr::row_number())
  dplyr::mutate(index = as.numeric(factor(HAUL_ID)))

sel_profile <- dplyr::filter(sel_profile, CAST %in% c("downcast", "upcast")) |>
  dplyr::inner_join(expand.grid(CAST = c("upcast", "downcast"),
                                DEPTH = seq(5, max(sel_profile$DEPTH), 5))) |>
  dplyr::bind_rows(dplyr::filter(sel_profile, CAST == "bottom"))

test <- dplyr::bind_rows(dplyr::filter(sel_profile, CAST == "bottom"))

# unique_casts <- dplyr::filter(sel_profile,
#                               CAST != "bottom") |>
#   dplyr::select(CAST, index) |> 
#   unique()
# semivariance <- data.frame()
# for(ii in 1:nrow(unique_casts)) {
#   sel_cast <- dplyr::inner_join(sel_profile, unique_casts[ii,]) |>
#     dplyr::arrange(DEPTH) |>
#     dplyr::mutate(dummy_dim = 0)
#   mod <- gstat::gstat(formula = TEMPERATURE ~ 1, 
#                       locations = ~ DEPTH + dummy_dim, 
#                       data = sel_cast)
#   vario <- gstat::variogram(mod, width = 1)
#   semivariance <- dplyr::bind_rows(semivariance,
#                                    dplyr::bind_cols(
#                                      data.frame(dist = vario$dist,
#                                                                gamma = vario$gamma),
#                                                     unique_casts[ii,])
#                                    )
# }
# ggplot(data = semivariance,
#        mapping = aes(x = dist, 
#                      y = gamma)) +
#   geom_point() +
#   geom_smooth()
# test <- dplyr::filter(sel_profile, 
#               index == 1, 
#               CAST == "upcast") |>
#   dplyr::mutate(y_dim = 0)
# test_variogram <- gstat::variogram(test_mod, width = 1)
# test_vgm_fit <- fit.variogram(object = test_variogram,
#                               gstat::vgm("Exp", range = max(test$DEPTH))
#                               )
# plot(test_vgm_fit, cutoff = 25)

max_depth <- dplyr::group_by(sel_profile, HAUL_ID) |>
  dplyr::filter(CAST != "bottom") |>
sel_profile <- dplyr::inner_join(sel_profile, max_depth) |>
  dplyr::filter((MAX_DEPTH-DEPTH) < 7)

krige_base <- coldpool::kriging_loocv(
  x = dplyr::filter(sel_profile, CAST == "bottom"),
  variable_name = "TEMPERATURE",
  latitude_name = "LATITUDE",
  longitude_name = "LONGITUDE",
  elevation_name = NULL,
  input_crs = "WGS84",
  interpolation_crs = crs_by_region$utmcrs[crs_by_region$region == region],
  anisotropy_parameters = NULL,
  estimate_anisotropy = TRUE,
  nm = Inf,
  vgm_width = 20000,
  kriging_formula = variable_name ~ log(GEAR_DEPTH),
  interpolation_methods = c("exp")
) |>
  dplyr::mutate(MODEL = "Base")

krige_log_depth <- coldpool::kriging_loocv(
  x = dplyr::filter(sel_profile, CAST == "bottom"),
  variable_name = "TEMPERATURE",
  latitude_name = "LATITUDE",
  longitude_name = "LONGITUDE",
  elevation_name = NULL,
  input_crs = "WGS84",
  interpolation_crs = crs_by_region$utmcrs[crs_by_region$region == region],
  anisotropy_parameters = NULL,
  estimate_anisotropy = TRUE,
  nm = Inf,
  vgm_width = 20000,
  kriging_formula = variable_name ~ LOG_GEAR_DEPTH,
  interpolation_methods = c("exp")
) |>
  dplyr::mutate(MODEL = "log_depth")

# krige_test_index <- coldpool::kriging_loocv(
#   x = sel_profile,
#   variable_name = "TEMPERATURE",
#   latitude_name = "LATITUDE",
#   longitude_name = "LONGITUDE",
#   cv_index_name = "index",
#   elevation_name = NULL,
#   input_crs = "WGS84",
#   interpolation_crs = crs_by_region$utmcrs[crs_by_region$region == region],
#   anisotropy_parameters = NULL,
#   estimate_anisotropy = TRUE,
#   nm = Inf,
#   vgm_width = NULL,
#   kriging_formula = variable_name ~ 1,
#   interpolation_methods = c("nn", "idw", "exp")
# ) |>
#   dplyr::mutate(MODEL = "test_index")
# krige_base$exp == krige_test_index$exp
# krige_base$idw == krige_test_index$idw
# krige_base$nn == krige_test_index$nn
# krige_test_vert <- coldpool::kriging_loocv(
#   x = dplyr::mutate(sel_profile, DEPTH = DEPTH * 1000),
#   variable_name = "TEMPERATURE",
#   latitude_name = "LATITUDE",
#   longitude_name = "LONGITUDE",
#   cv_index_name = "index",
#   elevation_name = "DEPTH",
#   input_crs = "WGS84",
#   interpolation_crs = crs_by_region$utmcrs[crs_by_region$region == region],
#   anisotropy_parameters = NULL,
#   estimate_anisotropy = FALSE,
#   nm = Inf,
#   vgm_width = NULL,
#   kriging_formula = variable_name ~ 1,
#   interpolation_methods = c("nn", "idw", "exp")
# ) |>
#   dplyr::mutate(MODEL = "test_vert")
# krige_test_vert_no_index <- coldpool::kriging_loocv(
#   x = dplyr::mutate(sel_profile, DEPTH = DEPTH * 1000),
#   variable_name = "TEMPERATURE",
#   latitude_name = "LATITUDE",
#   longitude_name = "LONGITUDE",
#   cv_index_name = NULL,
#   elevation_name = "DEPTH",
#   input_crs = "WGS84",
#   interpolation_crs = crs_by_region$utmcrs[crs_by_region$region == region],
#   anisotropy_parameters = NULL,
#   estimate_anisotropy = FALSE,
#   nm = Inf,
#   vgm_width = NULL,
#   kriging_formula = variable_name ~ 1,
#   interpolation_methods = c("nn", "idw", "exp")
# ) |>
#   dplyr::mutate(MODEL = "test_vert_no_index")

start_time <- Sys.time()
krige_test_vert_anisotropy <- coldpool::kriging_loocv(
  x = dplyr::mutate(sel_profile, DEPTH = DEPTH * 1000),
  variable_name = "TEMPERATURE",
  latitude_name = "LATITUDE",
  longitude_name = "LONGITUDE",
  cv_index_name = "index",
  elevation_name = "DEPTH",
  input_crs = "WGS84",
  interpolation_crs = crs_by_region$utmcrs[crs_by_region$region == region],
  anisotropy_parameters = c(63.433424, 0, 0, 0.565689, 1), #anis = c(p,s) is equivalent to anis = c(p,0,0,s,1)
  estimate_anisotropy = FALSE,
  nm = Inf,
  vgm_width = 20000,
  kriging_formula = variable_name ~ 1,
  interpolation_methods = c("exp")
) |>
  dplyr::mutate(MODEL = "test_3d")
end_time <- Sys.time()

start_time <- Sys.time()
krige_test_vert_anisotropy_gear_depth <- coldpool::kriging_loocv(
  x = dplyr::mutate(sel_profile, DEPTH = DEPTH * 10000),
  variable_name = "TEMPERATURE",
  latitude_name = "LATITUDE",
  longitude_name = "LONGITUDE",
  cv_index_name = "index",
  elevation_name = "DEPTH",
  input_crs = "WGS84",
  interpolation_crs = crs_by_region$utmcrs[crs_by_region$region == region],
  anisotropy_parameters = c(63.433424, 0, 0, 0.565689, 1), #anis = c(p,s) is equivalent to anis = c(p,0,0,s,1)
  estimate_anisotropy = FALSE,
  nm = Inf,
  vgm_width = 20000,
  kriging_formula = variable_name ~ LOG_GEAR_DEPTH,
  interpolation_methods = c("exp")
) |>
  dplyr::mutate(MODEL = "test_3d_gear_depth")
end_time <- Sys.time()

                 krige_test_vert_anisotropy_gear_depth) |>
  dplyr::filter(CAST == "bottom") |>
  dplyr::group_by(MODEL) |>
  dplyr::summarise(mse = sqrt(mean((TEMPERATURE-exp)^2)))
afsc-gap-products/coldpool documentation built on Feb. 25, 2024, 9:44 p.m.