
Defines functions getVarianceStabilizedData

Documented in getVarianceStabilizedData

#' Apply a variance stabilizing transformation (VST) to the count data
#' This function calculates a variance stabilizing transformation (VST) from the
#' fitted dispersion-mean relation(s) and then transforms the count data (normalized
#' by division by the size factors or normalization factors), yielding a matrix
#' of values which are now approximately homoskedastic (having constant variance along the range
#' of mean values). The transformation also normalizes with respect to library size.
#' The \code{\link{rlog}} is less sensitive
#' to size factors, which can be an issue when size factors vary widely.
#' These transformations are useful when checking for outliers or as input for
#' machine learning techniques such as clustering or linear discriminant analysis.
#' @aliases varianceStabilizingTransformation getVarianceStabilizedData
#' @param object a DESeqDataSet or matrix of counts
#' @param blind logical, whether to blind the transformation to the experimental
#' design. blind=TRUE should be used for comparing samples in an manner unbiased by
#' prior information on samples, for example to perform sample QA (quality assurance).
#' blind=FALSE should be used for transforming data for downstream analysis,
#' where the full use of the design information should be made.
#' If many of genes have large differences in counts due to
#' the experimental design, it is important to set blind=FALSE for downstream
#' analysis.
#' @param fitType in case dispersions have not yet been estimated for \code{object},
#' this parameter is passed on to \code{\link{estimateDispersions}} (options described there).
#' @details For each sample (i.e., column of \code{counts(dds)}), the full variance function
#' is calculated from the raw variance (by scaling according to the size factor and adding 
#' the shot noise). We recommend a blind estimation of the variance function, i.e.,
#' one ignoring conditions. This is performed by default, and can be modified using the
#' 'blind' argument.
#' Note that neither rlog transformation nor the VST are used by the
#' differential expression estimation in \code{\link{DESeq}}, which always
#' occurs on the raw count data, through generalized linear modeling which
#' incorporates knowledge of the variance-mean dependence. The rlog transformation
#' and VST are offered as separate functionality which can be used for visualization,
#' clustering or other machine learning tasks. See the transformation section of the
#' vignette for more details.
#' The transformation does not require that one has already estimated size factors
#' and dispersions.
#' A typical workflow is shown in Section \emph{Variance stabilizing transformation}
#' in the package vignette.
#' If \code{\link{estimateDispersions}} was called with:
#' \code{fitType="parametric"},
#' a closed-form expression for the variance stabilizing
#' transformation is used on the normalized
#' count data. The expression can be found in the file \file{vst.pdf}
#' which is distributed with the vignette.
#' \code{fitType="local"},
#' the reciprocal of the square root of the variance of the normalized counts, as derived
#' from the dispersion fit, is then numerically
#' integrated, and the integral (approximated by a spline function) is evaluated for each
#' count value in the column, yielding a transformed value. 
#' \code{fitType="mean"}, a VST is applied for Negative Binomial distributed counts, 'k',
#' with a fixed dispersion, 'a': ( 2 asinh(sqrt(a k)) - log(a) - log(4) )/log(2).
#' In all cases, the transformation is scaled such that for large
#' counts, it becomes asymptotically (for large values) equal to the
#' logarithm to base 2 of normalized counts.
#' The variance stabilizing transformation from a previous dataset
#' can be frozen and reapplied to new samples. See the 'Data quality assessment'
#' section of the vignette for strategies to see if new samples are
#' sufficiently similar to previous datasets. 
#' The frozen VST is accomplished by saving the dispersion function
#' accessible with \code{\link{dispersionFunction}}, assigning this
#' to the \code{DESeqDataSet} with the new samples, and running
#' varianceStabilizingTransformation with 'blind' set to FALSE
#' (see example below).
#' Then the dispersion function from the previous dataset will be used
#' to transform the new sample(s).
#' Limitations: In order to preserve normalization, the same
#' transformation has to be used for all samples. This results in the
#' variance stabilizition to be only approximate. The more the size
#' factors differ, the more residual dependence of the variance on the
#' mean will be found in the transformed data. \code{\link{rlog}} is a
#' transformation which can perform better in these cases.
#' As shown in the vignette, the function \code{meanSdPlot}
#' from the package \pkg{vsn} can be used to see whether this is a problem.
#' @return \code{varianceStabilizingTransformation} returns a
#' \code{\link{SummarizedExperiment}} if a \code{DESeqDataSet} was provided,
#' or returns a a matrix if a count matrix was provided.
#' Note that for \code{\link{SummarizedExperiment}} output, the matrix of
#' transformed values is stored in \code{assay(vsd)}.
#' \code{getVarianceStabilizedData} also returns a matrix.
#' @references
#' Reference for the variance stabilizing transformation for counts with dispersion trend:
#' Simon Anders, Wolfgang Huber: Differential expression analysis for sequence count data. Genome Biology 2010, 11:106. \url{http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/gb-2010-11-10-r106}
#' @author Simon Anders
#' @seealso \code{\link{plotPCA}}, \code{\link{rlog}}
#' @examples
#' dds <- makeExampleDESeqDataSet(m=6)
#' vsd <- varianceStabilizingTransformation(dds, blind=TRUE)
#' par(mfrow=c(1,2))
#' plot(rank(rowMeans(counts(dds))), genefilter::rowVars(log2(counts(dds)+1)),
#'      main="log2(x+1) transform")
#' plot(rank(rowMeans(assay(vsd))), genefilter::rowVars(assay(vsd)),
#'      main="VST")
#' # learn the dispersion function of a dataset
#' design(dds) <- ~ 1
#' dds <- estimateSizeFactors(dds)
#' dds <- estimateDispersions(dds)
#' # use the previous dispersion function for a new sample
#' ddsNew <- makeExampleDESeqDataSet(m=1)
#' ddsNew <- estimateSizeFactors(ddsNew)
#' dispersionFunction(ddsNew) <- dispersionFunction(dds)
#' vsdNew <- varianceStabilizingTransformation(ddsNew, blind=FALSE)
#' @export
varianceStabilizingTransformation <- function (object, blind=TRUE, fitType="parametric") {
  if (is.matrix(object)) {
    matrixIn <- TRUE
    if (is.null(colnames(object))) colnames(object) <- seq_len(ncol(object))
    object <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(object, DataFrame(row.names=colnames(object)), ~ 1)
  } else {
    matrixIn <- FALSE
  if (is.null(sizeFactors(object)) & is.null(normalizationFactors(object))) {
    object <- estimateSizeFactors(object)
  if (blind) {
    design(object) <- ~ 1
  if (blind | is.null(attr(dispersionFunction(object),"fitType"))) {
    object <- estimateDispersionsGeneEst(object, quiet=TRUE)
    object <- estimateDispersionsFit(object, quiet=TRUE, fitType)
  vsd <- getVarianceStabilizedData(object)
  if (matrixIn) {
    assays = vsd,
    colData = colData(object),
    rowData = rowData(object),
    metadata = metadata(object))
    #exptData = exptData(object))

#' @rdname varianceStabilizingTransformation
#' @export
getVarianceStabilizedData <- function(object) {
  if (is.null(attr(dispersionFunction(object),"fitType"))) {
    stop("call estimateDispersions before calling getVarianceStabilizedData")
  ncounts <- counts(object,normalized=TRUE)
  if( attr( dispersionFunction(object), "fitType" ) == "parametric" ) {
    coefs <- attr( dispersionFunction(object), "coefficients" )
    vst <- function( q ) {
      log( (1 + coefs["extraPois"] + 2 * coefs["asymptDisp"] * q + 2 * sqrt( coefs["asymptDisp"] * q * ( 1 + coefs["extraPois"] + coefs["asymptDisp"] * q ) ) ) / ( 4 * coefs["asymptDisp"] ) ) / log(2)
  } else if ( attr( dispersionFunction(object), "fitType" ) == "local" ) {
    # non-parametric fit -> numerical integration
    if (is.null(sizeFactors(object))) {
      stop("call estimateSizeFactors before calling getVarianceStabilizedData if using local dispersion fit")
    xg <- sinh( seq( asinh(0), asinh(max(ncounts)), length.out=1000 ) )[-1]
    xim <- mean( 1/sizeFactors(object) )
    baseVarsAtGrid <- dispersionFunction(object)( xg ) * xg^2 + xim * xg
    integrand <- 1 / sqrt( baseVarsAtGrid )
    splf <- splinefun(
      asinh( ( xg[-1] + xg[-length(xg)] )/2 ),
        ( xg[-1] - xg[-length(xg)] ) *
        ( integrand[-1] + integrand[-length(integrand)] )/2 ) )
    h1 <- quantile( rowMeans(ncounts), .95 )
    h2 <- quantile( rowMeans(ncounts), .999 )
    eta <- ( log2(h2) - log2(h1) ) / ( splf(asinh(h2)) - splf(asinh(h1)) )
    xi <- log2(h1) - eta * splf(asinh(h1))
    tc <- sapply( colnames(counts(object)), function(clm) {
      eta * splf( asinh( ncounts[,clm] ) ) + xi
    rownames( tc ) <- rownames( counts(object) )
  } else if ( attr( dispersionFunction(object), "fitType" ) == "mean" ) {
    alpha <- attr( dispersionFunction(object), "mean" )
    # the following stablizes NB counts with fixed dispersion alpha
    # and converges to log2(q) as q => infinity
    vst <- function(q) ( 2 * asinh(sqrt(alpha * q)) - log(alpha) - log(4) ) / log(2)
  } else {
    stop( "fitType is not parametric, local or mean" )
aghozlane/DESeq2shaman documentation built on Nov. 1, 2019, 9:01 p.m.