
#' Helper function for printing tabular data in knitted PDFs
#' This function makes it a little more convenient to print a data frame
#' as a nicely-formatted table in a knitted PDF. Use this function in a
#' chunk with the \code{results="asis"} option set. The default values
#' should be enough to get along with when you're starting out, so you
#' can simply use \code{print_tabular(x)}.
#' It is not as easy as it should be to format tabular data nicely
#' in R markdown. Your R data structure has to be converted
#' into LaTeX commands for typesetting a table. This is not a
#' profound computational challenge, but it involves a bunch of
#' fiddly LaTeX parameters. The R package that helps with this,
#' \code{\link[xtable]{xtable}}, is itself fiddly and a bit confusing.
#' This function is meant to simply matters somewhat.
#' Unlike the \code{\link[xtable]{xtable}} function, the alignment
#' parameter here must always be given as a single string. Row names are
#' never used, so the number of columns to specify is the same as the
#' number of columns in the data frame.
#' To typeset successfully, the resulting LaTeX requires the
#' \code{booktabs} and \code{longtable} packages to be installed.
#' @param x A data frame. Row names are ignored. Other objects must be
#' converted manually. To print a two-way contingency table \code{tab},
#' you might try \code{as.data.frame(as.matrix(tab))}.
#' @param digits The number of decimal places to keep for numbers.
#' Numbers are rounded to integers by default.
#' @param alignment A string specifying column formats. \code{"l",
#' "r", "c"} mean left-aligned, right-aligned, or center-aligned
#' respectively. There should be one specifier for each column. If this
#' parameter is a single character, it is applied to all columns. To
#' wrap the text of a column, use a specifier like \code{"p{0.5 in}"}.
#' By default, numeric columns are right-aligned and everything else is
#' left-aligned.
#' @param include.colnames Logical: should the \code{colnames} of
#' the \code{x} be used as column headers? You may wish to make the
#' column names more verbose (they can, in fact, include spaces and
#' punctuation). \code{TRUE}, by default.
#' @param floating Logical. If \code{TRUE}, the table will "float" to
#' a good position for page layout. In that case, make sure to caption
#' and label the table, and to refer to it in your text by label.
#' \code{FALSE}, by default.
#' @param caption Only applied to floating tables. Set to \code{NULL}
#' for no caption (the default).
#' @param label Only applied to floating tables. The LaTeX label for
#' the table. Should be letters, hyphens, and colons only, with no
#' spaces. If the label is, say, \code{"tbl:laureates"}, then you can
#' use \code{\\ref{tbl:laureates}} in your markdown to represent the
#' table \emph{number}. So you typically write things like \code{See
#' table \\ref{tbl:laureates}} and the result is "See table 2" (or
#' whatever number the table is). Set to \code{NULL} for no label (the
#' default).
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link[xtable]{xtable}}, \code{\link{print.xtable}}

print_tabular <- function (x, digits=0,
                           alignment=paste(ifelse(sapply(x, is.numeric),
                                                  "r", "l"),
                           floating=F, caption=NULL, label=NULL) {
    if (length(alignment) != 1 || !is.character(alignment)) {
        stop("alignment must be a character vector of length 1")
    if (nchar(alignment) == 1) {
        alignment <- paste(rep(alignment, length(x)), collapse="")
    if (!is.data.frame(x)) {
        stop("x is not a data frame")

    alignment <- paste("l", alignment, sep="")
    xt <- xtable(x, digits=digits, align=alignment,
                 caption=caption, label=label)
    print(xt, comment=F, include.rownames=F,
          floating=floating, booktabs=T,
          tabular.environment=ifelse(floating, "tabular", "longtable"))
agoldst/litdata documentation built on May 10, 2019, 7:34 a.m.