
Defines functions dijkstra_i_path

dijkstra_i_path = function(weight_mat, source_node, many_path = FALSE) {
    ## the dijkstra method to calculate the min distance from any nodes in the graph to the given
    ## source_node input: weight_mat: the weight matrix of the graph N*N source_node: the given source
    ## node 1,2,3......N many_path: if output all the shortest path if any output: result: the min
    ## distance from any nodes to the source path: if many_path, a list of N elements, each is all the
    ## shortest path, or is a matrix, of one of the shortest path
    ## the 0 to Inf
    A = weight_mat
    A[which(A == 0)] = Inf
    diag(A) = 0
    N = dim(A)[1]
    result = matrix(0, N, 1)
    result = t(A[source_node, ])
    ## end_node: the goal space: the nodes except the source node for initial the space for the nodes
    ## which has not found the min distance
    if (source_node == 1) {
        end_node = (source_node + 1):N
    } else if (source_node == N) {
        end_node = 1:(source_node - 1)
    } else {
        end_node = c(1:(source_node - 1), (source_node + 1):N)
    path = matrix(0, N, N)
    path[, 1] = source_node
    if (many_path) {
        p1 = matrix(c(source_node, rep(0, N - 1)), , N)
        ## the path list
        result_path = c()
        for (i in 1:N) {
            result_path[[i]] = p1
    } else {
        path = matrix(0, N, N)
        path[, 1] = source_node
    while (length(end_node) > 0) {
        # id = which(result[end_node] == min(result[end_node]))[1]
        id = which.min(result[end_node])
        ## the new node that has found the min distance ##
        new_id = end_node[id]
        if (many_path) {
            path_mat = result_path[[new_id]]
            path_mat = matrix(path_mat, , N)
            nn = nrow(path_mat)
            mm = ncol(path_mat)
            id_temp_vec = apply(path_mat, 1, which.min)
            id_vec = nn * (id_temp_vec - 1) + matrix(1:nn, nn, 1)
            path_mat[id_vec] = new_id
            result_path[[new_id]] = path_mat
        } else {
            ## the path row for the new_id node, the first element that be 0 should be updated
            id_temp = which.min(path[new_id, ])
            path[new_id, id_temp] = new_id
        ## delete in the goal space ##
        end_node = end_node[-id]
        ## update the distance vector####
        if (length(end_node) > 0) 
                ## update the neighbour node of new_id in the goal space
                update_node = end_node[A[new_id, end_node] != Inf]
                if (length(update_node) > 0) {
                  for (i in 1:length(update_node)) {
                    temp = result[new_id] + A[new_id, update_node[i]]
                    if (temp < result[update_node[i]]) {
                      result[update_node[i]] = temp
                      ## update the path path[update_node[i],which.min(path[update_node[i],])[1]]=new_id
                      if (many_path) {
                        result_path[[update_node[i]]] = result_path[[new_id]]
                      } else {
                        path[update_node[i], ] = path[new_id, ]
                    } else if ((temp == result[update_node[i]]) && many_path) {
                      ## if many_path and there is many path actually add one row browser()
                      temp_mat = result_path[[update_node[i]]]
                      add_row = result_path[[new_id]]
                      temp_mat = rbind(temp_mat, add_row)
                      result_path[[update_node[i]]] = temp_mat
            }  ## end if length(end_node)>0
    }  ## end while
    if (many_path) {
        path = result_path
    k <- list()
    for (i in 1:N) {
        k[[i]] <- paste(path[i, ][path[i, ] != 0], collapse = ",")
    re = list(result, k)
}  ## end function
ahorawzy/HVS documentation built on May 29, 2019, 1:52 a.m.