
Defines functions truth.results.scalars observed.results.scalars check.scalars pspline.validate.scalars

# Copyright 2017-2019 Ben Artin
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

#' Run a simulation study to validate a scalar estimator
#' @param fun.truth function that generates a true state of the system. Takes no arguments, returns data frame of true values for model variables
#' @param n.truths number of different truths to generate for simulation study
#' @param fun.observations function that generates a set of observations from truth. Takes one argument (truth data frame) and returns data frame of observations
#' @param n.observations number of sets of observations to generate for each truth in the simulation study
#' @param fun.model function that returns a model to be used for estimation. Takes one argument (observations data frame) and returns the model
#' @param fun.outcomes function that calculates the outcomes of interest. Same as outcomes function in \code{\link{pspline.estimate.scalars}}.
#' @param n.samples number of samples to use for estimation. See \code{\link{pspline.estimate.scalars}}.
#' @param level confidence level to use for estimation. See \code{\link{pspline.estimate.scalars}}.
#' @return list of summary (which is a data frame specifying the fraction of true values that were contained in their estimated confidence interval) and results (which is a data frame specifying the quantile of the true value in the estimated sampled distribution for each simulation)
#' @export
pspline.validate.scalars <- function(fun.truth, n.truths, fun.observations, n.observations, fun.model, fun.outcomes, n.samples, level) {
  1:n.truths %>%
    ldply(function(idx) {
      fun.truth() %>%
        truth.results.scalars(fun.observations, n.observations, fun.model, fun.outcomes, n.samples, level) %>%
    }, .progress="text") %>% (function(results) {
        	results %>%
            select_at(vars(contains(".good"))) %>%
            summarize_all(function(col) mean(col, na.rm=TRUE)),
          results %>% 
            select_at(vars(contains(".bias"))) %>%
            summarize_all(function(col) mean(abs(col), na.rm=TRUE)),
          results %>% 
            select_at(vars(contains(".bias"))) %>%
            summarize_all(function(col) std.error(col, na.rm=TRUE)) %>%
            rename_all(function(col) sprintf("%s.se", col)),
          results %>% 
            select_at(vars(contains(".bias"))) %>%
            summarize_all(function(col) sign(mean(col, na.rm=TRUE))) %>%
            rename_all(function(col) sprintf("%s.sign", col))

#' Assess whether scalar estimates fall within their intended confidence intervals
#' @keywords internal
check.scalars <- function(ecdfs, expected, level) {
  results = as.data.frame(matrix(nrow=1, ncol=0))
  for (outcome in names(expected)) {
    checkName = sprintf("%s.good", outcome)
    quantileName = sprintf("%s.quantile", outcome)
    biasName = sprintf("%s.bias", outcome)
    outcomeECDF = ecdfs[[outcome]]

    results[quantileName] = outcomeECDF(expected[outcome])

    checkQuantiles = quantile(outcomeECDF, probs = c((1 - level) / 2, (1 + level) / 2, 0.5))
    lower = checkQuantiles[1]
    upper = checkQuantiles[2]
    median = checkQuantiles[3]
    results[checkName] = (lower < expected[outcome]) & (upper > expected[outcome])
    results[biasName] = median - expected[outcome]

#' Run simulation study on one set of observations
#' @keywords internal
observed.results.scalars <- function(observed, truth, expected, fun.model, fun.outcome, n.samples, level) {
  model = observed %>% fun.model()
  truth %<>% select_at(pred.vars(model))
  model %>%
    pspline.sample.scalars(truth, fun.outcome, n.samples) %>%
    ecdf.outcomes(model) %>%
    check.scalars(expected, level) %>%

#' Run simulation study on one truth
#' @keywords internal
truth.results.scalars <- function(truth, fun.observations, n.observations, fun.model, fun.outcome, n.samples, level) {
  # This model and set of observations are just used for looking up variables in fun.outcome
  expected = truth %>% fun.observations() %>% fun.model() %>% fun.outcome(truth)
  1:n.observations %>%
    ldply(function(idx) {
      truth %>%
        fun.observations() %>%
        observed.results.scalars(truth, expected, fun.model, fun.outcome, n.samples, level) %>%
    }, .parallel=TRUE, .paropts=list(.packages=c("plyr", "dplyr", "mgcv", "stats", "magrittr", "pspline.inference")))
airbornemint/outbreak-inference documentation built on Jan. 28, 2021, 6:38 a.m.