get_catalog_ess <-
function( data_name = "ess" , output_dir , ... ){
catalog <- NULL
# figure out all integrated file locations
ifl <- httr::GET( "" )
# extract all integrated filepaths
ifl.block <- XML::htmlParse( ifl , asText = TRUE )
# find all links, with parsing explanation thanks to
z <- XML::xpathSApply( ifl.block , "//a", function(u) XML::xmlAttrs(u)["href"])
# isolate all links to unduplicated file downloads
downloads <- unique( z[ grep( "download.html?file=" , z , fixed = TRUE ) ] )
for( this_download in downloads ){
# download the integrated file's whole page <- httr::GET( paste0( "" , this_download ) )
# again, convert the page to an R-readable format..
download.block <- XML::htmlParse( , asText = TRUE )
# ..then extract all of the links.
z <- XML::xpathSApply( download.block , "//a", function(u) XML::xmlAttrs(u)["href"])
# extract the only link with the text `spss` in it.
spss.file <- z[ grep( "spss" , z ) ]
catalog <-
catalog ,
directory = "integrated" ,
wave = gsub( "(.*)ESS([0-9]+)e(.*)" , "\\2" , this_download ) ,
full_url = spss.file ,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
for( current_round in unique( catalog$wave ) ){
cat( paste0( "building " , data_name , " catalog for wave " , current_round , "\r\n\n" ) )
download_page <- httr::GET( paste0( "" , current_round ) )
# again, convert the page to an R-readable format..
download_block <- XML::htmlParse( download_page , asText = TRUE )
# ..then extract all of the links.
z <- XML::xpathSApply( download_block , "//a", function(u) XML::xmlAttrs(u)["href"])
# remove all e-mail addresses
z <- z[ !grepl( 'mailto' , z ) ]
# remove all files ending in `.html`
z <- z[ tools::file_ext( z ) != 'html' ]
# isolate the filepaths of all pdf files
pdfs <- z[ tools::file_ext( z ) == 'pdf' ]
catalog <-
catalog ,
directory = "docs" ,
wave = current_round ,
full_url = pdfs ,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
# isolate the filepaths of all current round file downloads
crd <- unique( z[ grep( paste0( "/download.html?file=ESS" , current_round ) , z , fixed = TRUE ) ] )
for( this_download in crd ){
# download the integrated file's whole page <- httr::GET( paste0( "" , this_download ) )
# again, convert the page to an R-readable format..
download.block <- XML::htmlParse( , asText = TRUE )
# ..then extract all of the links.
z <- XML::xpathSApply( download.block , "//a", function(u) XML::xmlAttrs(u)["href"])
# extract the only link with the text `spss` in it.
spss.file <- z[ grep( "spss" , z ) ]
catalog <-
catalog ,
directory = "countries" ,
wave = current_round ,
full_url = spss.file ,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
catalog$file_name <- gsub( "(.*)f=(.*)&c(.*)" , "\\2" , catalog$full_url )
catalog$file_name <- basename( gsub( "(.*)f=(.*)&y(.*)" , "\\2" , catalog$file_name ) )
catalog$year <- as.numeric( catalog$wave ) * 2 + 2000
catalog$output_filename <-
catalog$directory == 'docs' ,
paste0( output_dir , "/" , catalog$year , "/docs/" , catalog$file_name ) ,
paste0( output_dir , "/" , catalog$year , "/" , gsub( "\\.(.*)" , "" , catalog$file_name ) , ".rds" )
catalog$full_url <- paste0( "" , catalog$full_url )
no_country_allowed <- catalog[ catalog$directory == 'integrated' , 'full_url' ]
catalog <- catalog[ !( catalog$directory == 'countries' & catalog$full_url %in% no_country_allowed ) , ]
# skip ESS7 - parents' occupation..all country files and integrated isco file
catalog <- catalog[ !grepl( "PoccInte" , catalog[ , 'file_name' ] ) , ]
# skip ESS1 - contacts file
catalog <- catalog[ !grepl( "ESS1CFe01" , catalog[ , 'file_name' ] ) , ]
lodown_ess <-
function( data_name = "ess" , catalog , ... ){
on.exit( print( catalog ) )
if ( !requireNamespace( "memisc" , quietly = TRUE ) ) stop( "memisc needed for this function to work. to install it, type `install.packages( 'memisc' )`" , call. = FALSE )
if( !( 'your_email' %in% names(list(...)) ) ) stop( "`your_email` parameter must be specified. create an account at" )
your_email <- list(...)[["your_email"]]
tf <- tempfile()
# store your e-mail address in a list to be passed to the website
values <- list( u = your_email )
# authenticate on the ess website
httr::POST( "" , body = values )
httr::GET( "" , query = values )
for ( i in seq_len( nrow( catalog ) ) ){
# ignore special case of a file containing two datasets instead of one
# (each dataset is downloaded separately by other catalog entries)
if( grepl( "ESS3LVRO" , catalog[ i , 'full_url' ] ) ) {
# download the file
current.file <- cachaca( catalog[ i , 'full_url' ] , FUN = httr::GET )
writeBin( httr::content( current.file ) , tf )
if( !grepl( "\\.pdf$" , catalog[ i , 'full_url' ] , = TRUE ) ){
spss.files <- unzip_warn_fail( tf , exdir = paste0( tempdir() , "/unzips" ) )
} else {
spss.files <- tf
if( catalog[ i , 'directory' ] == 'docs' ){
file.copy( spss.files , catalog[ i , 'output_filename' ] )
} else {
# first, look for the .sav file
if ( any( grepl( 'sav' , spss.files ) ) ){
# read that dot.sav file as a data.frame object
if( grepl( "ESS7occpCZ|ESS6occpSK" , spss.files[ grep( 'sav' , spss.files ) ] ) ){
x <- foreign::read.spss( spss.files[ grep( 'sav' , spss.files ) ] , = TRUE , use.value.labels = FALSE )
} else {
x <- data.frame( haven::read_spss( spss.files[ grep( 'sav' , spss.files ) ] ) )
} else {
# otherwise, read in from the `.por` file <-
# read that dot.por file as a data.frame object
suppressWarnings( x <- foreign::read.spss( spss.files[ grep( 'por' , spss.files ) ] , = TRUE , use.value.labels = FALSE ) ) ,
silent = TRUE
# if the prior attempt failed..
if ( class( ) == 'try-error' ){
# otherwise, convert all factor variables to character
attempt.two <-
# use the `memisc` package's `spss.portable.file` framework instead
x <-
spss.files[ grep( 'por' , spss.files ) ]
) ,
silent = TRUE
} else attempt.two <- NULL
# if the prior attempt failed..
if ( class( attempt.two ) == 'try-error' ){
# use the `memisc` package's `spss.portable.file` framework instead
b <-
spss.files[ grep( 'por' , spss.files ) ]
# convert all factor variables to character variables
b <- sapply( b , function( z ) { if( class( z ) == 'factor' ) z <- as.character( z ) ; z } )
# now run the conversion that caused the issue.
x <- data.frame( b )
# delete the temporary files
file.remove( spss.files , tf )
# convert all column names to lowercase
names( x ) <- tolower( names( x ) )
catalog[ i , 'case_count' ] <- nrow( x )
saveRDS( x , file = catalog[ i , 'output_filename' ] , compress = FALSE )
cat( paste0( data_name , " catalog entry " , i , " of " , nrow( catalog ) , " stored at '" , catalog[ i , 'output_filename' ] , "'\r\n\n" ) )
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.