
Defines functions DataDictionary

Documented in DataDictionary

#' A Data Dictionary Function
#' This function creates a .txt data dictionary from a dataframe read in from SPSS or Stata using foreign or haven; or a data frame with a list of variable labels, and list of value labels. If no variable or value label lists are specified, it assumes these are stored in line with either the foreign or haven packages. It writes variable and value label metadata to a .txt data dictionary file that can function as a codebook. Optionally, you can choose to include summary information from each variable in the  data dictionary file with "include.summary=TRUE".
#' @param x A dataframe
#' @param variable_labels A vector or list of variable labels. Should be the same length as ncol(x) and the labels should appear in the same order. Defaults to "variable.labels" attribute of x or var_label(x).
#' @param value_labels A list of value labels. Defaults to "value.labels" attribute of x or val_labels(x)
#' @param include.summary Logical. Should a summary of the each variable (output of summary()) be included in the data dictionary? Defaults to FALSE.
#' @param file The file name and location to which the data dictionary should be written. Defaults to "DataDictionary.txt" in the current working directory.
#' @keywords data dictionary
#' @keywords metadata
#' @export
#' @examples iris #Create a data dictionary for iris dataset; varlab = c("Length of Sepal in centimeters", "Width of Sepal in centimeters", "Length of petal in centimeters", "Width of Petal in centimeters", "Species of iris"); vallab = c(rep("", ncol(iris))); DataDictionary(iris, variable_labels = varlab, value_labels=vallab, include.summary = TRUE)
#' DataDictionary()

DataDictionary <- function(x, variable_labels = variable_labels, value_labels = value_labels, include.summary=FALSE, file="DataDictionary.txt") {
  #If variables are not specified - use foreign or haven style labels from data object
  if (missing(variable_labels)) {
     #foreign-style SPSS variable labels
    if (!is.null(attr(x, "variable.labels"))) {
      variable_labels <- attr(x, "variable.labels")
    #foreign-style Stata variable labels
    else if (!is.null(attr(x, "var.labels"))) {
      variable_labels <- attr(x, "var.labels")
    #haven-style SPSS or Stata variable labels
    else if (!is.null(unlist(sapply(x, attr, "label")))) {
      variable_labels <- sapply(x, attr, "label", exact=TRUE)
  #If value_labels are not specified, use foreign or haven style value_labels from the data object
  if (missing(value_labels)) {
    #foreign-style SPSS value labels
    if (!is.null(unlist(sapply(x, attr, "value.labels")))) {
      value_labels <- sapply(x, attr, "value.labels")
    #foreign-style Stata value labels
    else if (!is.null(attr(x, "label.table"))) {
      value_labels <- as.list(rep("", ncol(x)))
      names(value_labels) <- names(x)
      value_labels[which(names(value_labels) %in% names(attr(x, "label.table")))] <- attr(x, "label.table")
    #haven-style SPSS or Stata variable labels
    else if (!is.null(unlist(sapply(x, attr, "labels", exact=TRUE)))) {
      value_labels <- sapply(x, attr, "labels", exact=TRUE)
    #no value labels
    else {
      value_labels <- as.list(rep("", length=ncol(x)))
  #replace any missing variable labels with blank ""
  variable_labels <- lapply(variable_labels, function(x) ifelse(is.null(x), "", x))
  #as.matrix ensures it ends up as a single column 
  datatable <- as.data.frame(as.matrix(variable_labels, ncol=1))

  #initialize an empty tab-separated textfile to write the metadata to
  cat("\n", file=file, sep="\t")

  #loop through each variable in mydata and print the variable name, variable labels,
  #and value labels (if not blank) in the text file.
  for (i in 1:ncol(x)){
    #if the value labels are blank or null, just write a new line with the variable label
     if (is.null(value_labels[[i]]) || value_labels[[i]] == "") {
       cat(names(x)[i], "\t", paste(datatable[i,]), "\n\n", file=file, append=TRUE)
      if (include.summary==TRUE) {
        capture.output(summary(x[,i]), file=file, append=T) }
       cat("\n", file=file, append=TRUE)
    else {
      #write a line with the variable name tab-separated from the variable label
      cat(names(x)[i], "\t", paste(datatable[i,]), "\n\n", file=file, append=TRUE)

      #create a temporary object that combines the value label numbers with the
      #value labels, with "=" in the middle of the two - each row contains a value label
      a <- paste(cbind(rev(value_labels[[i]]))[,1], "=", row.names(cbind(rev(value_labels[[i]]))))
      #start a new line in the text file
      cat("\n", file=file, append=TRUE)
      #now, loop through each of the rows in "a" (each individual value label) and
      #write it in a new indented line in the text file
      for (j in 1:length(a)) {
        cat("\t", a[j], "\n", file=file, append=TRUE)
      #add a line to separate the next variable
      cat("\n", file=file, append=TRUE)
      #if summary is TRUE, put in summary of data

       if (include.summary==TRUE) {
        capture.output(summary(x[,i]), file=file, append=T) } 

      cat("\n", file=file, append=TRUE)

ajhmohr/datadictionary documentation built on Aug. 23, 2021, 10 a.m.