frag.pca.old: Examine fragmentation data and consider variable reduction

Description Usage Details Value


This function was used to explore the fragmentation data. Based on the exploration I decided to compute principle component scores separately for each variable type i.e. just for grassland scales or just for forest scales. For my question, I have decided that I will start with just the grassland data; if people disagree, I can add the other percent cover types.


frag.pca.old(frag.dat, descriptive.analysis = 0)


A message will tell how much variation is explained in these variables, but will not output it But I should think about extracting the data as a list, with that information as part of the list object.


A list containing the first two grassland principle components, the means used for centering and the amount of variation explained by the two principle components.

akeyel/behlpr documentation built on May 12, 2019, 4:41 a.m.