
Defines functions identifyGARCH

identifyGARCH <- function(B0, k, Tob, restriction_matrix, Sigma_e_univ, parameter_ini_univ, max.iter, crit, u, p, x, type, yOut, coef_x){
  ## Stage 2: Multivariate optimization
  restriction_matrix = get_restriction_matrix(restriction_matrix, k)
  restrictions <- length(restriction_matrix[!is.na(restriction_matrix)])

  if(restrictions > 0){
    naElements <- is.na(restriction_matrix)
    naElements_inv <- !is.na(restriction_matrix)
    ini <- B0[naElements]
    #restrictions <- length(restriction_matrix[!is.na(restriction_matrix)])

    restriction_matrix_opt <- restriction_matrix
    #restrictions <- 0
    ini <- c(B0)
    restriction_matrix_opt <- restriction_matrix

  ItR <- GARCHiterativeP(parameter = ini, SigmaUniv = Sigma_e_univ, k = k, parameterIniu = parameter_ini_univ,
                  u = u, RestrictionMatrix = restriction_matrix_opt, restrictions = restrictions,
                  maxIter = max.iter, Tob = Tob, crit  = crit)
#   # create empty vectors and lists for results
#   gamma <- rep(NA, k)
#   g <-  rep(NA, k)
#   param <-  rep(NA, k)
#   results_B <- list()
#   results_param <- list()
#   round <-  1
#   Exit <- 1
#   ll <- list()
#   multi_ml <- list()
#   uni_ml <- list()
#   uni_single_ml <- list()
#   Sigma_e_univ_l <- list()
#   while (Exit > crit & round < max.iter){
#     max_ml <- nlm(ini, f = LikelihoodGARCHm, k = k, Tob = Tob, RestrictionMatrix = restriction_matrix_opt,
#                   SigmaE = Sigma_e_univ , u = u, restrictions = restrictions, iterlim = 150, hessian = T)
#     multi_ml[[round]] <- max_ml
#     # initials for next round of univariate estimation
#     ini <- max_ml$estimate
#      if(!is.null(restriction_matrix)){
#        naElements <- is.na(restriction_matrix)
#        B_est <- restriction_matrix
#        B_est[naElements] <- ini[1:sum(naElements)]
#      }else{
#        B_est <- matrix(ini, k, k)
#      }
#     B_est_inv <- solve(B_est)
#     # save individual B matrices for each round
#     results_B[[round]] <- B_est
#     # calculate new structural residuals for update of the GARCH parameters
#     est_r <- B_est_inv %*% t(u)
#     # Evaluating exit criterion
#     ll[[round]] <- max_ml$minimum
#     if(round > 1){
#       Exit <- abs(ll[[round-1]] - max_ml$minimum)
#     }
#     # re-estimate GARCH part, based on update of estimate of B
#     # optimizing the univariate likelihood functions
#     maxL <- list()
#     gamma_univ <- rep(NA, k)
#     g_univ <- rep(NA, k)
#     param_univ <- matrix(NA, 3, k)
#     Sigma_e_univ <- matrix(NA, Tob, k)
#     # first observstion of strucutral variance is the estimated sample variance
#     Sigma_e_0 <-  matrix(diag(var(t(est_r))),  Tob, k, byrow = T)
#     for(i in 1:k){
#       maxL <- nlm(p = parameter_ini_univ[i, ], f = LikelihoodGARCHu, Tob = Tob,
#                   Sigma1 = Sigma_e_0[1, i] , est = est_r[i, ], iterlim = 150, hessian = T)
#       uni_single_ml[[i]] <- maxL$hessian
#       gamma_univ[i] <- maxL$estimate[1]
#       g_univ[i] <- maxL$estimate[2]
#       param_univ[, i] <- rbind((1- gamma_univ[i]- g_univ[i]), gamma_univ[i], g_univ[i])
#       Sigma_e_univ[,i] <- SigmaGARCHuniv(param_univ[,i], Tob, Sigma_e_0[1,i], est_r[i,])
#     }
#     Sigma_e_univ_l[[round]] <- Sigma_e_univ
#     uni_ml[[round]] <- uni_single_ml
#     results_param[[round]] <- parameter_ini_univ <-  cbind(gamma_univ, g_univ)
#     round <-  round + 1
#   } # end of while loop
#   # extracting the best estimates
#   ll <- unlist(ll)
#   llf <- ll[which.min(ll)]
#   # Calculate log likelihood with normalizing constant
#   llf <- log(sqrt(1/(2 * pi)^k)) * Tob - llf
#   cc <- which.min(ll)
#   B_hat <- results_B[[cc]]
#   GARCH_param_hat <- results_param[[cc]]
#   Sigma_e_univ <- Sigma_e_univ_l[[cc]]
#   # Standard errors
#   multi_ml <- multi_ml[[cc]]

  HESS <- solve(ItR$FishObs)
  B_hat <- ItR$B_hat
  GARCH_param_hat <- ItR$GARCH_param_hat

  uni_ml <- ItR$FishObsU
  HESS_univ <- tryCatch(lapply(uni_ml, function(x) diag(solve(x))), error = function(e) NA)
    GARCH_SE <- NA
    GARCH_SE <- do.call('rbind', HESS_univ)

  for(i in 1:nrow(HESS)){
    if(HESS[i,i] < 0){
      HESS[,i] <- -HESS[,i]

  FishObs <- sqrt(diag(HESS))
  B_inv_SE <- matrix(NA, k, k)

  if(restrictions > 0){
    naElements <- is.na(restriction_matrix)
    B_inv_SE <- restriction_matrix
    B_inv_SE[naElements] <- FishObs[1:sum(naElements)]

    B_inv_SE <- matrix(FishObs, k, k)

  rownames(B_hat) <- colnames(u)
  rownames(B_inv_SE) <- colnames(u)
    colnames(GARCH_SE) <- colnames(GARCH_param_hat) <- c('gamma', 'g')

  # obtaining VAR parameter
  if(inherits(x, "var.boot")){
    A_hat <- coef_x
    A <- matrix(0, nrow = k, ncol = k*p)
    for(i in 1:k){
      A[i,] <- coef_x[[i]][1:(k*p),1]

    A_hat <- A

    if(type == "const"){
      v <- rep(1, k)

      for(i in 1:k){
        v[i] <- coef_x[[i]][(k*p+1), 1]

      A_hat <- cbind(v, A)
    }else if (type == "trend"){
      trend <- rep(1, k)

      for(i in 1:k){
        trend[i] <- coef_x[[i]][(k*p+1), 1]

      A_hat <- cbind(trend, A)
    }else if(type == "both"){
      v <- rep(1, k)

      for(i in 1:k){
        v[i] <- coef_x[[i]][(k*p+1), 1]

      trend <- rep(1, k)

      for(i in 1:k){
        trend[i] <- coef_x[[i]][(k*p+2), 1]

      A_hat <- cbind(v, trend, A)

    B = B_hat,              # estimated B matrix (unique decomposition of the covariance matrix)
    B_SE = B_inv_SE,            # standard errors of B matrix
    GARCH_parameter = GARCH_param_hat,
    n = Tob,                # number of observations
    Fish = HESS,            # observerd fisher information matrix
    Lik = ItR$Lik,             # function value of likelihood
    iteration = ItR$iteration,     # number of gls estimations
    method = "GARCH",
    restrictions = restrictions, # number of restrictions
    restriction_matrix = restriction_matrix,
    Sigma_e = ItR$Sigma_e_univ,
    A_hat = A_hat,            # VAR parameter estimated with gls
    type = type,          # type of the VAR model e.g 'const'
    max.iter = max.iter,
    crit = crit,
    y = yOut,                # Data
    p = unname(p),                # number of lags
    K = k                 # number of time series
alexanderlange53/SVAR_Identification_Package documentation built on Feb. 2, 2023, 5:25 a.m.