
Defines functions print.din

Documented in print.din

## File Name: print.din.R
## File Version: 2.10
# print method for objects of class "din"                                      #
print.din <-
function(x, ... ){
    cat("Estimation of Mixed DINA/DINO Model\n\n")

    d1 <- utils::packageDescription("CDM")
    cat( paste( d1$Package, " ", d1$Version, " (", d1$Date, ")", sep=""), "\n" )

    cat("\nCall:\n", paste(deparse(x$call), sep="\n", collapse="\n"),
                "\n\n", sep="")
    #*** parameters
    cat(paste0("Number of cases=", x$I, "\n") )
    cat(paste0("Number of items=", ncol(x$data), "\n") )
    cat(paste0("Number of skill dimensions=", ncol(x$q.matrix), "\n") )
    cat(paste0("Number of skill classes=", nrow(x$attribute.patt), "\n") )
    cat(paste0("Number of parameters=", sum(x$Npars), "\n") )
    cat(paste0("  # item parameters=", x$Npars$itempars, "\n") )
    cat(paste0("  # skill distribution parameters=",
                x$Npars$skillpars, "\n") )
    #*** likelihood
    cat( paste0( "\nLog-Likelihood=", round( x$loglike,2 ), "\n") )
    #*** information criteria
    cat( paste0( "AIC=", round( x$AIC,0 ), "\n") )
    cat( paste0( "BIC=", round( x$BIC,0 ), "\n") )
alexanderrobitzsch/CDM documentation built on July 3, 2024, 7:42 p.m.