
Defines functions vcov.din

Documented in vcov.din

## File Name: vcov.din.R
## File Version: 1.62

# vcov din object
vcov.din <- function( object, extended=FALSE, infomat=FALSE,
            ind.item.skillprobs=TRUE, ind.item=FALSE, diagcov=FALSE, h=.001, ... )

    infomat.ind <- infomat
    latresp <- object$control$latresp
    guess <- object$guess$est
    slip <- object$slip$est

    item.patt.split <- object$item.patt.split
    item.patt.freq <- object$item.patt.freq
    attribute.patt <- object$attribute.patt$class.prob

    # calculate log-likelihood for every case
    weights <- item.patt.freq
    resp.ind.list <- object$control$resp.ind.list
    partable <- object$partable
    NPars <- max(partable$parindex)
    IP <- length(item.patt.freq)
    parnames <- unique( partable$parnames[ partable$parindex > 0 ] )
    ll.derivM <- matrix( NA, nrow=IP, ncol=NPars )
    colnames(ll.derivM) <- parnames

    J <- length(guess)
    L <- length(attribute.patt)

    #*** LL evaluated at theta
    guess0 <- guess
    slip0 <- slip
    skillprobs0 <- attribute.patt
    res <- vcov.loglike.din( weights, skillprobs0, slip0, guess0,
                    latresp, item.patt.split, resp.ind.list, return.p.xi.aj=TRUE)
    ll1 <- res$ll
    p.xi.aj <- res$p.xi.aj

    # compute first derivative
    for (pp in 1:NPars){

        #*** LL evaluated at theta
        guess0 <- guess
        slip0 <- slip
        skillprobs0 <- attribute.patt

        #*** LL evaluated at theta + h
        partable.pp <- partable[partable$parindex==pp,]
        guess0 <- guess
        slip0 <- slip
        skillprobs0 <- attribute.patt
        recalc.ll <- TRUE
        if ( paste(partable.pp$partype[1])=="guess" ){
            ind <- partable.pp$varyindex
            vecadd <- rep(0,J)
            vecadd[ind] <- h
            guess0 <- guess0 + vecadd
        if ( paste(partable.pp$partype[1])=="slip" ){
            ind <- partable.pp$varyindex
            vecadd <- rep(0,J)
            vecadd[ind] <- h
            slip0 <- slip0 + vecadd
        if ( paste(partable.pp$partype[1])=="probs" ){
            ind <- partable.pp$varyindex
            vecadd <- rep(0,L)
            vecadd[ind] <- h
            skillprobs0 <- skillprobs0 + vecadd
            recalc.ll <- FALSE
        if ( recalc.ll){
            ll2 <- vcov.loglike.din( weights, skillprobs0, slip0, guess0,
                        latresp, item.patt.split, resp.ind.list)
        } else {
            skillprobsM <- matrix( skillprobs0, nrow=IP, ncol=L, byrow=TRUE )
            ll2 <- log( rowSums( p.xi.aj * skillprobsM ) )
        ll.deriv1 <- ( ll2 - ll1 ) / h
        ll.derivM[,pp] <- ll.deriv1

#cat("compute first derivative") ; a1 <- Sys.time(); print(a1-a0) ; a0 <- a1

    # compute information matrix
#    infomat <- matrix( 0, nrow=NPars, ncol=NPars )
#    rownames(infomat) <- colnames(infomat) <- parnames

# cat("compute second derivative") ; a1 <- Sys.time(); print(a1-a0) ; a0 <- a1

    infomat2 <- crossprod( ll.derivM, weights * ll.derivM )
    if (ind.item.skillprobs){
        pt1 <- partable[ partable$partype %in% c("guess","slip"), ]
        pt2 <- partable[ partable$partype %in% c("probs"), ]
        pt1 <- unique(setdiff( pt1$parindex, 0 ))
        pt2 <- unique(setdiff( pt2$parindex, 0 ))
        infomat2[ pt1, pt2 ] <- infomat2[ pt2, pt1 ] <- 0
    if (ind.item){
        pt1 <- partable[ partable$partype %in% c("guess","slip"), ]
        h1 <- expand.grid( pt1$parindex, pt1$parindex )
        h1 <- merge( x=h1, y=pt1[, c("parindex", "item") ], by=1 )
        h1 <- merge( x=h1, y=pt1[, c("parindex", "item") ], by.x=2, by.y=1)
        h1 <- h1[ h1[,3] !=h1[,4], ]
        infomat2[ as.matrix( h1[,1:2] )  ] <- 0

    infomat <- infomat2
    # inverse of information matrix
    if (infomat.ind ){
        covmat <- infomat
        cat("The information matrix is computed.\n")
    } else {
        covmat <- solve( infomat )
        attr(covmat, "coef") <- coef(object)
        # extended set of coefficients
        if (extended){
            A <- object$vcov.derived$A
            covmat <- A %*% covmat %*% t(A)
            x1 <- object$partable$value
            names(x1) <- object$partable$parnames
            attr(covmat,"coef") <- x1
alexanderrobitzsch/CDM documentation built on July 3, 2024, 7:42 p.m.