
Defines functions tam_mml_wle_theta_inits

## File Name: tam_mml_wle_theta_inits.R
## File Version: 0.09

tam_mml_wle_theta_inits <- function(WLE, adj, nitems, maxK, resp, resp.ind, B,
        ndim )
    nstud <- nrow(resp)
    #*** readjust in case of WLE
    if (WLE){
        adj <- 0
    col.index <- rep( 1:nitems, each=maxK )
    cResp <- resp[, col.index  ]*resp.ind[, col.index ]
    cResp <- 1 * t( t(cResp)==rep(0:(maxK-1), nitems) )
    cB <- t( matrix( aperm( B, c(2,1,3) ), nrow=dim(B)[3], byrow=TRUE ) )
    cB[is.na(cB)] <- 0

    #Compute person sufficient statistics (total score on each dimension)
    PersonScores <- cResp %*% cB

    #Compute possible maximum score for each item on each dimension
    maxBi <- apply(B, 3, tam_rowMaxs, na.rm=TRUE)

    #Compute possible maximum score for each person on each dimension
    PersonMax <- resp.ind %*% maxBi
    PersonMax[ PersonMax==0 ] <- 2 * adj

    #Adjust perfect scores for each person on each dimension
    PersonScores[PersonScores==PersonMax] <- PersonScores[PersonScores==PersonMax] - adj

    #Adjust zero scores for each person on each dimension
    PersonScores[PersonScores==0] <- PersonScores[PersonScores==0] + adj

    #Initialise theta (WLE) values for all students
    theta <- log((PersonScores+.5)/(PersonMax-PersonScores+1)) #log of odds ratio of raw score

    converge <- FALSE
    Miter <- 0
    BB <- array(0, dim=c(nitems,maxK,ndim,ndim))
    BBB <- array(0, dim=c(nitems,maxK,ndim))
    for (i in 1:nitems) {
        for (k in 1:maxK) {
            BB[i,k,,] <- B[i,k,] %*% t(B[i,k,])
            BBB[i,k,] <- BB[i,k,,] %*% B[i,k,]
    increment <- array(0, dim=c(nstud,ndim))
    old_increment <- 3 + increment

    #--- OUTPUT
    res <- list( adj=adj, PersonScores=PersonScores, PersonMax=PersonMax,
                    theta=theta, converge=converge, Miter=Miter, BB=BB,
                    BBB=BBB, increment=increment, old_increment=old_increment)
alexanderrobitzsch/TAM documentation built on Sept. 16, 2024, 2:04 a.m.