teamTraining <- function(year, training, teamnames){
# Import data
reg_season = fread(training)
team_key <- fread(teamnames, select = c("TeamID", "TeamName"))
# Filter to provided year
reg_season = reg_season[Season == year]
# Make home and away
reg_season[, c("homei", "homej") := list(0, 0)]
reg_season[WLoc == "H", homei := 1]
reg_season[WLoc == "A", homej := 1]
# Create margin
reg_season[, margin := WScore - LScore]
# Filter to needed columns and rename
reg_season <- reg_season[, c("Season", "DayNum", "WTeamID", "WScore", "LTeamID", "LScore", "margin", "homei", "homej")]
names(reg_season) <- c("season", "daynum", "teami", "scorei", "teamj", "scorej", "margin", "homei", "homej")
# Create a game id that has the smaller team id followed by the large one
reg_season[teami < teamj, gameid := paste0(as.character(teami), "_", as.character(teamj))]
reg_season[teami > teamj, gameid := paste0(as.character(teamj), "_", as.character(teami))]
# Set up team id mapping
team_key$id <- 1:(nrow(team_key))
# Recoding ids to be between 1 and 366
reg_season = merge(reg_season, team_key, by.x="teami" , by.y="TeamID")
reg_season[, c("TeamName", "teami") := NULL]
setnames(reg_season, "id", "teami")
reg_season <- merge(reg_season, team_key, by.x="teamj" , by.y="TeamID")
reg_season[, c("TeamName", "teamj") := NULL]
setnames(reg_season, "id", "teamj")
# Final dataset for modeling
train <- list(N = nrow(reg_season),
y = reg_season$margin,
h_i = reg_season$homei,
h_j = reg_season$homej,
team_i = reg_season$teami,
team_j = reg_season$teamj,
N_g = max(team_key$id)
# Defining the model
model = "
data {
int N;
vector[N] y;
int team_i[N];
int team_j[N];
int h_i[N];
int h_j[N];
int N_g;
parameters {
vector[N_g] alpha_raw;
vector[N_g] theta_raw;
real eta;
real<lower=0> tau_theta;
real<lower=0> tau_alpha;
real<lower=0> sigma;
transformed parameters {
vector[N_g] alpha;
vector[N_g] theta;
alpha = eta + alpha_raw*tau_alpha;
theta = theta_raw*tau_theta;
model {
// vector for conditional mean storage
vector[N] mu;
// priors
tau_theta ~ cauchy(0,1)T[0,];
tau_alpha ~ cauchy(0,.25)T[0,];
sigma ~ cauchy(0,1)T[0,];
eta ~ normal(4,1);
theta_raw ~ normal(0,1);
alpha_raw ~ normal(0,1);
// define mu for the Gaussian
for( t in 1:N ) {
mu[t] = (theta[team_i[t]] + alpha[team_i[t]]*h_i[t]) -
(theta[team_j[t]] + alpha[team_j[t]]*h_j[t]);
// the likelihood
y ~ normal(mu,sigma);
# Fit model to data
fit <- stan(model_code=model,
seed = 1865)
# Get theta (team abilities)
theta <- data.table(extract(fit)$theta)
colnames(theta) <- team_key$TeamName
# Get alpha (home advantage)
sigma <- data.table(extract(fit)$sigma)
# Get sigma (ability variance)
alpha <- data.table(extract(fit)$alpha)
colnames(alpha) <- team_key$TeamName
# return the trained model
return(list(theta, sigma, alpha))
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