#' Estimate linear regression models with an instrumental variable.
#' This function allows you to estimate a two-stage least squares linear regression in one step.
#' @param model_formula The formula of the main regression problem.
#' @param instrument_formula The formula for the first stage of the regression problem. Estimate an endogenous variable from one (or more) instruments. If blank, defaults to ordinary linear regression.
#' @param data (optional) A data frame containing all variables for the regression model.
#' @param ... Additional arguments to pass to glm().
#' @keywords instrument
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Fake data
#' N <- 1000
#' z <- rnorm(N, 1, 1)
#' error <- rnorm(N, 1, 1)
#' x <- z + error + rnorm(N, 1, 1)
#' y <- x + error
#' # Fit OLS
#' fit_ols <- lm(y ~ x)
#' # Fit 2SLS
#' fit_2sls <- iv.lm(y ~ x, x ~ z)
#' summary(fit_ols)
#' summary(fit_2sls)
iv.lm <- function(model_formula,
instrument_formula = NULL, data = NULL, ...) {
if(is.null(instrument_formula)) {
out <- lm(model_formula, data = data)
} else {
if(class(model_formula) != "formula" | class(instrument_formula) != "formula") {
stop("both model_formula and instrument_formula must be of class formula")
# Instrument info
instrument_data <- find_instruments(model_formula, instrument_formula)
instruments <- instrument_data$instruments
instrumented <- instrument_data$instrumented
n_instruments <- length(instruments)
if(length(instrumented) > 1) {
stop("You may only instrument one variable at a time.")
# Estimate model
stage_one <- lm(instrument_formula, data = model.frame(instrument_formula, data = data))
model_data <- model.frame(model_formula, data = data)
model_data[, which(names(model_data) == instrumented)] <- stage_one$fitted.values
stage_two <- lm(formula = as.formula(deparse(model_formula)), data = model_data)
# Diagnostics
cor_w_var <- vector('numeric', length = n_instruments)
cor_w_error <- vector('numeric', length = n_instruments)
for(i in seq_along(1:n_instruments)) {
cor_w_var[i] <- cor(stage_one$model[, 1], stage_one$model[, (i+1)])
cor_w_error[i] <- cor(stage_one$model[, (i+1)], stage_two$residuals)
cat(paste0("correlation between ", names(stage_one$model)[1], " and ", names(stage_one$model)[(i+1)], ": ",
round(cor_w_var[i], 3), "\n"))
cat(paste0("correlation between ", names(stage_one$model)[(i+1)], " and residuals: ",
round(cor_w_error[i], 3), "\n"))
# Return results and diagnostics
out <- list(
exclusion_restriction = round(cor_w_error, 3),
instrument_validity = round(cor_w_var, 3),
instruments = instruments,
instrumented = instrumented,
stage_one = stage_one,
fit = stage_two
class(out) <- "ivm"
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