
#' biometeo
#' @description Biometeo is the function to instantiate a S3 object related to environmental parameter that to be used in biomodel function.
#' It require firstly a meteodata object and biocontainer object as arguments. 
#' @param meteodata   object rAedesim meteodata object.
#' @param biocontainer  object rAedesim biocontainer object
#' @param startday  integer Index of date when  simulation starts. Default is 1.
#' @param deltatmax numeric Mean Error Bias considered for maximum air temperature. Default is 0.
#' @param deltatmin numeric Mean Error Bias  considered for minimum air temperature. Default is 0.
#' @param deltatmed numeric Mean Error Bias  considered for mean air temperature. Default is 0.
#' @param tresh_rain_dry numeric Rain threshold for effective precipitation. Default is 4.
#' @param weigth_k numeric Weighting Paraemter to take into account dry spell impact See also \code{weigthdry}. Default is 5.
#' @param datemax integer Julian day of maxim date of spring diapause awekaning . Default is 110 4th April.
#' @param bounddays numeric Days of incertainty for diapause emergency period bounds. Default is 10.
#' @param varjd numeric Days of variance for  diapause emergency courbes. Default is 10.
#' @param truncated logical Modeling with truncated gaussian respecting the limits. Default is FALSE.
#' @param timezone character Timezone. Default is Europe/Rome.
#' @return  Return a biometeo object.
#' @author  Istituto di Biometeorologia Firenze Italy  Alfonso crisci \email{a.crisci@@ibimet.cnr.it} ASL LUCCA Marco Selmi \email{marco.selmi@@uslnordovest.toscana.it }
#' @keywords  container
#' @export

biometeo=function (meteo, 
                   startday = 1, 
                   deltatmax = 0, 
                   deltatmin = 0, 
                   deltatmed = 0, 
                   tresh_rain = 4, 
                   weigth_k = 5, 
                   CPPmin = 11.5, 
                   datemax = 110, 
                   bounddays = 10, 
                   varjd = 10, 
                   truncated = FALSE,
    if (class(meteo) != "meteodata") 
        stop("argument must be an meteodata object ")
    if (class(i_biocontainer) != "biocontainer") 
        stop("argument must be an biocontainer object")
    len_ts = as.numeric(length(meteo$dates))
    if (len_ts < 1) 
        stop("Time series is singular.")
    jd = as.numeric(format(as.Date(meteo$dates,tz=timezone), "%j"))
    startday_jd = jd[startday]
    if (length(jd) <= (startday - 1)) {
        stop("Startday not correct for simulation.")
    meteo$tmax = meteo$tmax[startday:len_ts]
    meteo$tmin = meteo$tmin[startday:len_ts]
    meteo$tmed = meteo$tmed[startday:len_ts]
    meteo$urel = meteo$urel[startday:len_ts]
    meteo$prec = meteo$prec[startday:len_ts]
    meteo$dates = meteo$dates[startday:len_ts]
    meteo$daylenght = meteo$daylenght[startday:len_ts]
    tmax = meteo$tmax + deltatmax
    tmin = meteo$tmin + deltatmin
    tmed = meteo$tmed + deltatmed
    dates = as.Date(as.character(meteo$dates),tz=timezone)
    day_len = day_length(dates, as.numeric(i_biocontainer$lon),as.numeric(i_biocontainer$lat))$daylength
    new_data = data.frame(daylength = day_len, tmed = tmed, tmin = tmin)
    w_tmed = predict(i_biocontainer$watermodel, newdata = new_data)
    id.na <- which(is.na(w_tmed))
    w_tmed[id.na] <- tmed[id.na]
    tot_evap = NA
    weight_dry = NA
    prevdrydays = NA

    if (!is.null(meteo$urel) || length(which(is.na(as.numeric(meteo$urel)))) == length(as.numeric(meteo$urel))) 
        evap <- evaporation_params(tmed, w_tmed, meteo$urel, A = i_biocontainer$base_area)
        tot_evap = evap$mevday * i_biocontainer$nrecipients

    diapause_emerg = diapause_emergency(dates,

    diapause_induct = diapause_induction(dates,

    if (meteo$perc_missing_data < 20) 
	prevdrydays = drydaycons(meteo$prec,tresh_rain)    
        weight_dry = weigthdry(prevdrydays,weigth_k)

    df_data=data.frame(tmedwater = w_tmed, 
                       tmed = tmed, 
                       d_induction = diapause_induct, 
                       lengthday = day_len, 
                       cdrydays = prevdrydays)
    ts_zoo = as.xts(df_data)

    object <- list(tmed_est = tmed, 
                   twater_est = w_tmed, 
                   prec = meteo$prec, 
                   rhum = meteo$urel,
                   tot_evap = tot_evap, 
                   tresh_rain_dry= tresh_rain,
                   daylength = day_len,
                   ndays = len_ts, 
                   d_emergency = as.numeric(df_data$emergency),
                   d_induction = diapause_induct, 
                   tresh_rain_dry = tresh_rain,
                   prevdrydays = prevdrydays, 
                   weight_k = weigth_k,
                   weight_dry = weight_dry, 
                   timeformat = meteo$timeformat, 
                   dates = dates,
                   timeseries = ts_zoo,
		   datemax = datemax, 
                   bounddays = bounddays, 
                   varjd = varjd

    attr(object, "tmed_est") <- "Daily mean air temperature estimated"
    attr(object, "twater_est") <- "Daily mean water temperature estimated"
    attr(object, "prec") <- "Daily precipitation"
    attr(object, "rhum") <- "Daily evaporation"
    attr(object, "tot_evap") <- "Mass of evaporative losses for day in mg"
    attr(object, "tresh_rain_dry") <- "Rain threshold to consider effective precipitation"
    attr(object, "prevdrydays") <- "Consecutive dry days previously accerted"
    attr(object, "weight_k") <- "Weighting Paraemter to take into account dryness impact"
    attr(object, "daylength") <- "Daylength"
    attr(object, "ndays") <- "Number of days"
    attr(object, "d_emergency") <- "Percentage of exclosion of daily diapausant eggs in springtime"
    attr(object, "d_induction") <- "Percentage of daily autumnal diapausant eggs"
    attr(object, "dates") <- "Dates"
    attr(object, "timezone") <- "Timezone"
    attr(object, "timeformat") <- "Period of data aggregation"
    attr(object, "timeseries") <- "Data as xts object" 
    attr(object, "datemax") <- "Julian day of maximal date of spring diapause awekaning"
    attr(object, "bounddays") <- "Days of incertainty for diapause emergency period bounds"
    attr(object, "varjd") <- "Days of variance for diapause emergency courbes"
    class(object) <- "biometeo"
alfcrisci/rAedesSim documentation built on May 10, 2019, 8:59 a.m.