Man pages for aliafdz/QApckg
Quality assessment for Miseq data derived from viral sequencing

conshaplotypesGenerate consensus haplotypes
demultiplexMIDSplit reads by MID sequence
demultiplexprimerTrim specific primer sequences
executeFLASHRun FLASH to extend R1 and R2 reads.
FiltbyQ30Filter haplotypes by Q30
GblYieldCompute global yield by step
mclapply.hackExecution of parallel:mclapply() on Windows machines
PlotInDelsCheck for insertions and deletions in samples
PoolQCbyPosEvaluate QC by position
PoolQCbyReadEvaluate QC by read
primermatchIdentfication of primer specific sequences
QCplotQC plot by read position
QCscoresCompute Phred scores by position or by read
R1R2toFLASHRun FLASH to extend paired-end reads and generate report...
SaveHaplotypesSave consensus haplotypes after sorting by mutation and...
aliafdz/QApckg documentation built on June 2, 2022, 10:29 a.m.