
Defines functions sciCNV

Documented in sciCNV

#' sciCNV function
#' @description Inferring copy number variations of scRNA-seq data at single-cell level
#' @param norm.mat: Matrix of normalized single-cell gene expression (e.g. normalized scRNA-seq). Formatted as follows:
#'       1st column = gene name list.
#'       1st Row = cell identifier.
#'       Cells are arranged with test cells in leftward columns, followed by control cells (normal diploid cells of matching lineage) in rightward columns.
#' @param ave.ctrl: It is the average expression of cells per gene in control population.
#' @param gen.Loc: It is the matrix of assigning chromosome number to each gene sorted based on chromosme number, starts and ends.
#' @param No.test: number of test cells
#' @param sharpness: a variable that adjusts the resolution used for the sciCNV-curve calculation (by defining a moving window size over which gene expression values are averaged).
#'       Default =1.0 (range approximately 0.6-1.4).
#'       A lower sharpness can be used to offset data sparsity and provide more reliable detection of large CNVs.
#'       A higher sharpness provides more resolution for the detection of smaller CNVs but is more susceptible to noise from data sparsity and thus requires greater data density.
#' @param baseline_adj: The baseline adjustment is only applied to test cells if TRUE is specified. Default is FALSE.
#' @param baseline: An optional correction to adjust the CNV zero setpoint (copy number gain =0) and improve CNV detection when CN gains and losses are substantially unbalanced.
#'       Consider using for markedly hyperdiploid or hyodiploid cells with multiple trisomies or monosomies where the chromosome number deviates substantially from 46.
#'       Default = 0. Ideal setting: a fraction representing the net fractional genomic change from diploidy (using a positive fraction for gain and a negative fraction for net genomic loss).
#'       If the CNV profile is unknown, run the CNV analysis with default zero setting, review the preliminary CNV profile, and consider re-running with baseline ccorrection.
#' @author Ali Mahdipour-Shirayeh, Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, University of Toronto
#' @return Provides the iCNV profile of all single-cells at higher sinsitivity, eficiency and accuracy
#' @examples
#' sciCNV_mat <- sciCNV(norm.mat=normlized_data, ave.ctrl=mean_control, gen.Loc, No.test=100)
#' @import parallel
#' @export

sciCNV <- function(norm.mat,
                   baseline_adj = FALSE,   # TRUE or FALSE
                   baseline = 0    # default is 0. Typical range -0.5 to +0.5.

  ## argument validation
  if (  is.na(No.test) ){
    stop( "Number of tumor cells needs to be inserted.")

  if (is.na(sharpness)){
    sharpness <- 1    # typical range 0.6-1.4

  if (is.na(baseline_adj)){
    baseline_adj = FALSE

  if ( (baseline_adj == TRUE) & (is.na(baseline)) ){
    baseline <- 0

  if ( (baseline_adj == FALSE) & ( baseline != 0) ){
    stop( "The baseline value is only accepted for baseline_adj = TRUE.")
  }else if ( (baseline_adj == FALSE)  ){
    baseline <- 0

  if( (baseline > 0.5) || (baseline < -0.5) ){
    stop( "The baseline value inserted is not supported (baseline is
          assumed to be in [-0.5, 0.5] interval).")

  ## Attaching the average gene expression of the control cells

  norm.mat1 <- cbind(gen.Loc, as.matrix(norm.mat), ave.ctrl )
  rownames(norm.mat1) <- rownames(norm.mat)

  ## Focusing the sciCNV analysis on genes with expression >2% of cells (open to user specification/optimization).
  ## This enriches the analysis for informative genes.
  ## The variable excludes infrequently detected genes, that are detected in less than a minimum % of cells (assessed across both test and control cells).

  percent <- 0.02
  MSC1 <- norm.mat1[which(rowSums(norm.mat != 0) >= ncol(norm.mat)*percent ), ]
  colnames(MSC1) <- c("genes","chromosomes", colnames(norm.mat),"AveNCs")
  #chr.n <- sort(MSC1[ , 2], decreasing=FALSE)
  MSC <- MSC1[ , -c(1,2)]

  ## single cell inferred CNV function
  V7Alt <- matrix(0, ncol = (ncol(MSC)-1), nrow = nrow(MSC))

  # Average gene expression of control cells
  mean.ctrl <- as.matrix(as.numeric(MSC[, ncol(MSC)]) )

  ## sciCNV for test and control cells
  new.genes <- rownames(MSC1)
  clmns <- ncol(norm.mat)
  chr.n <- as.matrix( gen.Loc[which(as.matrix(gen.Loc[,1]) %in% new.genes), 2])
  resolution <- 50*sharpness
  P12 <- floor(nrow(MSC)/resolution)
  row.n <- length(new.genes)
  FF <- rep(0, row.n)
  AW <- rep(0, row.n)
  BD <- rep(0, row.n)
  G <- as.matrix(seq(1,row.n,1))
  FF[1] <- 1
  AW[1] <- P12
  BD[1] <- P12

  for(i in 2:row.n){
    if( chr.n[i] == chr.n[i-1]){
      FF[i] <-  FF[i-1] + 1
    } else
      FF[i] <-  1

  for(i in 2:row.n){
    if( chr.n[i] == chr.n[i-1]){
      if( AW[i-1] >0 ){
        AW[i] <-  AW[i-1] -1
      } else
        AW[i] <-  0
    } else
      AW[i] <-  P12

  for(i in seq(row.n-1,1,-1) ){
    if( chr.n[i] == chr.n[i+1]){
      if( BD[i+1] > 0 ){ BD[i] <-  BD[i+1] -1
      } else { BD[i] <-  0}
    } else { BD[i] <-  P12}

  mat.fab <- cbind(FF,AW, BD)
  n.cores <- 1 # detectCores(all.tests = FALSE, logical = TRUE)

  v7alt.fun <- function(i){ CNV_infer(ss.expr = as.matrix(MSC[ ,i]),
                                      mean.ctrl = mean.ctrl,
                                      gen.Loc = gen.Loc,
                                      resolution = resolution,
                                      baseline_adj = FALSE,
                                      baseline = 0,
                                      chr.n = chr.n,
                                      P12 = P12,
                                      mat.fab = mat.fab)}
  V7Alt11 <- parallel::mclapply( 1:clmns, v7alt.fun, mc.cores = n.cores )
  V7Alt <- matrix(unlist(V7Alt11), ncol = clmns, byrow = FALSE)

  colnames(V7Alt) <- colnames(MSC[,-ncol(MSC)])
  rownames(V7Alt) <- MSC1[ , 1]



alimahdipour/sciCNV documentation built on Oct. 16, 2022, 12:56 p.m.