
Defines functions get_turnedon_acronyms get_fished_acronyms get_cohorts_acronyms get_fish_acronyms get_nonage_acronyms get_age_acronyms get_acronyms get_age_groups get_groups

Documented in get_acronyms get_age_acronyms get_age_groups get_cohorts_acronyms get_fish_acronyms get_fished_acronyms get_groups get_nonage_acronyms get_turnedon_acronyms

#' Collection of similar functions which get specific
#' columns from the Atlantis \code{functionalGroups.csv}
#' This collection of functions uses the dataframe of functional
#' groups created with \code{\link{load_fgs}} and creates various
#' character strings of group names or acronym names.
#' @inheritParams load_fgs
#' @details Currently, the following character strings can be created
#' \code{get_groups}: Extract column "Name"
#' \code{get_age_groups}: Extract column "Name". Selects groups with 10 ageclasses.
#' \code{get_acronyms}: Extract column "Code"
#' \code{get_age_acronyms}: Extract column "Code". Selects groups with 10 ageclasses.
#' \code{get_nonage_acronyms}: Extracts columns "Code". Only groups with ageclasses different from 10 are selected.
#' \code{get_fish_acronyms}: Extract column "Code". Only groups with InvertType equal to "FISH" or "SHARK" are selected.
#' \code{get_cohorts_acronyms}: Extracts column "Code" based on Cohort size
#' \code{get_fished_acronyms}: Extracts column "Code" based on whether a species is fished in the model (IsFished == 1)
#' \code{get_turnedon_acronyms}: Extracts column "Code" based on whether species are turned on in the model (IsTurnedOn == 1)

#' @family get functions
#' @return Character string.

#' @examples
#' d <- system.file("extdata", "setas-model-new-trunk", package = "atlantistools")
#' fgs <- file.path(d, "SETasGroupsDem_NoCep.csv")
#' get_age_groups(fgs)
#' get_nonage_acronyms(fgs)

#' @export
#' @rdname get_groups
get_groups <- function(fgs){
  fgs_df <- load_fgs(fgs = fgs)
  result <- fgs_df$Name

#' @export
#' @rdname get_groups
get_age_groups <- function(fgs){
  fgs_df <- load_fgs(fgs = fgs)
  supported_columns <- c("InvertType", "GroupType")
  result <- fgs_df$Name[fgs_df$NumCohorts > 2 | (fgs_df$NumCohorts == 2 & grepl(pattern = "FISH", fgs_df[, is.element(names(fgs_df), supported_columns)]))]

#' @export
#' @rdname get_groups
get_acronyms <- function(fgs){
  fgs_df <- load_fgs(fgs = fgs)
  result <- fgs_df[, names(fgs_df) == "Code"]

#' @export
#' @rdname get_groups
get_age_acronyms <- function(fgs){
  fgs_df <- load_fgs(fgs = fgs)
  supported_columns <- c("InvertType", "GroupType")
  result <- fgs_df$Code[fgs_df$NumCohorts > 2 | (fgs_df$NumCohorts == 2 & grepl(pattern = "FISH", fgs_df[, is.element(names(fgs_df), supported_columns)]))]

#' @export
#' @rdname get_groups
get_nonage_acronyms <- function(fgs){
  fgs_df <- load_fgs(fgs = fgs)
  result <- fgs_df$Code[fgs_df$NumCohorts <= 2]

#' @export
#' @rdname get_groups
get_fish_acronyms <- function(fgs){
  fgs_df <- load_fgs(fgs = fgs)
  # Older models use the column GroupType, newer ones use InvertType.
  supported_columns <- c("InvertType", "GroupType")
  if (!any(is.element(names(fgs_df), supported_columns))) {
    stop(paste("Column names in fgs do not match any of", supported_columns))
  } else {
    result <- fgs_df$Code[fgs_df[, is.element(names(fgs_df), supported_columns)] %in% c("FISH", "SHARK")]

#' @param numCohorts integer. Number of cohorts by which to filter (Default = 10)
#' @export
#' @rdname get_groups
get_cohorts_acronyms <- function(fgs,numCohorts = 10){
  fgs_df <- load_fgs(fgs = fgs)
  result <- fgs_df$Code[fgs_df$NumCohorts == numCohorts]

#' @export
#' @rdname get_groups
get_fished_acronyms <- function(fgs){
  fgs_df <- load_fgs(fgs = fgs)
  result <- fgs_df$Code[fgs_df$isFished == 1]

#' @export
#' @rdname get_groups
get_turnedon_acronyms <- function(fgs){
  fgs_df <- load_fgs(fgs = fgs)
  result <- fgs_df$Code[fgs_df$IsTurnedOn == 1]
alketh/atlantistools documentation built on Oct. 30, 2021, 5:46 a.m.