
Defines functions get_attachments_int

#' Extract attached file(s) from fetched message(s) (INTERNAL HELPER)
#' @param msg_list A \code{list} with the body or text content of the messages
#'   fetched with \href{#method-fetch_body}{\code{ImapCon$fetch_body()}} or
#'   \href{#method-fetch_text}{\code{ImapCon$fetch_text()}}.
#' @param content_disposition A \code{string} indicating which type of
#'   "Content-Disposition" attachments should be retrieved. Default is
#'   \code{"both"}, which retrieves regular attachments ("Content-Disposition:
#'   attachment") and  inline attachments ("Content-Disposition: inline").
#' @param override A \code{logical}. If \code{TRUE}, overrides existent files
#'   containing the same name in the local directory. Default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param mute A \code{logical}. If \code{TRUE}, mutes the confirmation message
#'   when the command is successfully executed. Default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param as_is If \code{TRUE} then write out attachments without base64
#'   decoding. Default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @noRd
get_attachments_int <- function(self, msg_list, content_disposition, override,
                                mute, as_is) {

  # previous folder selection checking
  if (is.na(self$con_params$folder)) {
    stop('No folder previously selected.')

  check_args(msg_list = msg_list, content_disposition = content_disposition,
             override = override, mute = mute)

  # retrieves only base64 encoded attachments for now

  # self = con
  # override = FALSE

  # preparing mail folder name part of the directory for saving

  folder_clean = gsub("%20", "_", self$con_params$folder)
  forbiden_chars <- "[\\/:*?\"<>|]"
  folder_clean = gsub(forbiden_chars, "", folder_clean)

  # msg_list = body
  # content_disposition = "both"

  for (i in seq_along(msg_list)) {
    # i = 1
    # print(names(msg_list[i]))

    id = names(msg_list[i]) # doing this to conserve name attribute
    id = unlist(regmatches(id, regexec("UID\\d+|\\d+", id)))

    msg = msg_list[[i]]

    if (has_attachment(msg, call_from = "get_attachments")) {

      # v0.9.1.0100
      pattern_content_type = 'Content-Type:[\t|\r|\n|\r\n|a-zA-Z0-9 ]+(.*?)--'
      full_content_types <- unlist(regmatches(msg, gregexpr(pattern_content_type, msg, ignore.case = TRUE))) # using perl is importnt here in case we have invalid multibyte string error (see msg 4217 (UID 61071) in Office 365)

      full_content_types <- full_content_types[grepl('Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64', full_content_types,
                                                     ignore.case = TRUE)]

      # 1) full attachments excerpts (with attachment "headers")
      # v0.3.1 - added support to inline attachments; added content_disposition argument
      if(content_disposition == "attachment"){
        pattern = 'Content-Disposition: attachment;[\t|\r|\n|\r\n|a-zA-Z0-9 ]+(.*?)--'

      } else if(content_disposition == "inline"){
        pattern = 'Content-Disposition: inline;[\t|\r|\n|\r\n|a-zA-Z0-9 ]+(.*?)--'

      } else {
        pattern = 'Content-Disposition: attachment;[\t|\r|\n|\r\n|a-zA-Z0-9 ]+(.*?)--|Content-Disposition: inline;[\t|\r|\n|\r\n|a-zA-Z0-9 ]+(.*?)--'


      # this REGEX works with IMAP and MS/Exchange protocols
      full_attachments <- unlist(regmatches(full_content_types, gregexpr(pattern, full_content_types,
                                                                         ignore.case = TRUE)))
      # substr(full_attachments[1], 1, 1000)
      # starting from full attachments to get filenames and text after

      # 2) extract only text

      # part1
      # pattern = '\\r\\n[A-Za-z0-9+\\/]{0,76}.*' # attachments parts can have a maximum 76 column (characters) (MIME standards)
      # # pattern = '\\r\\n[A-Za-z0-9+\\/]+.*' # v0.0.9.0 the case when the attachments do not have 76 columns of characters forced us to implement some changes
      # attachments_text <- unlist(regmatches(full_attachments,
      #                                       gregexpr(pattern, full_attachments)))

      attachments_text <- sub('.*Content-', '', full_attachments, ignore.case = TRUE) # sub extracts only the first match


      # we extract from the last match onwards

      pattern2 = "\\r\\n[^ ]+\\r\\n" # lines that do not contain space

      attachments_text <- unlist(regmatches(attachments_text,
                                            regexec(pattern2, attachments_text,
                                                    perl = TRUE)))

      # it has to be in this order

      # attachments_text <- gsub("^\r\n","", attachments_text) # "beggining with" #
      # attachments_text <- gsub("^[\r\n]+","", attachments_text) # "beggining with" #V0.9.0.0
      attachments_text <- gsub("^[\r\n\t]+","", attachments_text) # "beggining with" #V0.9.2
      # attachments_text[8]

      # attachments_text <- gsub("^Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\r\n\r\n","", attachments_text,
      #                          ignore.case = TRUE) # "beggining with"

      attachments_text <- gsub("[\r\n]+[-]*$","", attachments_text) # "ending with"
      # substr(attachments_text, 1, 1000)
      # substr(full_attachments, 1, 1000)
      # substr(msg, 1, 1000)

      # 3) extract attachment filenames:
      # v0.3.1 - simplified REGEX - we do not need to worry about getting ordinary text
      # ..we have already selected only the attachments
      # pattern = 'filename=\"(.*?)\"[\r\n+|;]'
      # filenames <- unlist(regmatches(full_attachments, regexec(pattern, full_attachments)))
      pattern = 'name=\"(.*?)\"[\r\n+|;]' # v0.9.2
      # this REGEX works with IMAP and MS/Exchange protocols
      filenames <- unlist(regmatches(full_content_types, regexec(pattern, full_content_types,
                                                                 ignore.case = TRUE)))

      # sanitizing

      # v0.3.1 - to avoid errors in case NULL
      if(!is.null(filenames)){ # here we have to run the rest of the code inside the condition

        filenames <- filenames[seq(2, length(filenames), by = 2)]

        # cleaning encoding strings in filenames, e.g. "=?Windows-1252?Q?Termo_de_extra_SIAPE.?=\r\n =?Windows-1252?Q?pdf?="
        # pasting the extension to the name when it is
        # v 0.9.1
        # rfc2047 mime header decoding
        filenames <- decode_mime_header(string = filenames)

        # removing problematic Win-*NIX-OSX characters from filenames
        # forbiden_chars <- "[\\/:*?\"<>|]"
        filenames <- gsub(forbiden_chars,"", filenames)

        # getting attachments encoding
        # pattern = '\r\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: (.*?)[\r\n|\r|\n]+'
        # this REGEX works with IMAP and MS/Exchange protocols

        # encodings <- unlist(regmatches(full_attachments, regexec(pattern, full_attachments)))
        # encodings <- encodings[seq(2, length(encodings), by = 2)]
        # note to self: encodings sometimes comes before "Content-Disposition: attachment;"
        # bring this feature only on future improvements

        # if (any(!grepl(pattern = "base64", x = encodings))) {
        #   warning("There are one or more non-base64 encoded attachments that will not be decoded. Use list_attachments() to identify them.")
        # }

        # preparing the directory for saving
        adjusted_filenames <- adjust_repeated_filenames(filenames)

        # url <- "imaps://outlook.office365.com/"
        # url_folder <- unlist(regmatches(self$con_params$url, gregexpr("://(.*?)(/|.)$", self$con_params$url)))
        user_folder <- self$con_params$username
        user_folder = gsub(forbiden_chars, "", user_folder)

        complete_path <- paste0("./", user_folder, "/", folder_clean, "/", id)
        # complete_path <- paste0("./", folder_clean, "/", id)
        dir.create(path = complete_path, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)

        # looping on attachments
        for (i in seq_along(adjusted_filenames)) {

          # # base64 encoding
          # if (encodings[i] == "base64") {
          if (isTRUE(override)) {
            complete_path_with_filename <- paste0(complete_path, "/", adjusted_filenames[i])
          } else {
            # AJUSTAR AQUI:
            # * Connection #4 to host outlook.office365.com left intact
            # Error in file(complete_path_with_filename, "wb") :
            #   cannot open the connection
            # In addition: Warning message:
            #   In file(complete_path_with_filename, "wb") :
            #   cannot open file '(1)./outlook.office365.com/INBOX/UID59788/image001.png': No such file or directory
            # adjusted_filenames <- serialize(adjusted_filenames)
            # complete_path_with_filename <- serialize_filename(
            #   sufix = paste0(complete_path, "/", adjusted_filenames[i]))
            complete_path_with_filename <- serialize_filename(
              sufix = adjusted_filenames[i], complete_path = complete_path)
          # complete_path_with_filename <- serialize_filename(
          #   prefix = paste0(complete_path, "/", filenames[i]))

          # bypass proposed by @waternumbers at https://github.com/allanvc/mRpostman/pull/8
          # It was originally proposed to fecth_attachments(), but ...
          # I incorporated it  in get_attachments() as well
          if (as_is) {
            ## write out the file directly to the final file name
            writeBin(attachments_text[i], complete_path_with_filename)
          } else {
            # saving attachments
            # thank's to:
            # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/36708191/convert-base64-to-png-jpeg-file-in-r
            # writing binary file
            temp_bin_name <- paste0(sample(letters, 4), sample(0:9, 4), collapse="")
            conn <- file(paste0(complete_path, "/", temp_bin_name, ".bin"),"wb")
            writeBin(attachments_text[i], conn)
            # decoding from BIN to the appropriate file extension
            inconn <- file(paste0(complete_path, "/", temp_bin_name, ".bin"),"rb")
            outconn <- file(complete_path_with_filename,"wb")

            # base64 text decoding
              base64enc::base64decode(what=inconn, output=outconn)
            }, error = function(e) {
              warning(paste0("Base64 text decoding failed for", adjusted_filenames[i]))


            unlink(paste0(complete_path, "/", temp_bin_name, ".bin")) # deleting binary file
            # From unlink() help: Not deleting a non-existent file is not a failure
            # we don't need a tryCatch()



      } else {

        message('No attachments with the specified "content_disposition" were found!')


    } # end has_attachment()


  if (!mute) {
    cat(paste0("\n::mRpostman: attachment(s) extraction is complete."))

allanvc/mRpostman documentation built on Sept. 18, 2024, 3:57 p.m.