
Defines functions apicall

Documented in apicall

#' Assemble a web API call URL
#' Assembles an arbitrary web API call URL from a base URL and query string terms. Returns a URL as
#' a string.
#' A web API call consitst of a base URL with optional additional path, followed by a "?" separator
#' and query terms separated by the "&" separator.
#' Query terms are in the form \code{[key][operator][value]}, most commonly \code{[key]=[value]}.
#' \code{apicall()} uses the \code{baseurl} argument, if provided, as the base URL. \code{path} is
#' appended to \code{baseurl} before the "?" separator. Queries are built from a list of key-value
#' pairs passed to the \code{param} argument, and/or a character vector of query terms (conditions)
#' passed to the \code{queryterms} argument. An API Key, if required, can be set via the
#' \code{apikey} argument, or passed to \code{param} or \code{queryterms}. Any combination of
#' \code{queryterms}, \code{param} and \code{apikey} can be used.
#' \code{apicall()} automatically replaces spaces with \code{\%20} in the final URL.
#' @param baseurl string. The base URL to which an additional path and additional query terms may be
#'   appended. If baseurl does not begin with 'http://' or 'https://', then 'https://' is prepended.
#' @param path string (optional). An additional path to be appended to the base URL before the "?"
#'   separator and query terms.
#' @param params list (optional). A list of query terms in the form
#'   \code{list(key1=value1,key2=value2,...)}
#' @param queryterms character vector (optional). Vector of query terms passed as strings in the
#'   form \code{c("key1[operator]value1", "key2[operator]value2", ...)}. This is useful if the API
#'   allows operators other than \code{=}, for example \code{http://foo.foo/query?count>=20}.
#' @param apikey string. (optional). An API key. The API key can also be passed with \code{params}
#'   or \code{queryterms}.
#' @param format string. (optional). A reponse format given as an extension. If none is specified,
#' the API's default reponse format will be requested. Many API's use JSON as the default. Example
#' formats might include "csv", "xlm", etc. The format will be appended to the API call as a file
#' extension.
#' @return string
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' apicall(baseurl="http://foo.com/", path="list")
#' p <- list(author="Davy Jones",format="book")
#' apicall(baseurl="http://foo.com/", path="search", params=p)
#' q <- c("author=Davy Jones","year>=1980")
#' apicall(baseurl="http://foo.com/", path="search", queryterms=q)
#' apicall(baseurl="http://foo.com/search", params=p, queryterms="year>=1980", apikey="123abc")
#' }
#' @export

apicall <- function(baseurl, path = "", params=NULL, queryterms=NULL, apikey=NULL, format=NULL) {
  b <- gsub('/$', '', baseurl[1]) # strip final slash
  if(!grepl('^http', b)){ b <- paste0("https://",b) } # resolve protocol
  c <- gsub('^/', '', path[1]) # strip initial slash
  c <- gsub('/$', '', c) # strip final slash
  u <- paste(b,c,sep="/") # concatenate

  q <- NULL
  if(!is.null(apikey)) {q <- c(q, paste0("apikey=",apikey))}
  if(!missing(params)) {q <- c(q, paste0(names(params),"=",params))}
  q <- c(q, queryterms)
  if (!is.null(q)) {
    qstring <- paste(q, collapse = "&")
    u <- paste(u,qstring,sep="?")
  u <- gsub(" ","%20",u)
  if (!is.null(format)){
    f <- tolower(gsub('\\.', '', format))
    u <- paste(u,f,sep=".")

### TODO Add support for REST API's with verbs.
allopole/tycho2 documentation built on Dec. 26, 2019, 2:48 a.m.