
#' @title becca_plot2
#' @description \code{becca_plot2()} is a method that serves as wrapper for \code{\link{becca_plot}}.
#' @details \code{becca_plot2} serves as wrapper that dispatches to \code{\link{becca_plot}} depending
#' on the class of the object passed to the \code{.data} parameter. 
#' If the object is a \code{\link{mapvizier}} object, then \code{becca_plots} requirement that the user
#' identify a litany of columns in the data is unnecessary (since we know which 
#' columns are which in a \code{mapvizier object}). The \code{subsetting} argument must be used
#' when a \code{mapvizier} object is passed, since the data will need to be 
#' properly subsetted. The user should pass this argument a call to \code{\link[dplyr]{filter(...)}}, where 
#' that function's \code{.data} argument is unnecessary. All other arguments (e.g. \code{facets})
#' are passed to \code{becca_plot} via the \code{...} argument.
#' Ff the object is a not a \code{mapvizier} object (like a \code{data.frame}) then as with \code{becca_plot}, the 
#' user needs to identify school, cohort, year, grade-level-season, and percentile columns.
#' @seealso \code{\link{becca_plot}}, \code{link[dplyr]{filter}}
#' @param .data an object to plot
#' @param ... other arguments passed to \code{\link{becca_plot}}
#' @param subsetting (required for \code{mapvizier obejcts}) a call to \code{dplyr}'s \code{filter} function, leavingout 
#' the \code{.data} argument (i.e. only containing subsetting arguments)

#' @return a \code{link[ggplot2]{ggplot2}} object
#' @rdname becca_plot2
#' @export
becca_plot2 <- function(.data, ...) UseMethod("becca_plot2")

#' @rdname becca_plot2.default
#' @name becca_plot2.default
#' @title Wrapper to becca_plot for non \code{\link{mapvizier}} objects
#' @aliases beccaplot2
#' @export
becca_plot2.default <- function(.data
                                ,school_name_column = 'sch_abbr'
                                ,cohort_name_column = 'cohort'
                                ,academic_year_column = 'map_year_academic'
                                ,grade_level_season_column = 'grade_level_season'
                                ,measurement_scale_column = 'measurementscale'
                                ,test_percentile_column = 'percentile_2011_norms'
                                ,first_and_spring_only = TRUE
                                ,auto_justify_x = TRUE
                                ,justify_widths = FALSE
                                ,justify_min = NA
                                ,justify_max = NA
                                ,entry_grades = c(-0.7, 4.3)
                                ,color_scheme = 'KIPP Report Card'
                                ,facets = FALSE
                                ,facet_opts = FALSE
                                ,title_text = FALSE){

#' @rdname becca_plot2.mapvizier
#' @name becca_plot2.mapvizier
#' @title Wrapper to becca_plot for \code{\link{mapvizier}} objects
#' @aliases beccaplot2
#' @export
becca_plot2.mapvizier <- function(.data, ...
                                  #,first_and_spring_only = TRUE
                                  #,auto_justify_x = TRUE
#                                   ,justify_widths = FALSE
#                                   ,justify_min = NA
#                                   ,justify_max = NA
#                                   ,entry_grades = c(-0.7, 4.3)
#                                   ,color_scheme = 'KIPP Report Card'
#                                   ,facets = FALSE
#                                   ,facet_opts = FALSE
#                                   ,title_text = FALSE
                                                    MeasurementScale %in% c("Reading", "Mathematics")

  # check to see if subsetting argument is missing
    stop(paste("mapvizier objects must include a subsetting argument.\n",
               "You should pass something like subsetting=filter(CohortYear==2018).\n",
               "Type ?becca_plot2 or ?filter for more information."
    # Extract mapData from mapvizier object
  # try filtering
  dplyr_call<-substitute(.data %>% subsetting)
  try(.data <- eval(dplyr_call), silent = TRUE) # just don't do anything if filter() is not passed or fails
  #get grade level seasons 
  gls<-unlist(lapply(.data$Season, grade_level_season))
  .data$GradeLevelSeason <- .data$Grade-gls

  # check for facets call and change formula to proper formula name
  if ("facets" %in% names(unlist(func_args))){
                'SchoolIntials' =' SCH_ABBREV',
                'CohortYear' = 'COHORT',
                'Year2'  = 'MAP_YEAR_ACADEMIC',
                'GradeLevelSeason' = 'GRADE_LEVEL_SEASON',
                'MeasurementScale' = 'MEASUREMENTSCALE',
                'TestPercentile' = 'PERCENTILE_2011_NORMS'
                'SchoolInitials' =' SCH_ABBREV',
                'CohortYear' = 'COHORT',
                'Year2'  = 'MAP_YEAR_ACADEMIC',
                'GradeLevelSeason' = 'GRADE_LEVEL_SEASON',
                'MeasurementScale' = 'MEASUREMENTSCALE',
                'TestPercentile' = 'PERCENTILE_2011_NORMS'
    func_args$facets<-as.character(paste(lhs, "~", rhs))
    func_args$.data <- .data
    func_args$school_name_column <- 'SchoolInitials'
    func_args$cohort_name_column <-'CohortYear'
    func_args$academic_year_column <- 'Year2'
    func_args$grade_level_season_column <- 'GradeLevelSeason'
    func_args$measurement_scale_column <- 'MeasurementScale'
    func_args$test_percentile_column <- 'TestPercentile'
    # Use do call to pass becca_plot() its arguments in a function
    p<-do.call(becca_plot, args = func_args)
  } else {
                  ,school_name_column = 'SchoolInitials'
                  ,cohort_name_column = 'CohortYear'
                  ,academic_year_column = 'Year2'
                  ,grade_level_season_column = 'GradeLevelSeason'
                  ,measurement_scale_column = 'MeasurementScale'
                  ,test_percentile_column = 'TestPercentile'
almartin82/MAP-visuals documentation built on May 10, 2019, 9:24 a.m.