
Defines functions is.mapvizieR mapvizieR.default mapvizieR

Documented in is.mapvizieR mapvizieR

#' @title Create a mapvizieR object
#' @import ggplot2 magrittr
#' @description
#' \code{mapvizieR} is a workhorse workflow function that
#' calls a sequence of cdf and roster prep functions, given a cdf and roster
#' @param cdf a NWEA AssessmentResults.csv or CDF
#' @param roster a NWEA students
#' @param verbose should mapvizieR print status updates?  default is FALSE.
#' @param norms norm study to use. passed through to cdf prep
#' @param ... additional arguments to pass to constructor functions called by mapvizieR
#' @examples
#' cdf_mv <- mapvizieR(ex_CombinedAssessmentResults, 
#'                     ex_CombinedStudentsBySchool)
#' is.mapvizieR(cdf_mv)                     
#' }
#' @export

mapvizieR <- function(cdf, roster, verbose = FALSE, norms = 2015, ...) UseMethod("mapvizieR")

#' @export
mapvizieR.default <- function(cdf, roster, verbose = FALSE, norms = 2015, ...) {

  cdf_status <- try(check_processed_cdf(cdf)$boolean, silent = TRUE)
  cdf_status <- all(!class(cdf_status) == "try-error" & cdf_status == TRUE)
  #prep the cdf, if necessary.
  if (cdf_status) {
    processed_cdf <- cdf
    if (verbose) print('your CDF is ready to go!')
  } else {
    if (verbose) print('preparing and processing your CDF...')
    #FIRST, prep the cdf and the roster
    prepped_cdf <- prep_cdf_long(cdf)
    roster <- prep_roster(roster)
    class(roster) <- c("mapvizieR_roster", class(roster))
    #SECOND, given a roster and cdf, grade level-ify the cdf
    prepped_cdf$grade <- grade_levelify_cdf(prepped_cdf, roster)
    #THIRD, process the cdf
    processed_cdf <- process_cdf_long(prepped_cdf, norms = norms)
    #check to see that result conforms
  #headline growth df
  if (verbose) print('calculating growth scores for students...')
  if (norms == 2015) {
    norms_long <- norms_students_wide_to_long(student_growth_norms_2015)
  } else if (norms == 2011) {
    norms_long <- norms_students_wide_to_long(student_growth_norms_2011)
  growth_df <- generate_growth_dfs(processed_cdf, norm_df_long = norms_long, ...)
  #make a list and return it
  mapviz <-  list(
    'cdf' = processed_cdf,
    'roster' = roster,
    'growth_df' = growth_df
    #TODO: also return a goal/strand df
    #TODO: add some analytics about matched/unmatched kids
  class(mapviz) <- c("mapvizieR", class(mapviz))

  # the next step runs the accelerated growth calculations with the
  # default of KIPP Tiered growth.  This step must come after the 
  # class assignement since add_accelerated_growth can only be run 
  # on a mapvizieR class object by design (simplifies code and can be
  # run after creating a mapvizieR object to increase goal objects attached).

  if (verbose) print('calculating accelerated growth goals and results...')
  mapviz <- mapviz %>% 
      goal_function = goal_kipp_tiered,  
      goal_function_args = list(iterations = 1),
      update_growth_df = TRUE
  mapviz$growth_df <- determine_growth_status(mapviz$growth_df)
  class(mapviz$growth_df) <- c("mapvizieR_growth", class(mapviz$growth_df))
  #make all the dfs a mapvizieR_data object
  mapviz$cdf <- mapvizieR_data(mapviz$cdf)
  mapviz$roster <- mapvizieR_data(mapviz$roster)
  mapviz$growth_df <- mapvizieR_data(mapviz$growth_df)


#' @title Reports whether x is a mapvizier object
#' @description
#' Reports whether x is a mapvizier object
#' @param x an object to test
#' @export

is.mapvizieR <- function(x) inherits(x, "mapvizieR")

#' @title ensure_is_mapvizieR
#' @description a contract that ensures that an object is a mapvizieR object at runtime.
#' @param . dot-placeholder, per ensurer doc.

ensure_is_mapvizieR <- ensurer::ensures_that(
  is.mapvizieR(.) ~ paste0(
    "The object you passed is not a conforming mapvizieR object.\n",
    "Look at the examples in the mapvizieR() to see more about generating\n",
    "a valid mapvizieR object."

#' @title print method for \code{mapvizier} class
#' @description prints to console
#' @details Prints a summary of the a \code{mapvizier} object. 
#' @param x a \code{mapvizier} object
#' @param ... additional arguments
#' @return some details about the object to the console.
#' @rdname print
#' @examples 
#' data(ex_CombinedAssessmentResults)
#' data(ex_CombinedStudentsBySchool)
#' cdf_mv <- mapvizieR(ex_CombinedAssessmentResults, 
#'                     ex_CombinedStudentsBySchool)
#' cdf_mv
#' }
#' @export

print.mapvizieR <-  function(x, ...) {
  #gather some summary stats
  n_df <- length(x)
  n_sy <- length(unique(x$cdf$map_year_academic))
  min_sy <- min(x$cdf$map_year_academic)
  max_sy <- max(x$cdf$map_year_academic)
  n_students <- length(unique(x$cdf$studentid))
  n_schools <- length(unique(x$cdf$schoolname))
  growthseasons <- unique(x$growth_df$growth_window)
  n_growthseasons <- length(growthseasons)
  cat("A mapvizieR object repesenting:\n- ")
  cat(" school years from SY")
  cat(" to SY")
  cat(";\n- ")
  cat(" students from ")
  cat(" schools;\n- and, ")
  cat(" growth seasons:\n    ")
  cat(paste(growthseasons, collapse = ",\n    "))  

#' @title grade_levelify_cdf
#' @description
#' \code{grade_levelify_cdf} adds a student's grade level at test time to
#' the cdf.  grade level is required for a variety of growth calculations.
#' @param prepped_cdf a cdf file that passes the checks in \code{check_cdf_long}
#' @param roster a roster that passes the checks in \code{check_roster}
#' @return a vector of grades
#' @export

grade_levelify_cdf <- function(prepped_cdf, roster) {
  slim_roster <- unique(roster[, c('studentid', 'termname', 'grade')])
  #first match on a student's EXACT termname
  matched_cdf <- dplyr::left_join(prepped_cdf, slim_roster, by=c('studentid', 'termname'))
  exact_count <- nrow(!is.na(matched_cdf$grade))
  #if there are still unmatched students, attempt to match on map_year_academic
  if (nrow(matched_cdf[is.na(matched_cdf$grade), ]) > 0) {
    slim_roster <- unique(roster[, c('studentid', 'map_year_academic', 'grade')])
    secondary_match <- dplyr::left_join(
      slim_roster, by = c('studentid', 'map_year_academic') 
    matched_cdf$grade <- ifelse(
      is.na(matched_cdf$grade), secondary_match$grade, matched_cdf$grade
almartin82/mapvizieR documentation built on June 3, 2023, 10:53 a.m.