
Defines functions extract_parameters.lme .Zbstar.combine.lme extract_zlist.lme refit_lme updated.model

# Extract the residual covariance matrix from an lme object
# .extractR.lme <- function(lme.fit) {
#   n <- length( nlme::getResponse(lme.fit) )
#   if (length(lme.fit$group) > 1) {
#     stop("not implemented for multiple levels of nesting")
#   } 
#   else{
#     ugroups <- unique(lme.fit$groups[[1]])
#     if (!is.null(lme.fit$modelStruct$corStruct)) {
#       V <- Matrix( nlme::corMatrix(lme.fit$modelStruct$corStruct) )
#     }
#     else V <- Diagonal(n)
#   }
#   if (!is.null(lme.fit$modelStruct$varStruct)) 
#     sds <- 1/nlme::varWeights(lme.fit$modelStruct$varStruct)
#   else sds <- rep(1, n)
#   sds <- lme.fit$sigma * sds
#   cond.var <- t(V * sds) * sds
#   return(cond.var / lme.fit$sigma^2)
# }

# Extract the ranef covariance matrix from an lme object
# .extractD.lme <- function(lme.fit) {
#   mod.mats <- RLRsim::extract.lmeDesign(lme.fit)
#   D <- Matrix( mod.mats$Vr )
#   return(D)
# }

# Extract the Z matrix from a model
# .extractZ.lme <- function(model){
#   Z.lme <- RLRsim::extract.lmeDesign(model)$Z
#   one.Z <- matrix(1, ncol = ncol(Z.lme)/2, nrow = nrow(Z.lme))
#   two.Z <- matrix(2, ncol = ncol(Z.lme)/2, nrow = nrow(Z.lme))
#   my.counter <- 1
#   for(i in 1:ncol(Z.lme)){
#     if(i%%2==0){
#       two.Z[,my.counter] <- Z.lme[,i]
#       my.counter <- my.counter+1
#     }else{
#       one.Z[,my.counter] <- Z.lme[,i]}
#   }
#   one.Z <- t(one.Z)
#   two.Z <- t(two.Z)
#   Z <- structure(list(one = one.Z, two = two.Z))
#   return(Z)
# }

# Refit the model
updated.model <- function(model, new.y = NULL, new.data = NULL){
  # Extract formulas and data
  mod.fixd <- as.formula(model$call$fixed)
  mod.rand <- model$call$random
  mod.data <- model$data
  if(!is.null(model$na.action) && model$na.action == 8) mod.data <- na.omit(mod.data)
    # Place ystars in data
    mod.data[,as.character(mod.fixd[[2]])] <- unname(new.y)
  # create new lme
  ctrl <- nlme::lmeControl(opt = 'optim', returnObject = TRUE)
    f1 <- factory(
      function(mod.fixd, mod.data, ctrl) 
        do.call("lme", args = list(fixed = mod.fixd, data = mod.data, control = ctrl))
    out.lme <- f1(mod.fixd, mod.data, ctrl)
  } else{
    mod.rand <- as.formula(mod.rand)
    f1 <- factory(
      function(mod.fixd, mod.data, mod.rand, ctrl) 
        do.call("lme", args = list(fixed = mod.fixd, data = mod.data, random = mod.rand, control = ctrl))
    out.lme <- f1(mod.fixd, mod.data, mod.rand, ctrl)

#' Refitting lme with error catching
#' @param ystar bootstrapped responses
#' @param model fitted merMod object
#' @param .f function to calc bootstrap stats
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
refit_lme <- function(ystar = NULL, model, .f) {
    refits <- purrr::map(ystar, function(y) updated.model(model = model, new.y = y))
  stats <- purrr::map(refits, ~.f(.x))
  list(tstar = stats, warnings = collect_warnings(stats))

#' Create list of Z matrices, similar to Ztlist in lme4
#' @importFrom forcats fct_inorder
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
extract_zlist.lme <- function(model){
  level.num <- ncol(model$groups)
  re.form <- formula(model$modelStruct$reStr)
  Z <- purrr::map(seq_along(re.form), function(i) model.matrix(formula(model$modelStruct$reStr)[[i]], data=model$data))
  names(Z) <- names(re.form)
  grp <- purrr::map(model$groups, forcats::fct_inorder)
  # if(level.num == 1) {
  #   Z <- as.data.frame(Z[[1]])
  #   Zlist <- purrr::map(Z, function(col) split(col, grp[[1]]))
  # } else{
    Z <- purrr::map(Z, as.data.frame)
    Z  <- Z[rev(names(Z))] # agree w/ order of model$group and bstar
    Zlist <- purrr::map(seq_along(Z), function(i) purrr::map(Z[[i]], function(col) split(col, model$group[,i])))
    names(Zlist) <- names(Z)
  # }

.Zbstar.combine.lme <- function(bstar, Zlist){
  zbstar_list <- purrr::map(seq_along(Zlist), function(e) {
    z.e <- Zlist[[e]]
    b.e <- bstar[[e]]
    purrr::map(seq_along(z.e), function(j) unlist(mapply("*", z.e[[j]], b.e[,j], SIMPLIFY = FALSE)))
  Reduce("+", unlist(zbstar_list, recursive = FALSE))

#' @importFrom stats sigma
#' @export
extract_parameters.lme <- function(model) {
  sig.e <- stats::sigma(model)
  vc <- nlme::getVarCov(model)
    beta = nlme::fixef(model), 
    vc = c(diag(vc), sig.e^2)
aloy/lmeresampler documentation built on Dec. 12, 2023, 9:26 a.m.