
Defines functions ndiffs_tseries corrgram_test ATA.Seasonality

Documented in ATA.Seasonality

#' Seasonality Tests for The ATAforecasting
#' @description This function is a class of seasonality tests using  \code{corrgram_test} from ATAforecasting package, \code{ndiffs} and \code{nsdiffs} functions from forecast package.
#' Also, this function is modified version of \code{ndiffs} and \code{nsdiffs} written by Hyndman et al. \code{forecast} package.
#' Please review manual and vignette documents of latest \code{forecast} package. According to \code{forecast} package,
#' \code{ndiffs} and \code{nsdiffs} functions to estimate the number of differences required to make a given time series stationary.
#' \code{ndiffs} uses unit root tests to determine the number of differences required for time series to be made trend stationary. Several different tests are available:
#' \itemize{
#' 	\item {uroot.test = 'kpss'}			: the KPSS test is used with the null hypothesis that \code{x} has a stationary root against a unit-root alternative. Then the test returns the least number of differences required to pass the test at the level \code{uroot.alpha}.
#' 	\item {uroot.test = 'adf'}			: the Augmented Dickey-Fuller test is used.
#' 	\item {uroot.test = 'pp'}			: the Phillips-Perron test is used. In both of these cases, the null hypothesis is that \code{x} has a unit root against a stationary root alternative. Then the test returns the least number of differences required to fail the test at the level \code{uroot.alpha}.
#' }
#' \code{nsdiffs} uses seasonal unit root tests to determine the number of seasonal differences required for time series to be made stationary. Several different tests are available:
#' \itemize{
#' 	\item {suroot.test = 'seas'}		: a measure of seasonal strength is used, where differencing is selected if the seasonal strength (Wang, Smith & Hyndman, 2006) exceeds 0.64 (based on minimizing MASE when forecasting using auto.arima on M3 and M4 data).
#' 	\item {suroot.test = 'ch'}			: the Canova-Hansen (1995) test is used (with null hypothesis of deterministic seasonality)
#' 	\item {suroot.test = 'hegy'}		: the Hylleberg, Engle, Granger & Yoo (1990) test is used.
#' 	\item {suroot.test = 'ocsb'}		: the Osborn-Chui-Smith-Birchenhall (1988) test is used (with null hypothesis that a seasonal unit root exists).
#' 	\item {suroot.test = 'correlogram'}	: this function is written based on M4 Competition Seasonality Test.
#' }
#' @param input The data.
#' @param ppy Frequency of the data.
#' @param attr_set Assign from \code{ATA.SeasAttr} function. Attributes set for unit root, seasonality tests.
#' @return \code{TRUE} if the serie has seasonality. Otherwise, \code{FALSE}.
#' @author Ali Sabri Taylan and Hanife Taylan Selamlar
#' @seealso \code{forecast}, \code{urca}, \code{tseries}, \code{uroot}, \code{stlplus}, \code{stR},
#' \code{\link[stats]{stl}}, \code{\link[stats]{decompose}}, \code{tbats}, \code{seasadj}.
#' @keywords ata ADF Canova-Hansen correlogram HEGY KPSS Phillips-Perron OCSB seasonal unit-root
#' @references
#' #'\insertRef{dickey1979}{ATAforecasting}
#' #'\insertRef{said1984}{ATAforecasting}
#' #'\insertRef{dhf1984}{ATAforecasting}
#' #'\insertRef{phillips1988}{ATAforecasting}
#' #'\insertRef{ocsb1988}{ATAforecasting}
#' #'\insertRef{hegy1990}{ATAforecasting}
#' #'\insertRef{kpss1992}{ATAforecasting}
#' #'\insertRef{ch1995}{ATAforecasting}
#' #'\insertRef{seas2006}{ATAforecasting}
#' @importFrom forecast ndiffs nsdiffs
#' @importFrom Rdpack reprompt
#' @export
ATA.Seasonality <- function(input, ppy, attr_set)
  if (max(ppy)==1){
    test_seasonal <- FALSE
  }else {
    test <- attr_set$suroot.test
    if (test=="correlogram"){
      test_seasonal <- corrgram_test(input, ppy, attr_set)
    }else {
      if (length(ppy)>1){
        if (attr_set$multi.period=="max"){
          ppy <- max(ppy)
        }else {
          ppy <- min(ppy)
      if (attr_set$suroot.uroot==TRUE){
        uroot.test <- attr_set$uroot.test
        uroot.type <- attr_set$uroot.type
        uroot.alpha <- attr_set$uroot.alpha
        uroot.pkg <- attr_set$uroot.pkg
        uroot.maxd <- attr_set$uroot.maxd
        #Used to determine whether a time series is stationary (trend)
        if (uroot.pkg=="urca") {
          d <- forecast::ndiffs(input, alpha=uroot.alpha, test=uroot.test, type=uroot.type, max.d=uroot.maxd)
        }else {
          d <- ndiffs_tseries(input, alpha=uroot.alpha, test=uroot.test, max.d=uroot.maxd)
        if (d > 0){
          input <- diff(input, differences=d, lag=1)
      suroot.alpha <- attr_set$suroot.alpha
      suroot.maxD <- attr_set$suroot.maxD
      suroot.m <- attr_set$suroot.m
      if (!is.null(attr_set$suroot.m)){
        D <- forecast::nsdiffs(input, alpha=suroot.alpha, m=suroot.m, test=test, max.D=suroot.maxD)
      }else {
        D <- forecast::nsdiffs(input, alpha=suroot.alpha, test=test, max.D=suroot.maxD)
      test_seasonal <- ifelse(D==0, FALSE, TRUE)

#' @importFrom forecast ndiffs nsdiffs
#' @importFrom stats acf
corrgram_test <- function(input, ppy, attr_set)
  if (max(ppy)==1){
    test_seasonal <- FALSE
  }else {
    corrgram.tcrit <- attr_set$corrgram.tcrit
    uroot.test <- attr_set$uroot.test
    uroot.type <- attr_set$uroot.type
    uroot.alpha <- attr_set$uroot.alpha
    uroot.pkg <- attr_set$uroot.pkg
    uroot.maxd <- attr_set$uroot.maxd
    if (length(ppy) > 1){
      if (attr_set$multi.period=="max"){
        ppy <- max(ppy)
      }else {
        ppy <- min(ppy)
    #Used to determine whether a time series is stationary (trend)
    if (uroot.pkg=="urca") {
      d <- forecast::ndiffs(input, alpha=uroot.alpha, test=uroot.test, type=uroot.type, max.d=uroot.maxd)
    }else {
      d <- ndiffs_tseries(input, alpha=uroot.alpha, test=uroot.test, max.d=uroot.maxd)
    if (d > 0){
      input <- diff(input, differences=d, lag=1)
    #Used to determine whether a time series is seasonal
    if (length(input) < 3 * ppy){
      test_seasonal <- FALSE
    }else {
      if (stats::acf(input, plot = FALSE)$acf[1] == 1){
        xacf <- stats::acf(input, plot = FALSE)$acf[-1, 1, 1]
      }else {
        xacf <- stats::acf(input, plot = FALSE)$acf
      clim <- corrgram.tcrit / sqrt(length(input)) * sqrt(cumsum(c(1, 2 * xacf^2)))
      test_seasonal <- (abs(xacf[ppy]) > clim[ppy])
      if (is.na(test_seasonal) == TRUE){
        test_seasonal <- FALSE

#' @importFrom stats acf na.omit
#' @importFrom forecast is.constant
#' @importFrom tseries adf.test kpss.test pp.test
ndiffs_tseries <- function(x, alpha = 0.05, test = c("kpss","adf","pp"), max.d=2)
  #ndiffs function using tseries package
  test <- match.arg(test)
  x <- c(na.omit(c(x)))
  d <- 0


  if(test == "kpss")
    suppressWarnings(dodiff <- tseries::kpss.test(x)$p.value < alpha)
  else if(test == "adf")
    suppressWarnings(dodiff <- tseries::adf.test(x)$p.value > alpha)
  else if(test == "pp")
    suppressWarnings(dodiff <- tseries::pp.test(x)$p.value > alpha)
    stop("This shouldn't happen")
  while(dodiff & d < max.d)
    d <- d+1
    x <- diff(x)
    if(test == "kpss")
      suppressWarnings(dodiff <- tseries::kpss.test(x)$p.value < alpha)
    else if(test == "adf")
      suppressWarnings(dodiff <- tseries::adf.test(x)$p.value > alpha)
    else if(test == "pp")
      suppressWarnings(dodiff <- tseries::pp.test(x)$p.value > alpha)
      stop("This shouldn't happen")
alsabtay/ATAforecasting documentation built on July 3, 2023, 3:42 p.m.