
#' Extract question constants and their configuration from macro
#' @param yxmc path to yxmc file to extract configuration from.
#' @param asYaml boolean indicating whether output should be converted to yaml.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' yxmc <- system.file("templates", "sample1.yxmc", package = 'jeeves')
#' d <- extractConfiguration(yxmc)
extractConfiguration <- function(yxmc, asYaml = F){
  xml <- xmlInternalTreeParse(yxmc)
  r <- xmlRoot(xml)
  g <- getNodeSet(r, '//Question')
  l <- lapply(g, xmlToList)
  m <- Filter(Negate(is.null), lapply(g, renderToYaml))
  names(m) <- sapply(m, '[[', 'dataName')
  m <- lapply(m, function(x){x$dataName = NULL; x})
  if (asYaml) as.yaml(m) else m

#' @inheritParams extractConfiguration
#' @export
#' @rdname extractConfiguration
yxmc2yaml <- function(yxmc, asYaml = F){
  extractConfiguration(yxmc, asYaml)

toYaml = function(type, g){

toYaml.FileBrowse = function(type, g){
  x = xmlToList(g)
    label = x$Description,
    dataName = x$Name,
    type = 'FileBrowse'

toYaml.TextBox = function(type, g){
  x = xmlToList(g)
    label = x$Description,
    dataName = x$Name,
    type = 'TextBox',
    password = tolower(x$Password[['value']]),
    placeholder = x$Default

toYaml.BooleanGroup = function(type, g){
  x <- if (is.list(g)) g else xmlToList(g)
    dataName = x$Name,
    type = "CheckBox",
    text = x$Description,
    default = tolower(bool_map(x$Default[['value']]))

toYaml.NumericUpDown = function(type, g){
  x = xmlToList(g)
    label = x$Description,
    dataName = x$Name,
    type = "NumericSpinner",
    default = x$Default[[1]],
    min = x$Minimum[[1]],
    max = x$Maximum[[1]],
    step = x$Increment[[1]]

toYaml.ListBox = function(type, g){
  x = xmlToList(g)
  out <- list(
    label = x$Description,
    dataName = x$Name
  cg <- xmlChildren(g)
  if ("Manual_Values" %in% names(cg)){
    if (x$Multiple[['value']] == "True"){
      out <- append(out, list(
        type = 'MultiSelectListBox',
        dataType = 'MultiStringSelector'
    } else {
      out <- append(out, list(type = 'DropDown'))
    values = toKeyValuePairs(xmlValue(cg$Manual_Values))
    value = x$Default
    append(out, list(    
      default = value,
      values = values
  } else {
    append(out, list(
      type = "DropDown",
      dataType = if (x$Multiple[['value']] == "True") {
      } else {
      inputNumber = "0",
      connectionNumber = "0",
      fieldType = "All"

toYaml.Date <- function(type, g){
  x = xmlToList(g)
    label = x$Description,
    dataName = x$Name,
    type = "DateTimeField",
    dateFormat = "YYYY-MM-DD"

toYaml.LabelGroup <- function(type, g2){
  x <- xmlToList(g2)
  x1 <- x$Questions
  x2 <- lapply(x1, function(y){
    toYaml(structure(y$Type, class = y$Type), y)

toYaml.RadioGroup = function(type, g){
  x <- if (is.list(g)) g else xmlToList(g)
  x$dataName = x$Name
  # list(
  #   dataName = x$Name,
  #   type = "RadioButton",
  #   value = x$Description,
  #   group = 'radioTest1',
  #   default = tolower(bool_map(x$Default[['value']]))
  # )

toYaml.LabelGroup = function(type, g){
  x <- if (is.list(g)) g else xmlToList(g)
  values <- as.list(sapply(unname(x$Questions), function(y){
    if (y$Type == 'RadioGroup') setNames(y$Description, y$Name) else NULL
  if (all(unlist(lapply(values, is.null)))){
    dataName = x$Name,
    label = x$Description, 
    type = "RadioGroup",
    default = names(values)[1],
    values = values,
    group = x$Name

toYaml.ToggleBar = toYaml.LabelGroup

renderToYaml <- function(g){
  x = xmlToList(g)
  types = c("FileBrowse", "TextBox", "BooleanGroup", "ListBox", "NumericUpDown", "Date", "LabelGroup", "ToggleBar")
  if (x$Type %in% types){
    toYaml(structure(x$Type, class = x$Type), g)
  } else {
alteryx/jeeves documentation built on May 12, 2019, 1:40 a.m.