
#' @importFrom futile.logger flog.debug flog.info flog.warn flog.error

#' HTTP client API
#' @name HTTP API
#' @seealso \code{\link{Session}}

json_dumps <- function(x) {

json_loads <- function(x) {

http_call <- function(method, url, cookies, ...) {
    if (is.null(cookies)) {
        z <- method(url, ...)
    } else {
        cookies <- do.call(httr::set_cookies, setNames(as.list(cookies$value), cookies$name))
        z <- method(url, cookies, ...)
    if (httr::status_code(z) != 200) {
        cat('Something went wrong!\n')
        cat('status_code is', httr::status_code(z), '\n')
        cat(httr::content(z), '\n')
        stop('halting the program... ...')
            # Of course we'd like to do something more elegant. Maybe later.
    cookies <- httr::cookies(z)
    value <- httr::content(z)
    if (!is.null(value)) value <- json_loads(value)
    list(cookies = cookies, value = value)

# Documentation for this class is hand written in file 'man/Session.Rd'
# because roxygen2 has difficulties in documenting R6 classes.
# Do not add roxygen2 comments here except for the '@export' line.

#' @export
Session <- R6::R6Class("Session",
    public = list(
        initialize = function(domain = NULL, port=NULL) {
            if (!is.null(domain)) {
                # Remove trailing '/'.
                while (substr(domain, nchar(domain), nchar(domain)) == '/') {
                    domain <- substr(domain, 1, nchar(domain) - 1)
                private$domain <- domain
            if (!is.null(port)) {
                private$port <- port

        login = function(user_email, user_id) {
            if (!is.null(private$cookies)) {
                stop('You are already logged in. Please log out first before attempting another log-in.')
            private$do_post('/login', user_email = user_email, user_id = user_id)

        logout = function() {
            if (!is.null(private$cookies)) {
                # TODO: the '/logout' API should clear the cookie.
                private$cookies <- NULL
            private$project_id_ <- NULL

        set_project = function(project_id) {
            private$do_post('/user/set_project', project_id = project_id)
            private$project_id_ <- project_id

        clear_models = function() {

        init_models = function(grid, field_value_range, data_forward, data_linear) {
            args <- list(
                url = '/user/project/models/init',
                grid = json_dumps(grid),
                field_value_range = json_dumps(field_value_range),
                data_forward = json_dumps(data_forward))
            if (!is.null(data_linear)) args$data_linear <- json_dumps(data_linear)
            do.call(private$do_post, args)

        update_models = function(n_samples, f_forward) {
            n_samp <- 0
            while (n_samp < n_samples)
                n_sim <- trunc((n_samples - n_samp) * 1.2)
                flog.info('Requesting %s field realizations... ...', n_sim)
                fields <- private$do_post('/user/project/models/request_fields', n = n_sim)
                fields <- split(fields, row(fields)) # from matrix to list
                # cat('    stamp:', stamp, '\n')
                flog.debug('    fields: %s x %s', length(fields), length(fields[[1]]))

                flog.info('Running forward model on %s field realizations... ...', length(fields))
                forwards <- lapply(fields, f_forward)
                n_good <- sum(sapply(forwards, function(v) if (all(is.na(v))) 0 else 1))
                flog.info('   %s forward results are invalid', length(forwards) - n_good)

                flog.info('Submitting %s forward results (including invalid ones if any)... ...',
                          forward_values = json_dumps(do.call(rbind, forwards)))
                # JSON converts R matrix to list of lists ([[...], [...],...]),
                # each row being a member list.
                # `NA` in numerical arrays become `null` in JSON.
                # `null` in JSON becomes 'NA' (string) after transported to server.
                n_samp <- n_samp + n_good

            flog.info('Updating approx to posterior... ...')

        summarize_project = function() {

        simulate_fields = function(n) {
            stopifnot(n > 0)
            simulations <- private$do_get('/user/project/request_fields', n = n)
            split(simulations, row(simulations))

        print = function(...) {
            cat('  domain:', private$domain, '\n')
            cat('  port:', private$port, '\n')
            cat('  cookies:\n')
            if (!is.null(private$cookies))
            cat('  project_id:', private$project_id_, '\n')

        finalize = function() {

    active = list(
        # Obtain a vector of the IDs of all the projects in the account
        # that is currently logged in.
        projects = function() {

        # Obtain the `project_id` that is set in the latest call
        # to `set_project`.
        project_id = function() {

    private = list(
        cookies = NULL,
        domain = 'www.anchored-inversion.com',
        port = 8000,
        project_id_ = NULL,

        do_get = function(url, ...) {
            # Remove leading '/'.
            while (substr(url, 1, 1) == '/') {
                url <- substr(url, 2, nchar(url))
            url <- paste0(private$domain, ':', private$port, '/', url)

            q <- list(...)
            if (length(q) > 0) {
                # TODO:
                # The httr way for parameters in GET is to use the `query` argument.
                # However, `query` forces request to be made to port 80,
                # ignoring our custom prot.
                # This is a deal breaker. Needs digging.
                # For now, I work around this by constructing a url that includes
                # the parameters.
                qq <- paste0(curl::curl_escape(names(q)),
                             vapply(q, function(x) { curl::curl_escape(x) }, character(1)),
                             collapse = "&"
                url <- paste0(url, '?', qq)

            z <- http_call(httr::GET, url = url, cookies = private$cookies)
            private$cookies <- z$cookies
            if (is.null(z$value)) invisible() else z$value

        do_post = function(url, ...) {
            # Remove leading '/'.
            while (substr(url, 1, 1) == '/') {
                url <- substr(url, 2, nchar(url))
            z <- http_call(httr::POST,
                      url = paste0(private$domain, ':', private$port, '/', url),
                      cookies = private$cookies,
                      body = list(...))
            private$cookies <- z$cookies
            if (is.null(z$value)) invisible() else z$value

        ensure_logged_in = function() {
            if (is.null(private$cookies)) {
                stop('Please log in first by calling "login()".')

        ensure_in_project = function() {
            if (is.null(private$project_id_)) {
                stop('Please first select a project by calling "set_project(project_id)".')

    lock_class = TRUE,
    cloneable = FALSE
anchored-inversion/examples.R documentation built on May 12, 2019, 2:39 a.m.