#' DRrefit
#' @description This function refits the diploid region of input copy number profiles (segments - BED file)
#' @param segments_chort data.frame formatted with correct column names
#' @param chrlist list of normal chromosome arms (pathology-specific)
#' @param maxCN threshold of max copy number to consider. By default is 6
#' @param clust_method clustering method. By default is "ward.D2"
#' @param verbose print information about the processes of the function. By default is FALSE
#' @return Return two data frames, one is the DRrefit-corrected segments and the other is the samples report. See the vignette for data frame descriptions.
#' @export
#' @importFrom dplyr filter group_by summarise arrange n desc
#' @import NbClust
#' @importFrom stats median weighted.mean
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges makeGRangesFromDataFrame
#' @importFrom tidyr %>%
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @importFrom utils capture.output
#' @examples
#' data("TCGA_BRCA_CN_segments")
#' chr_list <- c("10q","11p","12p","19q","1p","21q","2q","3p","4p","4q","6p","6q","7p" )
#' results <- DRrefit(segments_chort = TCGA_BRCA_CN_segments,
#' chrlist = chr_list)
DRrefit <- function(segments_chort,
maxCN = 6,
clust_method = "ward.D2",
verbose= FALSE) {
ward.D2 <- ID <- chrarm <- CN <- width <- chr <- cluster <- CN_corrected <- number <- NULL
OUTPUT <- list()
segments_chort_corrected_list <- list()
report_clustering_list <- list()
segments_chort$CN[segments_chort$CN == Inf] <- maxCN
samples <- segments_chort$ID %>% unique()
if (verbose) {
for (i in seq_along(samples)){
cat("sample n: ",i," - ",samples[i],"\n")
segments <- segments_chort %>% filter(ID==samples[i])
CN_CHR <- segments %>%
group_by(chrarm) %>%
summarise(weighted_mean_CN = weighted.mean(CN, w = width), .groups = 'drop')
CN_CHR_values <- CN_CHR$weighted_mean_CN
TRY <- try({
invisible(capture.output(ClustRes <-NbClust(CN_CHR_values, distance = "euclidean", method = clust_method, index = "all", min.nc = 2, max.nc = 6), type = ))
CLUST_TABLE <- data.frame(chr=CN_CHR$chrarm, cluster=ClustRes$Best.partition, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
CLUST_TABLE_in_list_sorted <- CLUST_TABLE %>%
filter(chr %in% chrlist ) %>%
group_by(cluster) %>%
summarise(number = n()) %>%
ref_cluster <- CLUST_TABLE_in_list_sorted$cluster[1]
ref_cluster <- CLUST_TABLE_in_list_sorted$cluster[1]
ref_cluster_chrs <- CLUST_TABLE %>% filter(cluster==ref_cluster)
chrlist_cluster <- ref_cluster_chrs$chr
}, silent = TRUE)
if (is(TRY, "try-error")){
message("Clustering failed")
new_chrlist <- chrlist
samp_report <-data.frame(
ref_clust_chr=paste(chrlist, collapse = ", "),
} else {
message("Clustering succeded")
new_chrlist <- chrlist_cluster
samp_report <-data.frame(
ref_clust_chr=paste(chrlist_cluster, collapse = ", "),
segments_REF <- segments %>% filter(chrarm %in% new_chrlist)
segments_REF <- segments %>% filter(chrarm %in% new_chrlist)
CN_CHR_REF <- segments_REF %>%
group_by(chrarm) %>%
summarise(weighted_mean_CN = weighted.mean(CN, w = width), .groups = 'drop')
real_diploid_region <- median(CN_CHR_REF$weighted_mean_CN)
correction_factor <- 2 - real_diploid_region
samp_report$correction_factor <- correction_factor
samp_report$correction_class <- ifelse(abs(correction_factor) > 0.5, "REFITTED",
ifelse(abs(correction_factor) <= 0.1, "NO CHANGES", "RECALIBRATED"))
report_clustering_list [[i]]<- samp_report
segments$CN_corrected <- segments$CN + correction_factor
segments$CN_corrected <- ifelse(segments$CN_corrected < 0, 0.001, segments$CN_corrected)
segments_chort_corrected_list[[i]] <- segments
} else {
for (i in seq_along(samples)){
segments <- segments_chort %>% filter(ID==samples[i])
CN_CHR <- segments %>%
group_by(chrarm) %>%
summarise(weighted_mean_CN = weighted.mean(CN, w = width), .groups = 'drop')
CN_CHR_values <- CN_CHR$weighted_mean_CN
TRY <- try({
invisible(capture.output(ClustRes <- NbClust(CN_CHR_values, distance = "euclidean", method = clust_method, index = "all", min.nc = 2, max.nc = 6), type =c("output", "message")))
CLUST_TABLE <- data.frame(chr=CN_CHR$chrarm, cluster=ClustRes$Best.partition, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
CLUST_TABLE_in_list_sorted <- CLUST_TABLE %>%
filter(chr %in% chrlist ) %>%
group_by(cluster) %>%
summarise(number = n()) %>%
ref_cluster <- CLUST_TABLE_in_list_sorted$cluster[1]
ref_cluster <- CLUST_TABLE_in_list_sorted$cluster[1]
ref_cluster_chrs <- CLUST_TABLE %>% filter(cluster==ref_cluster)
chrlist_cluster <- ref_cluster_chrs$chr
}, silent = TRUE)
if (is(TRY, "try-error")){
new_chrlist <- chrlist
samp_report <-data.frame(
ref_clust_chr=paste(chrlist, collapse = ", "),
} else {
new_chrlist <- chrlist_cluster
samp_report <-data.frame(
ref_clust_chr=paste(chrlist_cluster, collapse = ", "),
segments_REF <- segments %>% filter(chrarm %in% new_chrlist)
segments_REF <- segments %>% filter(chrarm %in% new_chrlist)
CN_CHR_REF <- segments_REF %>%
group_by(chrarm) %>%
summarise(weighted_mean_CN = weighted.mean(CN, w = width), .groups = 'drop')
real_diploid_region <- median(CN_CHR_REF$weighted_mean_CN)
correction_factor <- 2 - real_diploid_region
samp_report$correction_factor <- correction_factor
samp_report$correction_class <- ifelse(abs(correction_factor) > 0.5, "REFITTED",
ifelse(abs(correction_factor) <= 0.1, "NO CHANGES", "RECALIBRATED"))
report_clustering_list [[i]]<- samp_report
segments$CN_corrected <- segments$CN + correction_factor
segments$CN_corrected <- ifelse(segments$CN_corrected < 0, 0.001, segments$CN_corrected)
segments_chort_corrected_list[[i]] <- segments
segments_chort_corrected_df <- Reduce(rbind, segments_chort_corrected_list)
report_clustering_df <- Reduce(rbind, report_clustering_list)
OUTPUT[["corrected_segments"]] <- segments_chort_corrected_df
OUTPUT[["report"]] <- report_clustering_df
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