
Defines functions Eval_Jac_Sor_TMLA

#written by Santiago Velazco & Andre Andrade

# Function for ENM evaluation by Jaccard, Sorensen & Fpb
Eval_Jac_Sor_TMLA <- function(p,
                              thr=NULL) {
  #Evaluate ENMs using Jaccard and Sorensen Indexes
  #p:presence points suitability
  #a:absence points suitability
  #tr:numeric vector with threshold values
  np <- length(p)
  na <- length(a)
  if (na == 0 | np == 0) {
    stop('cannot evaluate a model without absence and presence data that are not NA')

    #Threshold breaks:
    if (length(p) > 1000) {
      tr <- as.vector(quantile(p, 0:1000 / 1000))
    } else {
      tr <- p
    if (length(a) > 1000) {
      tr <- c(tr, as.vector(quantile(a, 0:1000 / 1000)))
    } else {
      tr <- c(tr, a)
    tr <- sort(unique(round(tr, 8)))
    tr <- c(tr - 0.0001, tr[length(tr)] + c(0, 0.0001))
    tr <- thr
  res <- matrix(ncol = 4, nrow = length(tr))
  colnames(res) <- c('tp', 'fp', 'fn', 'tn')
  #Confusion Matrix
  for (i in 1:length(tr)) {
    res[i, 1] <- length(p[p >= tr[i]])  # a  true positives
    res[i, 2] <- length(a[a >= tr[i]])  # b  false positives
    res[i, 3] <- length(p[p < tr[i]])    # c  false negatives
    res[i, 4] <- length(a[a < tr[i]])    # d  true negatives
  a = res[, 1]
  b = res[, 2]
  c = res[, 3]
  d = res[, 4]
  #Sorensen Index
  SOR <- 2 * a / (c + 2 * a + b)
    SorTHR <- tr[which(SOR == max(SOR))][1]  
    SorTHR <- tr  
  #Jaccard Index
  JAC <- a / (c + a + b)
    JacTHR <- tr[which(JAC == max(JAC))][1]
    JacTHR <- tr  

  Fpb <- 2 * JAC
    FpbTHR <- tr[which(Fpb == max(Fpb))][1]
    FpbTHR <- tr  

  #Final Result Object
  xc <- list()
  xc$presences <- np
  xc$absences <- na
  xc$Sorensen <- SOR
  xc$SorensenTHR <- SorTHR
  xc$Jaccard <- JAC
  xc$JaccardTHR <- JacTHR
  xc$Fpb <- Fpb
  xc$t <- tr
  xc$TPR <- a / (a + c)
  xc$TNR <- d / (b + d)
  #Return final result
andrefaa/ENM_TheMetaLand documentation built on Nov. 15, 2023, 10:19 a.m.