profLike: Profile log-likelihood method to calculate 95\...

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profLikeR Documentation

Profile log-likelihood method to calculate 95\ profLike(negLL.fn, MLE, minNegLL, vecDiff = 0.5, vecInc = 0.001, ...) \itemnegLL.fnnegative log-likelihood function that take arguments (parameters and data) in ... and returns a negative log-likelihood value \itemMLEmaximum likelihood estimate (already calculated) \itemminNegLLthe minimum of the negative log-likelihood function, at the MLE (by definition) \itemvecDiffvalue defining range over which to test the negative log-likelihood to construct the confidence interval; range is MLE \pm vecDiff. Default is 0.5 and a symmetric range is tested for fitting size spectra, since for movement data sets in Table 2 of Edwards (2011; 92(6):1247-1257) the intervals were symmetric, so symmetric seems a good start. \itemvecIncincrements to try, the accuracy of the resulting bounds will depend on this. Note that a resulting interval of, say, (-2.123, -1.987) means that that interval is contained within the true 95\ The true bounds lie between the stated lower bounds and between the stated upper bounds. So reduce vecInc if further accuracy is needed. \item...further arguments to negLL.fn() two-component vector of the 95\ Profile log-likelihood method to calculate 95\ for a given negative log-likelihood function, maximum likelihood estimate (MLE) and minimum of of the negative log-likelihood function. Based on Hilborn and Mangel (1997), The Ecological Detective, p162. Andrew Edwards

andrew-edwards/sizeSpectra documentation built on June 28, 2023, 7:09 p.m.