
# The full IBTS data set used in the MEPS paper.

# Needs running once to save tibbles as tibbles (it puts tibble in Imports)

load("ibtsQ1cpuelength.RData")    # Original file as downloaded by Julia
                                  # Blanchard. Contains data frame q1.
dataOrig = tibble::as_tibble(q1)  # Thought I hadn't run this but
                                  # tibble::is_tibble(dataOrig) is TRUE.

usethis::use_data(dataOrig, overwrite = TRUE)

# The steps to convert the data into IBTS_data are now all in the vignette MEPS_IBTS_1.

## use_tibble() said to document a returned tibble like so: [maybe add when
##  doing documentation]
#  #' @return a [tibble][tibble::tibble-package]
#  #'
andrew-edwards/sizeSpectra documentation built on June 28, 2023, 7:09 p.m.