
Defines functions compare_sources.simmr_output compare_sources

Documented in compare_sources

#' Compare dietary proportions between multiple sources
#' This function takes in an object of class \code{simmr_output} and creates
#' probabilistic comparisons between the supplied sources. The group number can
#' also be specified.
#' When two sources are specified, the function produces a direct calculation
#' of the probability that the dietary proportion for one source is bigger than
#' the other. When more than two sources are given, the function produces a set
#' of most likely probabilistic orderings for each combination of sources. The
#' function produces boxplots by default and also allows for the storage of the
#' output for further analysis if required.
#' @param simmr_out An object of class \code{simmr_output} created from
#' \code{\link{simmr_mcmc}} or \code{\link{simmr_ffvb}}.
#' @param source_names The names of at least two sources. These should match
#' the names exactly given to \code{\link{simmr_load}}.
#' @param group The integer values of the group numbers to be compared. If not
#' specified assumes the first or only group
#' @param plot A logical value specifying whether plots should be produced or
#' not.
#' @import ggplot2
#' @importFrom reshape2 "melt"
#' @return If there are two sources, a vector containing the differences
#' between the two dietary proportion proportions for these two sources. If
#' there are multiple sources, a list containing the following fields:
#' \item{Ordering }{The different possible orderings of the dietary proportions
#' across sources} \item{out_all }{The dietary proportions for these sources
#' specified as columns in a matrix}
#' @author Andrew Parnell <andrew.parnell@@mu.ie>
#' @seealso See \code{\link{simmr_mcmc}} for complete examples.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' data(geese_data_day1)
#' simmr_1 <- with(
#'   geese_data_day1,
#'   simmr_load(
#'     mixtures = mixtures,
#'     source_names = source_names,
#'     source_means = source_means,
#'     source_sds = source_sds,
#'     correction_means = correction_means,
#'     correction_sds = correction_sds,
#'     concentration_means = concentration_means
#'   )
#' )
#' # Plot
#' plot(simmr_1)
#' # Print
#' simmr_1
#' # MCMC run
#' simmr_1_out <- simmr_mcmc(simmr_1)
#' # Print it
#' print(simmr_1_out)
#' # Summary
#' summary(simmr_1_out)
#' summary(simmr_1_out, type = "diagnostics")
#' summary(simmr_1_out, type = "correlations")
#' summary(simmr_1_out, type = "statistics")
#' ans <- summary(simmr_1_out, type = c("quantiles", "statistics"))
#' # Plot
#' plot(simmr_1_out, type = "boxplot")
#' plot(simmr_1_out, type = "histogram")
#' plot(simmr_1_out, type = "density")
#' plot(simmr_1_out, type = "matrix")
#' # Compare two sources
#' compare_sources(simmr_1_out, source_names = c("Zostera", "Grass"))
#' # Compare multiple sources
#' compare_sources(simmr_1_out)
#' }
#' @export
compare_sources <- function(simmr_out,
                            source_names = simmr_out$input$source_names,
                            group = 1,
                            plot = TRUE) {
#' @export
compare_sources.simmr_output <- function(simmr_out,
                                         source_names = simmr_out$input$source_names,
                                         group = 1,
                                         plot = TRUE) {
  # Function to compare between sources within a group both via textual output and with boxplots
  # Things to ly are:
  # If two sources are given:
  #   - provide the probability of one group having higher dietary proportion than the other
  #   - give the probability distribution of the difference
  #   - optional boxplot of two
  # If more than two sources are given:
  #   - provide the top most likely orderings of the sources
  # An optional boxplot of the sources

  # Throw an error if only one group is specified
    min.len = 2,
    any.missing = FALSE
  assert_true(all(source_names %in% simmr_out$input$source_names))
    len = 1,
    any.missing = FALSE

  # Start with two groups version
  if (length(source_names) == 2) {
    # Get the output for this particular source on these two groups
    match_names <- match(source_names, simmr_out$input$source_names)
    out_all_src_1 <- simmr_out$output[[group]]$BUGSoutput$sims.list$p[, match_names[1]]
    out_all_src_2 <- simmr_out$output[[group]]$BUGSoutput$sims.list$p[, match_names[2]]
    # Produce the difference between the two
    out_diff <- out_all_src_1 - out_all_src_2
    message("Prob (proportion of ", source_names[1], " > proportion of ", source_names[2], ") = ", round(mean(out_diff > 0), 3))

    if (plot) {
      # Stupid fix for packaging ggplot things
      Source <- Proportion <- NULL
      df <- data.frame(Proportion = c(out_all_src_1, out_all_src_2), Source = c(rep(source_names[1], length(out_all_src_1)), rep(source_names[2], length(out_all_src_2))))
      p <- ggplot(df, aes(x = Source, y = Proportion, fill = Source)) +
        geom_boxplot(alpha = 0.5, outlier.size = 0) +
        theme_bw() +
        theme(legend.position = "none") +
        ggtitle(paste("Comparison of dietary proportions for sources ", source_names[1], " and ", source_names[2]))

  # Now for more sources
  if (length(source_names) > 2) {
    # Get the output for all the sources
    match_names <- match(source_names, simmr_out$input$source_names)
    out_all <- simmr_out$output[[group]]$BUGSoutput$sims.list$p[, match_names]

    # Now find the ordering of each one
    ordering_num <- t(apply(out_all, 1, order, decreasing = TRUE))
    Ordering <- rep(NA, length = nrow(ordering_num))
    for (i in 1:length(Ordering)) Ordering[i] <- paste0(source_names[ordering_num[i, ]], collapse = " > ")
    if (simmr_out$input$n_groups > 1) cat("Results for group:", group, "\n")
    message("Most popular orderings are as follows:\n")
    tab <- t(t(sort(table(Ordering, dnn = NULL), decreasing = TRUE)))
    colnames(tab) <- "Probability"
    # Do not print all of it if too long
    if (nrow(tab) > 30) {
      print(round(tab[1:30, ] / length(Ordering), 4))
    } else {
      print(round(tab / length(Ordering), 4))

    if (plot) {
      # Stupid fix for packaging ggplot things
      Source <- Proportion <- NULL
      df <- reshape2::melt(out_all)[, 2:3]
      colnames(df) <- c("Source", "Proportion")
      p <- ggplot(df, aes(x = Source, y = Proportion, fill = Source)) +
        scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE) +
        geom_boxplot(alpha = 0.5, outlier.size = 0) +
        theme_bw() +
        theme(legend.position = "none") +
        ggtitle(paste("Comparison of dietary proportions between sources"))

  # Return output
  if (length(source_names) == 2) {
    if (plot) {
      invisible(list(out_diff = out_diff, plot = p))
    } else {
      invisible(list(out_diff = out_diff))
  } else {
    if (plot) {
      invisible(list(Ordering = Ordering, out_all = out_all, plot = p))
    } else {
      invisible(list(Ordering = Ordering, out_all = out_all))
andrewcparnell/simmr documentation built on April 12, 2024, 6:33 p.m.