
context("SAMC test")

test_that("samc p matrix row sums equal 1 without fidelity data", {

  # Create the samc object and get the row sums of the p matrix
  samc_obj <- samc(testlist[[1]]$res, testlist[[1]]$abs, model = list(fun = function(x) 1/mean(x), dir = 8, sym = TRUE))
  rs <- Matrix::rowSums(samc_obj$p_matrix)

  # Create a vector of the expected result based on the number of non-NA cells
  # in the original data and an extra entry for the last row of the p matrix
  length <- sum(!is.na(as.vector(testlist[[1]]$res)))
  v <- numeric(length + 1)
  v[] <- 1

  # Verify equality
  expect_equal(rs, v, check.names = FALSE)

test_that("samc p matrix row sums equal 1 with fidelity data", {

  # Create the samc object and get the row sums of the p matrix
  samc_obj <- samc(testlist[[1]]$res, testlist[[1]]$abs, testlist[[1]]$fid, model = list(fun = function(x) 1/mean(x), dir = 8, sym = TRUE))
  rs <- Matrix::rowSums(samc_obj$p_matrix)

  # Create a vector of the expected result based on the number of non-NA cells
  # in the original data and an extra entry for the last row of the p matrix
  length <- sum(!is.na(as.vector(testlist[[1]]$res)))
  v <- numeric(length + 1)
  v[] <- 1

  # Verify equality
  expect_equal(rs, v, check.names = FALSE)
andrewmarx/samc documentation built on Nov. 1, 2024, 10:10 p.m.