
# Identify functions that should not be tested, including quit(), q() and install.packages().
# Replace all occurrences with commented function
clean_script <- function(file, message = FALSE, target = c("rmd", "html")) {
  target <- match.arg(target)
  noRunFunctions <- c(
  ptn <- sprintf(
    "^!( *#* *).*%s",
    paste0("(", noRunFunctions, "\\(", ")", collapse = "|")

  ptn <- sprintf(
    "^[^ #]*.*(%s)\\(",
    paste(noRunFunctions, collapse = "|")
  if (!file.exists(file)) stop("file doesn't exist")
  txt <- scan(file,
    what = "character",
    sep = "\n",
    quiet = TRUE,
    blank.lines.skip = FALSE

  # Remove fancy quotes
  txt <- gsub("’", "'", txt, useBytes = TRUE) ## fancy single quote
  txt <- gsub("’", "'", txt, useBytes = FALSE) ## fancy single quote

  # Remove hard space
  txt <- gsub("", "", txt, useBytes = TRUE) ## weird hard space

  nonAsciiSpace <- "\xef\xbb\xbf"
  Encoding(nonAsciiSpace) <- "latin1"
  Encoding(txt) <- "latin1"
  txt <- gsub(nonAsciiSpace, " ", txt)
  Encoding(txt) <- "ASCII"

  # Comment lines containing noRunFunctions
  idx <- grep(ptn, txt, perl = TRUE)
  if (length(idx) > 0) {
    if (target == "html") {
      txt[idx] <- paste("##", txt[idx], sep = " ")
    } else {
      txt[idx] <- paste("\\dontrun{", txt[idx], "}", sep = "\n")
    if (message) {
      cat(txt[idx], sep = "\n")
      cat(txt[idx], sep = "\n")

  Encoding(txt) <- "ascii"


# Run clean_script for all scripts in inst/scripts/1-orig, putting cleaned version in inst/scripts/2-clean
clean_all_scripts <- function(scriptPath = here::here("inst/scripts/1-orig"), 
                              outPath, comment = TRUE, message = TRUE) {
  if (!file.exists(scriptPath)) {
    stop("script path doesn't exist")
  scripts <- normalizePath(list.files(scriptPath,
                                      pattern = "\\.[Rr]$",
                                      full.names = TRUE
  clean <- lapply(scripts, clean_script, message = message)
  ret <- sapply(seq_along(scripts), function(i) {
    newFile <- file.path(outPath, basename(scripts[i]))
    if (message) message(newFile)
    txt <- paste(clean[[i]], collapse = "\n")
    txt <- paste("if (interactive() ||'NOT_CRAN', unset = NA)) ) {", txt, "}", sep = "\n")
    writeLines(txt, con = newFile)

  scriptPath = here::here("inst/scripts/1-orig"),
  outPath = here::here("inst/scripts/2-clean")
andrie/rfordummies documentation built on March 23, 2022, 1:22 p.m.