#' Grabs station info for all stations
#' Uses output fron \code{get_buoy_names} and then parse each of the buoys webpages to extract common name, location, etc
#'@param buoyData Data frame. Output from get_buoy_names
get_buoy_location <- function(buoyData){
webPageLink <- "https://www.ndbc.noaa.gov/station_history.php?station="
buoyTable <- data.frame()
for (ibuoy in 1:dim(buoyData)[1]) {
abuoy <- buoyData$ID[ibuoy]
message(paste0("buoy ",ibuoy, " of ",dim(buoyData)[1]))
# form webpage link, get page and then line with info we need
buoyPage <- paste0(webPageLink,abuoy)
res <- tryCatch({
htmlPage <- readLines(buoyPage)
res <- TRUE
}, error = function(e) {
message(paste0("Warning: No webpage for buoy ",abuoy))
res <- FALSE
}, warning = function(w) {
message(paste0("Warning: No webpage for buoy ",abuoy))
res <- FALSE
if (!res) {
buoy <- data.frame(buoyData[ibuoy,],LAT=NA,LON=NA,STATION_LOC=NA,STATION_NAME=NA)
} else {
line <- htmlPage[grepl("DC\\.description",htmlPage)]
# now split line and grab pieces
locString <- strsplit(line,toupper(abuoy))[[1]][2]
locString <- strsplit(locString,"\\s-\\s")
# scrape lat and long
latLong <- sub("^\\s","",locString[[1]][1])
latLong <- sub("\\(","",latLong)
latLong <- sub("\\)","",latLong)
latLongDir <- strsplit(latLong,"\\s")
latLongDir[[1]][2] <- sub("\\.\"$","",latLongDir[[1]][2])
islat <- (grepl("[nN]",latLongDir[[1]][1]) * 2) -1 # convert EW to +1, -1
lat <- as.numeric(sub("[A-z]","",latLongDir[[1]][[1]])) * islat
islon <- (grepl("[eE]",latLongDir[[1]][2]) * 2) -1
lon <- as.numeric(sub("[A-z]","",latLongDir[[1]][[2]])) * islon
if (length(locString[[1]]) == 3) { # latlon, station num, station name
name <- locString[[1]][2]
loc <- strsplit(locString[[1]][3],"\"")[[1]][1]
} else if (length(locString[[1]]) == 2) { #latlon, station name
name <- NA
loc <- strsplit(locString[[1]][2],"\"")[[1]][1]
} else if (length(locString[[1]]) == 4){
name <- paste(locString[[1]][2:3],collapse = "-")
loc <- strsplit(locString[[1]][4],"\"")[[1]][1]
} else if (length(locString[[1]]) > 4) {
buoy <- data.frame(buoyData[ibuoy,],LAT=lat,LON=lon,STATION_LOC=loc,STATION_NAME=name)
buoyTable <- rbind(buoyTable,buoy)
buoyData <- buoyTable
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